Monday, September 18, 2023

RE: The F-35... Something is up for sure if this is any indication...


  This is gonna get really interesting.










  1. Landed on a Chinese freighter off the coast?

  2. These days pretty much everything is bizarre, especially if it’s coming from the US government. Maybe they are covering up that UFOs beamed to F-35 up into the mothership hanger. Meanwhile, and I hope I didn’t regret this moment of levity later, how about a post featuring a few good missing F-35 memes?

  3. I guess the prevailing question would be: how do you lose an F35?

    1. You let your girlfriend drive it.

    2. At Big Countries sight, in the comments, Insider says it was shot down while practicing low speed maneuvers (at 2500 ft) in a sparsely populated area, known to local LEO's as a militia activity area. Pilot reported hearing "pings" before red lights came on. That will not help overseas sales. That story (if true) will be ruthlessly supressed.

    3. Leave the keys in the ignition and the canopy unlocked

    4. Have a vaxxed pilot fly it and die an "unexplained" death in the air. Beauty of this from the .mil standpoint is that there is unlikely to be any evidence to support this.

  4. https://twitter.com/retailrefugee/status/1703593389273272491?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1703593389273272491%7Ctwgr%5E9a88377225dbb76a791f53c9d55f1a11ab7b38b1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpjmedia.com%2Fvodkapundit%2F2023%2F09%2F18%2Fthe-marines-need-help-finding-a-lost-stealth-fighter-and-nobody-can-stop-laughing-n1727856

  5. Let's try this for SWAG (Simple Wild Ass Guess) - some nasty state player hacks the electronics in real time (helloo Chinese balloons and satellites), pilot sees fatal failure and bails. Nefarious player remote flies the craft to a smooth landing at one of those secret bases (called PLA China Overseas Farms) somewhere out there, crew of all those fine young military age gotaways that have arrived from China over the past 2 years dismantles the thing with plasma and mechanical cutters then puts it into a lovely batch 40' COSCO container scheduled on return "empty" to China. Well coordinated, well hidden, well greased. Gosh, got to get cracking on that novel, it won't write itself, eh?

    1. Oh well, the story is still fiction https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/debris-field-found-search-missing-35-south-carolina/story?id=103291654

  6. What are they trying to distract us from now...

  7. White German ShepherdSeptember 18, 2023 at 5:54 PM

    So they stood down the aircraft with the most modern sensors and likelihood of finding the lost airplane.

  8. Question is - What made them announce it to the public anyway?

  9. The F35 has Data Links up the wazoo. It’s designed to gather real time data and distribute it to other aircraft and ground crew to help build an accurate picture of a dog fight/battle. The damn things like an Iphone. We know where they’re all at, all the time. Unless there's something really nefarious going on.

  10. Looks as if the F-35 has been found: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/f-35-debris-found-in-field-after-frantic-search-for-missing-jet
    That aircraft is a total piece of junk, as far as I'm concerned. I worked on the design of some black boxes for it some years ago, and what a clunker.

  11. Let me get this right. Suddenly, ALL the best trained pilots in the world are told they don't know a g---amned thing about flying, so take this long winded gee whiz special training. Elsewise, you aint leaving dirt. is that right? Sounds like there is a major hole in the available information. I notice they didn't differentiate about what is being flown, either. Even the caveman simple aircraft are no go? Some new threat, and how to handle it.

  12. I think it could be parked at a charging station to reserve it for Jennifer Granholm ...

  13. Debris field has apparently been located. Why the pilot ejected (or was ejected?) has not been released.
    The 2 -day standdown was ordered by the acting CMC for all Marine Aviation units. A safety standdown is common when there have been multiple incidents that need to be addressed.
    Re: the term “mishap.” This is the standard term for an aircraft accident/incident in USN parlance. I understand that it his a kind of “oopsie” flavor to it for those not in the service.

  14. Just another day in clown world.

  15. A Marine aircraft? Hmmmm interesting indeed.

  16. Green Hills Software produces the Integrity 178B Operating System that powers the F-35, F-22, F-16, and B-2. It also powers the Airbus A380. It was also quite possibly leaked. Now you understand why the entire USMC air fleet has been grounded.

    Fun fact: the CEO of Green Hills Software is none other than infamous Elon Musk hater Dan O'Dowd.

  17. Bwahahaha training unit, he hit the wrong switch. ps It’s in the ocean.

  18. She’s cleaning the crusty exterior for other non-normal uses

  19. Read an anonymous comment on one of the chans a few hours ago, so take this with a heavy dose of skepticism. Commenter posted that the F-35 in question was practicing hover maneuvers in an area with a very active paranoid militia, and apparently the plane was downed by heavy caliber (.50bmg) small arms fire. The Air Force knew exactly what happened, but they can't tell the world their newest and most sophisticated jet fighter was brought down by a couple guys with rifles, so they'd rather look stupid than weak.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Rather easy to bring down an aircraft in hover mode with small arms fire. As any 'Nam Herky-bird pilot about kids with slingshots and stones...


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