Tuesday, October 24, 2023

High School Intern, Working Summer Job on the Vineyard , Makes First 911 Call.....








  1. Point Guard SD PlisskenOctober 24, 2023 at 9:58 PM

    Ukrainan assault kayaks spooked them? A Meanwich Stinkburger fish popped up maybe. (s/)
    Max Rockatansky and the last V-8 Interceptor, this movie made me giddy as a child and I couldn't wait for the real deal.
    Demoralized? Bwahahaha!
    Get in the Falcon Broseph, we're making dystopia great again.

  2. Nigga cra cra, dat waters cold, like my balls. An den he go and da utter he go den dey yellin like an sheet. De utter he go like off, like, da diver an da water but no won dere. Like, he got da boat but no diver got nobody ca. Yeah, da amba lanch da rescue man. Sheet!

    1. I know that didn't just flow outta yer mouth. How many times did you "fix" it? lol

  3. I hope Trump doesn't have a ss like that protecting him .That sounds like a high school kid.

    1. Wake up fool. Trump is owned by the Jooz. Wailing wall. Father of the vax. Israel is our gggreatest ally.

  4. I didn't watch it, but shouldn't a Ss agent know how to swim and do basic water rescue?

    1. Oh, the whole story is concocted bullshit, any moron can see that.
      I ran up to the house to call 911 while our rescue swimmers are getting the boat out?
      Drowning takes seconds, you don't run to the house, or get a boat ready. You dive in the fucking water and swim over to the person. Otherwise they're dead, call a morgue, not an amulance.
      Cover up much? This call was placed to provide evidence to support the cover up.

  5. this is affirmative action and DEI result. we are supposed to think they are more competent than us?

  6. Be skeptical about everything Obama. Do not believe anything he says. His handlers are up to no-good...

  7. It is hard to believe they did not have a boat in the water to protect from a water incursion by nefarious folks. Something smells fishy and it ain't the smell of the ocean.

  8. If this example is the level of competence of Seecrat Sarvice agents these days, any President or any other protectee is in real trouble. Well, they are SUPPOSED to take a bullet for the protectee, however the decision matrix for that action seems totally lacking in logic. Lemme guess, DIE hire with emphasis on die.


  9. I'm guessing that he was Obama's sex partner and wasn't keeping quiet about what he knew and had to be silenced.

  10. He saw Michelle's dick & had to be eliminated before he talked to The Enquirer.


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