Monday, February 19, 2024

We'll See

 When I first saw this piece about a possible trucker's strike over at N.C. Renegade. The thought of "we'll see" popped into my head. The writer was offering alternate scenarios to a trucker's strike and this scene from the the movie Charlie Wilson's War came to mind. There is hope. At least people are now talking about standing up and offering some resistance to the tyrannical/illegal "madness" that has overtaken much of our government and the population centers of this country. 

Love him or hate him, DJT has received the very short end of the proverbial "stick". We have a sitting president representing a corrupt cabal of dark and sinister people who are dead set on preventing the upcoming elections and keeping President Trump out of the White House. Think about it like this. A sitting president using every resource of his office, including the Department of Justice, to inflict harm and suffering onto his opponent and hamper free elections (elections will never be free and fair in this technological age until we go back to only bonafide citizens voting using; paper ballots, in person, and inked dyed thumbs after voting but that's a story for later). What we now have is a long way from what the founders intended and is exactly what future Americans were warned against and why we have the 2nd Amendment and that is why those bastards are constantly trying to subvert the Constitution and take away our guns (no matter what, do not let them take your guns). Good luck and Godspeed to those who oppose the tyranny and injustice. In the meantime, we'll see.


  1. Ah la MTG, red state / blue state national divorce.

    1. Give half of your land to the enemy. The land, the resources, the railways and roads, airports and shopping ports. Give away half of all of it. To the enemy.

    2. Great idea! then we will see which half prospers and which half doesn't!

    3. Ghostsniper, good one.

  2. You also need to make election day a mandatory holiday. If you require in-person voting, those that cannot get off work will not vote. The unemployed will do all the voting and we're right back where we began.

    1. Wouldn't National Voting Day be at least as important as M.L.K. Day?

    2. I'd suggest Feb 29 as election day holiday. Go back to a March 15 inauguration. Minimize lame duck shenanigans.

    3. People can vote when they get off work, like they've always done. Stop coddling people.

  3. It's worse than that... Half the country believes what the TV tells them!
    WTF are we going to do with THAT batch? They have been convinced we're the traitors to the republic!?

  4. If this boycott takes hold, we'll know what the residents of NYC are going to do by the end of the week. This boycott should also be implemented in Atlanta and DC then move on to St. Louis and Chicongo, continuing west to San Diego, LA, San Fransisco, Portland and Seattle.

    We'll see what the market thinks of this tomorrow. So far, no reaction on that front, as futures are green, although the market is closed today.

    Starving the beast has worked since ancient times.

    Collapse comes slowly at first, then all at once.


  5. Take heart my friends, if it all falls apart, WE can rebuild it.
    We are the ones who built everything in the first place.
    But most of the poor libs will suffer. No Starbucks?..oh the horror..

    1. You can't rebuild if there is no electricity or diesel.

    2. Buy a history book ,son.

    3. You can rebuild electricity and diesel, it just takes longer. Generations, perhaps.

    4. To destroy is EASY. Any low IQ blue haired tacklebox faced freak can throw a bottle of "mostly peaceful but flaming protest" at your home, business or control building of something important. OR a crazy drive a large truck into the power transformers (Yes there are such brain damaged Eco-crazies, let alone religious fanatics).

      Shoot, Starve, Fail to provide Diabetes and heart meds to the MANY Oldsters that are STILL working knowledge of how the system works, well....

      An out of control dynamo at a major hydroelectric dam can cause catastrophic damage to the whole Dam system.

      It takes MAN Decades of working together under a plan to mine ores, forge metals, create oil wells, build magnets for generators and all that stuff we TAKE FOR GRANTED.

      Hell, just building a home takes a massive amount of work BEFORE the Workers actually build the building.

      I'm that weirdo that stops at historical signage. Are you aware how LITTLE we have BUILT since the 1940's? Maintained them since then. Once quite well, now not so much. THAT's why the Power Grid average AGE is40 Years OLD.

      SNIP The average age of electricity transmission infrastructure in the United States is forty years, with more than a quarter of the grid fifty years old or older - aging infrastructure is long overdue for a major overhaul

      You might notice that roads are not as well maintained as just a decade ago. Less pride in good work, just slap some patches and a thin tar cover to make it look new.

      When NOT IF the Road crews, Power crew, EMS and such STOP working or work even less effectively more stuff is going to 3rd world status. And that's JUST with the Piss Poor Government we suffer with today.

      NOW add some real 3rd world violence and chaos. Would YOU go out to Fix the Powerline if crazies want to harm you? Ask Reginald Denny about driving a semi-truck through the LA Riots about that.

      Want a REAL WORLD (tm) example? LOOK at South Africa TODAY. The professional white folks are driven out of the system and stuff just stops working and WORSE stuff gets stolen.

      South Africa last year sold MORE COPPER than it mined and refined. WHY? The New Gov.com workers and thugs (but I repeat myself) have STRIPPED the South Africain power grid of Wires.....

      And folks wonder why I have an Ox yoke for my milk cow. She can do a fine job snaking logs out of the woods without affecting her milking ability. I just snaked out an oak that a logger bought for over 2 K, yesterday. Helps pay the taxes on my property.

