Sunday, January 28, 2024

Who, exactly, is he working for?




So Biden says he is “Willing to shut down the border” right now…..If the border deal passes (With Ukraine funding). 

(read that again….the security of this country hinges on him getting taxpayer money for Ukraine)


Why isn’t he willing to shut down the border RIGHT FUCKING NOW?

Why is he holding this COUNTRY, the United States, hostage, in order to make sure that Ukraine gets it’s funding…more free money from the United States taxpayer? Why is that more important to him , higher in priority, than the sovereignty of our country’s borders and the economic health of our citizens? (How much are they kicking back to him and his family?)








  1. most of what we give ukraine is surplus, and overvalued. we give a worn out hummvee worth $500 in scrap metal and claim $75,000. we give expired missiles we need to pay to destroy, because they can't be refurbished or recycled, and claim we gave them $100,000 each. the numbers are a lie, but both sides like the numbers. the right uses it to rile people up, and the left uses it to virtue signal. both know the numbers are a lie, but they like the results.

    that said I have yet to figure out how to deposit a howitzer in a bank account.

    as far as tying 2 things together that is as old as congress. how do you get your opponent to give you want you want? tie it to something they want. the democrats are masters at this, and someday maybe we'll get a hint and figure it out. we make "clean" bills, that don't pass, so essentially we spin our wheels and gain nothing, while the dems make dirty bills that pass, and we get a little and they get a little.

    "We cannot buy our security, our freedom from the threat of the bomb by committing an immorality so great as saying to a billion human beings now enslaved behind the Iron Curtain, "Give up your dreams of freedom because to save our own skins, we're willing to make a deal with your slave masters." Alexander Hamilton said, "A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one." Now let's set the record straight. There's no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there's only one guaranteed way you can have peace - and you can have it in the next second - surrender." Ronald Reagan, A Time for Choosing

    why has our side suddenly become the side of appeasement? how many friends do we feed to the alligator with the desperate hope he will be satiated by the time he gets to us? the pittance we give to ukraine means that the wind is most thoroughly removed from the russian sails. they will not do this again. and it cost us no blood to do it.

    1. Appeasement has become attractive again because too many of teh MAGAs have been taken in by Putin's propaganda. In short, they have been duped just as the new left had been duped by the same ilk back in the 60s. There is nothing new under the sun.

    2. I am so tired of this, “we must destroy russia to save ourselves “ argument.
      Ukraine is Literally Nazi. It is the most corrupt country in the world. You would think we would have learned a lesson, after saving the communist in WW2, to watch them capture half of Europe.
      But no, we haven’t.
      Now we’re trying to to destroy Russia for the sake of the WEF, and the EUSSR.
      The United States has already pumped more money into this than Europe combined.
      Ask yourself, where had all the artillery shells gone?
      They have consumed all our stocks, as well as all of europe ‘s.
      My wife proposed a interesting theory,
      “What if all this money and equipment is actually being stockpiled for the EU’s proposed army they want to build?”
      Why is any oversight soundly rejected by our government?
      Why wouldn’t we want to know where all of our weapons and money is going?

    3. no, ukraine isn't "literally nazi". they're vikings. you know that the vikings used runes long before the germans thought they were cool, right?

      ukraine is far from the most corrupt country in the world. russia has corruption as the national sport.

      we aren't trying to destroy russia...russia is trying to destroy itself by invading neighbors that won't roll over in 3 days as they predicted. you would think once they reached 10 times the casualties they took in afghanistan inside of the first month, they'd rethink this whole thing. but they keep going.

      if you want russia to survive, we need to make ukraine the juice not worth the squeeze. for their continued survival they need to retreat...NOW. or they will not survive. they will become a chinese vassal state.

      we know where all our money and equipment is going. it's killing orcs, wholesale.

      we have oversight. the defense accounting office knows exactly who every piece of equipment has been issued to. the oversight that keeps being demanded is they want to know precisely where every single bullet of small arms ammunition was fired. no war has done that. that's not going to happen.

  2. Gonzalo Lira laid it all out about who is paying who and the cookie car of vile evil slime that is Ukraine.
    It is the key to all of the dastardly deeds of the CPUSA (D) cabal and their fellow travelers the CCP.
    They must keep the truth under wraps by any means necessary.
    As Orwell said, the war isn't meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.
    You can get away with all kinds of perfidious treason during wartime.

