Sunday, February 18, 2024

I Think New York Not Only FAFO'd But Also Jumped The Shark...










  1. Trucker make our Country RUN - liberals make our coffee!! Now THAT should be on the back end of every TRAILER hauling goods to Make America Great Again! But I'd add ONE WORD to that - "PERMANENTLY"!! We need to keep the DEMOcrats out of power and make sure any R drifting to the left is removed as well! We don't need life long RINO's in office!!

  2. Most people don't seem to realize the WE, THE PEOPLE have the ultimate power. "They" can't piss away our tax dollars if WE unilaterally say "NO!" We stop paying, "They" stop pissing. A good, solid case of "Blue Flu" would be all it would take. It would be that easy! No "leaders" to persecute or hang. No laws broken. And how can "They" arrest us for calling in sick en masse? "They" would lose BILLLIONS in just a couple of weeks!

    Folks, this is what's GOT to be done. If it ISN'T done, WE, THE PEOPLE will be...

    1. So true Pete, so true.
      I'm troubled though... you go in public and talk to 100 strangers, you find most people think and believe like you and I do, albeit to varying degrees...
      What about those that feel opposite? You know who I mean... whats to happen?
      Not being a dick, nor rhetorical....

      10,000 patriots grab some rope and their ARs and head to Washington in a public convoy to remove the insurrectionists.
      10,000 blue haired liberals will form up defensive positions, because they think we're the insurrectionists trying to overthrow the government they believe was actually elected. They believe that! In their hearts and minds, they have convinced themselves it is the truth and they are wed to it. (Same as we believe it was stolen).

      What are we to do? Yes, we all know one possible answer, but none of us REALLY want that.

      The people we are actually at war with, are setting up exactly those conditions! So militia patriots do battle with the 69th intersectional dildo brigade while the FUCKING TRAITORS THAT CAUSED THE MESS ESCAPE TO THEIR HAWAIIN SEASIDE MANIONS!!!

  3. Wishing them the determination and success of the IDF.

    We have the same enemies (progressives and their pet armies of goons), and the same goals (freedom from oppression).

  4. Can someone clue me in on how truckers brought the Sate of Colorado to its knees a few years ago like this guy said? I worked the G staff at Ft Carson from 2008-2020 in security field and I think I would have heard about it. Not that I would have ANY issues with that happening, would be fun to watch.

    1. yeah you worked for the government and missed public undertakings

    2. Yep, I worked for the govt trying to protect this ungrateful country from itself mostly for over 42 years both military and civilian service. FYI, For every security story you see in public or online about something that is a threat or may bring a location to its knees if its true there are 10 real ones you the public never will hear about. I finally had my fill in 2021 since no one inside or outside of the govt really gave a fuck enough to do anything to fix it anymore. So No more sacrifice for the masses either left or right.
      But the question still is and it is a valid one, when did this happen and was it real or made up? This is viral all over the web and no where has anyone showed when and where it happened. I'm not the only one questioning this story. With all the wild stories on the web now, you have to question them all to determine the truth . We are in the middle of full on information warfare from all sides so you must Verify before you trust.

  5. This is freaken war.
    On Monday morning if I’m Eric Trump I bcc an email to any and all vendors stating that as of immediately Trump International, and any of it’s subsidiaries will no longer do any business with any corporation incorporated in the state of New York. We will also not do business with any corporation that has offices in or performs work in the state of New York.
    The I bcc all the financial people I deal with and tell them the same thing. Get out of New York state if you want Trump business.
    Then I call up my friends at the New York City planning commission and inform them you’re pretty sure there’s an issue with the zoning on Engoron home. It should probably be torn down. Immediately.

    New York State will pay a heavy price for this and most likely it will be a combination of boycotts. But we should demand that whack job judge be charged and tried for extortion and grande theft.

  6. We used to find bags of popcorn like that at the racetrack the day after the big show.
    They paid cash to help with clean up and if you found anything...finders keepers.
    This just from Pace Picante Sauce: NYC? We don't need any stinking NYC or commie progressives.
    Let them eat poop emojis.

  7. This is going to be interesting. Can't wait for the dim bulb mayor to come out with one his usual ludicrous race based pronouncements. By next Friday, we'll know whether it's working or not because that's when the food riots should start with the dindu's going to their local market and finding bare shelves. Total chaos in a week or less.

    The real fun is going to be seeing people making food runs on the subway/train to Westchester and all those little bergs in Joisey, then getting mugged on the trip back.

    I'm thinking Hochul is going to call out the NG to make food runs, not to protect the citizens.

    Next up Washington DC and Atlanta.

    Who has Orville Redenbacher stock? You're gonna be rich.


  8. If the boycott is real and works as planned, NYC will eat itself in a matter of days.

    1. Well, if they think they're dealing with lawlessness now (and they are), just wait until there are roving gangs of armed felons trying to find food. The few truckers that venture in will never reach their destination for all the high jacking and word will get out pretty quickly. Then the law-abiding citizenry will haul ass if able, I know I would if I found myself living in that shithole.

  9. I hope it works but I've never seen it done in the past. I don't recall
    anything really happening
    in Colorado because they
    quit too soon. We had
    another strike wayback in
    the 80s with no good
    outcome because the major refrigerated carriers didn’t support it

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner.
      They KNOW the big carriers won't participate. The loads will get through.
      NOW, if there were troubles on the roads leading into or out of (like a trailer caught fire underneath an overpass), or trucks at fuel stops nearby started experin ing mechanical problems, or... well, our supply chains are stretched so tight, I mean, lots of things could disrupt the flow of goods.

  10. Lived here for ever, but in the sticks. Can't remember any trucker actions that affected any thing out here.
    Would have rooted them on any way. We mostly hit "ignore" on the blue hive laws anyway. They ignore us and veecey Versa.

  11. I'm conservative as they come and I'm laughing. It is an utter fail from the get go. For every refusal, 10 others will step in and take the load.

  12. The media and all the libs try to make us think WE are the minority in this country. If they all took a month off, we'd never miss them. But if WE take a month off , their entire world will fall apart. Reality 101...

  13. I hope they can carry it off, but I think they'd be better off just passing the word silently and not trying to make it into a public event. When NYC screams and the media notices, then we'll know it worked. There are some legal venues that anything politically tainted conservative will NOT get a fair trial. NYC. DC. Those places need to be hit hard for being so corrupt. Those are hives of traitorous scum, both on the bench and in the jury pools.

  14. Soapweed nailed it. I don't give a fuck about the "laws" our common criminals masquerading as "representatives" create. They cherrypick the ones they abide by, so do I. Their best hope is that we merely continue our passive civil disobedience. The next option will be... unpleasant.

  15. Pendulum swings both ways. A man can wish, unfortunately then rates would go up and the liberal teamster assholes would make serious bank till the inflation starved them and their people because everything would get to expensive but that would be good as well till they moved to a location near you

  16. approximately 70% of all truckers today in FUSA, were NOT BORN in FUSA

  17. It is unwise to screw with the people that keep the wheels turning.


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