      I know how easy it is to cripple the trucking system. Tires come to mind. Some 90% as I've learned comes from China @ over 300 dollars per tire for an 18 wheeler. How much chaos road trash is needed to overwhelm the ability to fix flats and replace tires? Given China wants us crippled how willing are they to BOOST production and shipping them here? I recall when I was in Ft Jackson SC and had to do a Police Call of soldiers to clean up a few boxes of roofing nails that fell off a truck on the highway. Massive flat tire city for over a week.

      That just from stupid folks leaving the boxes open near the end of a pickup truck as I understand the story.

      Tempus fugit, might get hard to have Amazon deliver stuff you should already have in your barn now.

  6. I hope NY feels the pain. I would love Atlanta and DC and DC Metro to feel it next.

    1. DC should be paramount after nyc

  7. The French, back in 1787, knew exactly what had to be done - - and they did it.
    A few heads had to roll to prove they meant business, but ...

  8. We’re Americans; we need to start acting like that.

  9. I'm leary this will work. Is this a one-day event or will continue day-to-day until NYC breaks. Local drivers within the city will continue to deliver their goods until stocks are depleted. Company drivers might be able to call in sick one day, but more than that could cost them their job. Independents don't care one way or another, but if the money is good, they'll cave faster than a RINO supporting the wall. The hold outs will lose money, but eventually will need to get back to work or face foreclosures, bankruptcies and possible blackballed out of jobs. Unless blue collar working within NYC are participating, it's going to be a nothing burger with a side order of crap on their face. Just my two-cents.

    1. millions of turd worlders that just crossed the bo rder can do the job.
      Also elites ,politicians and those this is supposed to hurt have the resources to leave or have supplies delivered another way,

  10. We need to ask Trudeau how trucker "actions" work out.

    1. If you're willing to enact certain legislation no matter how illegal, and have your security forces beat the sh*t out of those truckers/protesters, and engage in lawfare against those truckers, then the answer is 'reasonably well'...
      for now.
      Mike in Canada

  11. There won't be any significant boycott. At least not this time. But it gets people thinking.

  12. There is every chance that exactly DJT will be the next, and last before the Great Entry into the Great Transition, driver of the Truck. And where is the truck going?

    A unique perspective on Tucker's interview with Putin (backed up with all the necessary sources). I mean, there really is nowhere else to meet it, backed up by the necessary factual justification. In case you are interested in more details, scroll down and review the next comments of the same person. This, for example. And I argue that this is exactly the actual reason for the interview (review, open the links and review more if you wish).

    Explanatory context, concerning the above.

  13. While going thru many different blogs and news searches regarding the trucker imbroglio, I became aware of the tragic amount of larceny that is going on in the Big Apple. People beat up police officers and were released back onto the streets! What kind of welcome is the State of New York, and New York City putting out?
    I would not go into NYC as a visitor, and I understand why truck drivers and trucking companies don't want to do business with them. Truckers are gambling that the cargo they are delivering will be make it to its destination, and seemingly every day the odds are becoming less and less in the trucking industries favor, and TPTB are seemingly in cahoots with the villans!

  14. Details about the judgement are still coming out and it appears they've screwed Trump International but good. It's not just any of his businesses in New York, it's any of his businesses incorporated in New York. They would be required to deposit 500 mil in an escrow account to appeal. Pretty funny. Let's all hope someone makes these people face the punishment they deserve. I'm most certain Captain Brain dead is smiling as his staff wipes the shit off his ass as they change his diapers.

  15. This isn't just a Trump/Real Estate thing. Anyone engaging in a NY commercial lending transaction is now open to this kind of "verdict". The cost of doing business in NY just went up a lot.
    The Truckers may get the headlines, but this will have very wide ranging implications. (And I don't care what the Governor said, she will be replaced someday).
    As I said above, anyone engaging in a commercial lending transaction, (where you typically pledge collateral), with a NY based lender now has a new risk in NY. A lot of the country deals with NY based lenders, this is not an insignificant risk. Anyone with a fiduciary responsibility has to now account for it.

  16. approximately 70% of truck drivers were NOT BORN in the FUSA

  17. It’s not bidet doing any of this. It’s been the 80 plus years of the bureaucracy behind the elected politicians accomplishing it. That’s why all the cabinets were created. State dept should be the first to go no cabinet member or employe was s”elected”

  18. the second amendment ensures the first amendment. without the first, the rest are meaningless.
    the hard part will not be cleaning up the mess Joe Biden will leave us.
    the hard part will be cleaning up the mess that gave us Joe Biden.

    1. As long as we're following The Plan that put us here, it won't require we do anything, at all.

      Now! That's a plan I'll vote for!

  19. Then there's this guy: https://bustednuckles.net/i-think-i-like-this-guy/


  20. It appears the "boycott" is over. 5 min read



    1. Folded like a cheap camera - Bob Grant.

  21. "Chicago Ray" jumped out there early and then backed off cold. I think "somebody got to him" regardless of him saying that did not happen. We'll see.


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