Saturday, March 23, 2024

Geez, Texas Sounded Good For A Refuge Place To Retire... Now, I'm Not So Sure...









  1. As a reference point regarding Texas and their politics, I always remind folks of George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, John Connally, LBJ, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Lloyd Bentsen, you get the idea. Not exactly a bastion of liberty.

    1. And what state are you from that would be a "bastion of liberty"?

    2. I'm from the political cesspool of California (no praise for them whatsoever), am now in GA where things worsen by the day and the governor and sec. of state are obviously colluding for Biden despite claiming to be Republicans. We're headed to New Hampshire to join up with the Free State Project folks up there. Not perfect by any means, but a growing movement of folks trying to honor their state motto.

  2. Did the jackalope line not alert you to the fact that this is satire?

  3. And summer lasts from the end of April until Thanksgiving Day.

    1. I beg to differ, I was in Basic training in March and April and we had “Red Flag Days” (no activity out in the sun) Air Force, I know but at least I was smart enough to get in.

  4. The didn't even mention the Giant Texas Red Headed Centipedes. I'm not kidding. The first time one tries to crawl up your leg is a distubing event.

  5. > Snakes... don’t even get me started on the water headed copper moccasins here, and the Diamond Back Rattler Cobras.

    I especially like that verse. But I have to take great offense at the accusation that Texas has Oklahoma grasshoppers. Oklahoma has Texas grasshoppers. Big six legged horse sized critters with bad attitudes.

    In addition to murder hornets, Texas has cicada killers. Big bastards they are.

    And if I hadn't lived near Austin I wouldn't know anyone who has been vaxxed.

    Naomi Jankins is right. Texas ain't for the faint of heart. Don't mess with Texas. And as we say here in Texas, "We don't have a problem with people from [insert Liberal state name]. Just don't bring that shit with you."

    1. Well, you know, they're Yankees when they come visit but Damn Yankees when they decide to stay. Damn Yankees go home! Conservative Yankees welcome, though.

  6. I think I'll stay in the brush at the edge of the bay on the central Oregon coast.

    1. Boy, you sure are brave. The Democrats own Oregon, have basically legalized all street drugs, with no arrests (plus lots of drug overdoses), have worked hard to outlaw guns, made mail-in voting the only way you can vote (back in 2004 or 5, IIRC), and a host of other assaults on liberty. That's why my wife and I left the state when we retired back in 2008. Beautiful state, terrific shoreline, lakes and rivers, but one of the nastiest state governments in the entire country. And I've lived in fifteen different states during my 70+ years. I'd take alligators, chiggers, and jackalopes over Oregon, any day of the week. We ended up in Montana, which is fairly conservative and has great gun laws (including the equivalent of Constitutional carry - no permit required to carry concealed), along with some truly beautiful country. And zero sales tax.

    2. Hey RegT, I'm in Maine. This state is going all in on the crazy. Too many libs in state government, all of the bill of rights are under assault. I'm trying to hold out and see if the pendulum swings back but it ain't looking good.

    3. Scruff, NH here..we're not that far off from you, and could use the help...the Free Staters are keeping us on the right side of things, but only just.

  7. I stopped telling people how nice... it is here.

  8. I'm not a "native" Texan, but I got here quick as I could...

  9. Spent some time in Texas in the early 80s. Never seen people more proud of their heritage , and rightfully so. I learned two indisputable facts. 1) Don't mess with Texas and 2) Never disrespect the Alamo. God bless Texas.

    1. I accidentally left my hat on and went in the Alamo chapel one time and and got instanly corrected by one of the Docents. And I grew up in San Antonio and knew better!

  10. I think the Texicans have a bold new strategy to keep the Yankees out.
    Let's see if it works, Cotton....

  11. She’s full of it: Idaho is far worse.

    1. Louisiana is far better than Idaho. Friendlier people, better climate (no snow)

    2. Don't even think about North Dakota. Winter for 9 months and then construction season starts. It's just awful, stay home or go to Idaho. . .

  12. the Free State Project came to NH and not texas for a reason...

    one of the reason might have been "no damn rattlesnakes, because we'd be forced to use them as mascots like some sort of snake-handling cult"

  13. IF you must move here, Hill County, not Hill Country, is the place to go.

  14. I was just itty bitty when about bedtime and all the the scorpions come outta the stone fireplace or where ever to hunt the floor at night.
    Little guys, ' bout my size.

  15. My folks moved back to Texas from Caliphoney in '54, I never seen so many scorpions, tarantulas, horned toads! It left me with a great phobia of hairy creepy crawlers and that was just my relatives.

  16. With all our killer kritters, I've been thinking about putting up a sign incoming to the Florida state line that says "Welcome to Florida. Hope you survive your stay."

  17. Seems like all the Texans that are getting fed up with the Blueing of their cities are moving to where I am. Wish they'd learn to drive on roads with curves before they get here. Like a plague...


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