Wednesday, October 18, 2023

♫♪♫ The War Of The World's..... Jeff Wayne's Musical Version... ♫♪♫



 Other info here at wiki <<<






  1. Smoked a couple of round bales worth listening to this.

  2. Right up there with Rick Wakeman’s Journey to the Center of the Earth

  3. Great album with Richard Burton's rich voice narrating. The Martian attack is the best part. The life under the Martians is so-so.

  4. It's a huge achievement -- and never mind that it's not absolutely faithful to Wells's novel! I wish Jeff Wayne had done more such works. There are a lot of classic SF novels that could use that kind of "sub-creation."

  5. Bear Claw laughs remembering the story heard as a kid from one of the Mississippi ancestors about listening to the radio grabbing a bottle of booze and hiding out in the swamps

  6. " The chances of anything coming from Mars is a million to one..."

  7. I had a copy of a copy where the tape ran out before the end when I was 8 or so. God I loved it. Had the fanfare from Brave New World as my ringtone forever.

  8. Phil Lynott, Julie Covington and Herbie Flowers at 52:00.

  9. In 2012 Jeff did a New Generation version with Liam Neeson taking the place of Burton.

  10. I've always been a Moody Blues fan, so when a buddy told me Justin Hayward had a big part on the album, I went out and bought it. Amazing. Since then I've gotten it on CD and then picked up the filmed version on DVD. At a Moodies concert in Indiana, after a short intermission, Justin Hayward came out alone and sang Forever Autumn. Blew me away, since it's not a Moodies song.

  11. I thought everyone on the planet had forgotten about this, I still have the vinyl and the book that came with it. Glad to know I'm not alone...


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