Sunday, October 22, 2023

When The "FA" Escalates Into A "FO" Rather Quickly...










  1. I love these kinds of video.....cathartic. Steve Imnan on rumble, video after vid of assholes getting what they deserve. Its one of the ways I get through the day.

  2. Yeah, except laughing bitch was blocking the left, i.e., the passing lane, also known by the legal term, "impeding the flow of traffic", a traffic violation. Dude should have been paying more attention to the road, while at the same time giving her the single digit salute, as I do if I have to pass you on the right. She Can't Understand Normal Thinking.

    1. Uhhhh might have to disagree with you on this one. She was in the passing lane because she was passing the asswipe who then sped up.

  3. Bombs Dropping To HellOctober 22, 2023 at 9:14 PM

    An old carrier will be used to find out how quickly WWIII can start?

    1. Yep. Or maybe a new one that's plagued with problems.

  4. The streets and highways seem to bring the dikhed out in everybody.
    Looks like the driver that was making the vid was hogging the fast lane. shrug

  5. A sweet start to Monday. Thank you.

  6. An unloaded pickup truck is unstable in maneuvering as this guy aptly demonstrated.

    1. +1
      I have an F350 with the diesel engine. The handling can be a bit squirrely when there is no load on it and a rough ride. I can put a thousand pounds in the bed the ride is smooth and the handling tightens up.

  7. Female drivers laughing makes me wonder if they didn’t deserve what he got instead

  8. ps fluorescent vest makes me wonder if she isn’t that bull dike bitch that looks like one of the two on TV at the chiefs game yesterday that holds the slow/stop sign on the road construction site

  9. Unloaded pickups tend to oversteer. I thought everyone knew that. Guess not.

  10. On the road here in Florida I try my best to keep my ASS on the seat instead of wearing it like a Hat! Ya gotta think that everybody is Carrying here and just last few days their were shootouts on I95 between St Augustine and Jax! I carry LOL!


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