    1. Lira was an idiot and propagandist. Little of what he said had any truth in it.

    2. gonzalo lira? the russians got him in a honey trap. he was a pick up artist before the war. he was a spy, not a journalist. they caught him red handed taking pictures and getting GPS data of ukranian military defenses.and transmitting it to his russian handlers.

      they told him to stop. he did it again. they arrested him and put him on probation. he did it again. they escorted him to the polish border and told him to GTFO. he came back and did it again. so they finally threw him in jail. his 3 pack a day smoking habit finally caught up to him. he had multiple opportunities to be a journalist. the government there didn't care what he said, just what he did. but he continued to be a spy, and paid for it.

      good riddance.

  3. Not Beijing, Moscow, or Tehran – Our Republic’s #1 enemy is DC.
    More Americans realizing this truth is an important step in restoring our Republic.
    May all come to light.

    1. No, this administration has been infiltrated by Iraians, but they are the emmisaries of the Axis of Evil comprised of China, Russia, Iran and working with the WEF and the UN. We are already in WWIII and it started with the installation of Jackass Joe. DC is just as compromised, but it's about this regime behind the scenes.

  4. I think they have realized the grift is over, so they are throwing caution and discretion to the wind and just raking in the cash as fast as possible.
    Knowing the chances of a public hanging are quite small, not non existent, but small.

  5. Fuck him and the shit weasel wiggle room clauses in his bullshit proposal. It's designed specifically so they can abide by it as it has ZERO impact on the crimmigrant invasion he and his bosses are responsible for. Thay ALL deserve to be tried and hanged.

    1. "Tried"? By whose courtiers? The King enlawed that The King is immune to The Rule of Law.

  6. 'Close the border', Buyden means "if YOU republicans allow me to let TWO million people per year in, THEN I'll pretend to 'close' the border'.

  7. Biden lies like a Persian rug. He has no intention of closing the border ever and the Rinos know it.

  8. $#^&&& FFTHHH&&%^ ^^*%$$ **(( Joe *(())**(() Biden!!! and the ^^&** %%$$%$ Obamas

  9. At this point you can only laugh at the clowns, someday someone’s gonna get mean. Buying lots of popcorn these days

  10. These jackasses are trying to normalize illegal crossings as being okay same as liberal states okay shoplifting if it's under a grand.
    There's just not enough trees, ropes and pikes for these assholes.

  11. Can't have an invasion if all the troops aren't in the country yet. That's all this is, is a precursor to all out war in this country prior to the election. And yeah, until his pockets are full and the country is in ruin...nothing is going to change.

  12. Ukraine. Mexico. Yemen. Whoever. As long as there is one homeless or hungry American CITIZEN, we have no business sending anyone a dime. Fuck'em.
    How about not getting involved in other people's business. They made their bed. Let them lay in it.

    1. under those conditions, we will never defend ourselves. problems that could have been solved small, become too big to handle without massive amounts of blood and treasure.

      no problem stays where it is. it eventually comes to our doorstep. if we solve it small and cheap, it never comes here big and expensive.

      if we had been supporting liberty minded leaders in central and south america 50 years ago, we wouldn't have these people coming to our border now. but we decided it wasn't our problem. well, now it is. we could have solved this with a small amount of money and a small amount of manpower. how about now?

  13. Biden has everything he needs to shut down the border already. He is gravely derelict in his duty.

  14. Joe told you himself who he DOESN'T work for: "I don't work for you, Jack." And he was deadly serious when he said it.


  16. Yeah sure. I hope no one is stupid enough to believe Joe. There is a 100% chance he will renege on the deal and then he will laugh at the fools who believe him.

    1. I’m still waiting for the democrats to make good on the promise to secure the border they made to Ronald Reagan.

  17. TRUMP 2024! remind Republicans that impeachment is *always* an option

  18. Taking a deep breath to remain serene. The people in Washington, across the board with few exceptions, are corrupt as hell and on the take from every angle. Ukraine, China, US NGO's and the global anti America crowd are all in it. This is a fact and no amount mainstream media bleating is going to change it.
    All hard working, tax paying Americans had better sit down and figure out what the solution is going to be when the corrupt parties and agencies pull another "stop the count at midnight" to have everyone awaken to a sudden percentage of "votes" showing up on the D ledger side. Just like last time, it is likely to be the purple swing states/cities doing it. In deep red territory it is extremely difficult, people there are watching things closely and tend to keep things more honest. I for one and no longer sure that even a real "Tsunami" for the R nominee (whichever one results) is going to be enough. This is the big one for those that want total control. Anyone want to bet there wont be far more votes cast than there are legal voters? Pray it is not Haley, that one is bought and paid for by the left.


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