Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago....














Stay safe and enjoy the weekend!!


  1. I'm 77 years old....you're freaking killing me every Friday. I'll go with a smile on my face though.

    1. being almost the same age; I'll start my 77th trip around the sun in just a few days, all I can say is we may be old, but we ain't dead :-)) and FFF reminds us that we're still here, every week.

      Thanks for another spectacular edition FFF and have a great weekend


  2. These days, I usually hit the sack about 8 pm, sleep for a few hours, get up around midnight to give the cats their chicken snacks and surf for a while, until I go back to bed around 2 and sleep until 9 or 10 am.

    A far cry from when I was getting to work at 2 am, working until 4-5 pm, going back to my room and surfing/working on Skaven models until 9 pm. Sigh. I miss not only the work, but the frenetic pace, and the $$$$ checks. I do enjoy being home every night with my wife of almost 45 years, so it works out. She is still not only my best friend, but the most beautiful woman in the world in my eyes.

  3. SuhWEET Selections!
    Thanks Irish!

  4. Nice set! Thanks, Irish

  5. Does #16 have a sock stuffed in they/them's panties?

  6. Love the “Young Wifey” features!

  7. Nice real pillows on 3, 71 (needs some Cinnabons), nice bush, bazoobz on 7, nice bouncy on 8, nice milk white on 22, 80, nice AI lady on 25, nice pear and inverted heart on 37, 72, nice looking older lady on 39, 58, nice Wake up, Darling on 41, nice big girl (need more of them) on 49, nice something to make the South rise agin on 59, nice pre-anesthetized on 67, nice coven on 86, nice shock absorbers on 97, nice dumplings on 101.

    PS So glad to see so much original equipment.

  8. Outstanding FFF. Thank you for all that you do!

  9. I noticed that. Best to look closely these days I’m thinking.

  10. Farah always struck me as very predatory in that pic; I approve.

    Thanks for putting these together.

  11. 111 - We'll not see their like again. Going up in those bombers, night after night, with nothing but fabric and aluminum between you, flak and the night fighters. That took courage.

  12. Thank you. Nice end to the week. Thanks for the planes. The Brits win this week. Chief

  13. Gawd I love Bewbs....

  14. Replies
    1. Sabrina


      Watch out for the crazy/hot matrix

    2. https://youtu.be/pInk1rV2VEg?si=w4a3O205HvN1Zoag Watched it again the other day. Bet Spirinac is a 10

  15. Thank you for your wonderful page.

  16. Lots of wonderful nostalgic pics of hotties. I can't say that I can name them all, but they all seem wonderfully familiar. Great as always.

  17. 2 - WTAF?
    3 - Damn.
    6 - Cute.
    12 - MOTN 3rd Alternate
    14 - I love a Hot Mom.
    17 - Cheryl Tiegs 1978 Sports Illustrated
    27 - Raquel Welch
    30 - DAMN!
    31 - Jennifer Love Hewitt - from Ghost Whisperer
    36 - Three times in a month? Still doing better than me......
    42 - Ann Pennington - March 76 PMOTM
    43 - Shay Knuth - September 69 PMOTM
    44 - Brigett Rollins - May 75 PMOTM
    45 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    62 - Gen one Bronco with a slide-in pop-up camper. Talk about old school.

    66 - Boeing Fortress Mk.IIA (B-17E) PJ-J, Googling the serial FK209 comes up as an aircraft belonging to No.59 Sqn RAF Coastal Command. One site says MIA, other says MIA due to enemy aircraft, either way was lost on 23/03/1943. Oldest crewmember was 31, youngest was 20, all 8 crewmen killed, all were RCAF. (from Reddit)

    67 - June Palmer - UK fashion model during the 60's
    69 - Sarah is ready.
    71 - I love it when they start without me.
    75 - Julia Ann
    77 - OK. Sure. You are shy......
    78 - Yosemite National Park
    83 - MILF of the Night
    86 - How I ended up dying to a Coven.
    89 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    92 - My POTN
    95 - What a pleasant looking soul eater.
    96 - De Havilland DH 98 Mosquito The Brit's wooden wonder that defied all that opposed it.
    98 - MOTN 1st Alternate
    99 - POTN 1st Alternate
    102 - POTN 3rd Alternate
    103 - Bo Derek from one of her many Playboy shoots.
    112 - The world's only airworthy Avro Anson Mark1 https://www.classicfighters.co.nz/anson
    114 - OK. Now number two makes sense. Otherwise, I'd still have no clue.

    Great way to end my Flu recovery week.
    I feel better than any bowl of soup could imagine!
    Thanks, Boss!

    Whitehall, NY

  18. Shit!
    This is what happens when I don't proof read my own stuff. DAMMIT!

    108 - Was the Avro Anson Mark 1
    112 - Was the big money Bronco resto mod from Classic Ford Broncos.

    I blame my head fog on my sickness.
    (That's my story and I'm sticking to it....)

    Whitehall, NY

    1. avro was an awesome design house....

  19. I had a 1970 442 W-30 just like that, only mine was black with white stripes.

  20. Awesome, all of them.
    # 25, classic sexuality of another era. # 41, coffee, hell yes.
    I, humbled.
    Thank you,
    Bear in Indy

  21. Agree with the earlier comment on #16. Looks like something stuffed in there. Her name might be Lola. Like the Heffalumps and Woozles in Winnie the Pooh, beware...

    Otherwise, an outstanding assortment Irish. Many thanks.

  22. 16! That's a dick and balls!

  23. #2. It's all about perspective. I was wondering what the holy hell I was looking at
    #13. FTW where has she been when I've been stuck on the elevator before
    #16. I got a derection


  24. Another fantastic collection!
    Some great curves, starting with number 3!
    Is 31 Jennifer Love Hewitt? I think it is but I don't know what that's from...
    Nice throwbacks from 42-44 there!
    British Page 3 girl Holly Peers is number 50
    Nice shot of Sandra O with her shirt on at 55
    Linda Hamilton at 69 in Terminator II. She was such a cute kid in the first one, she really buffed up for the sequel
    Great collection of vehicles too! I love the 442, and the B-17 in RAF service is beautiful! That old gent under the wing of the Lancaster at 111 is great!
    Thanks for all you do!

  25. Replies
    1. 63 Paige Spirinac is starting to look old if even she can find another husband she better get busy

  26. Thank you for clearing up the duck( coot?) On the water! It was driving me crazy trying to figure it out.

  27. If you spend that much money on a wicked black camaro - put the CORRECT bumper on it - dang

  28. That's not Alanis Morrsette that's Steven Tyler from Aerosmith

  29. Suckage. Why I hugged my dad when he came home from work. Crummy dirty job, 6 days a week to pay for all the kids, and I'm here because of him. Will never meet a better man.


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