Monday, September 18, 2023

Meanwhile, In Columbus, Ohio... What the actual fuck did she say?

  First off, the comments are moderated. iykwimaityd

 As pissed off as you may be and I am with you. I find this to be so amazingly incomprehensible. Let's Discuss it like adults. 

It's only a short clip but there doesn't seem to be any excuse for someone be so fucking callous.

The father handled it extremely well.

She needs to go. Fired. Now.

 Welcome to 2023.






 By the way, I think they must be getting a lot of flak.




  1. And you probably thought that you were being stolen from to pay for people to protect YOU. LOL. They are there to protect THEM. You just pay the bills. Nothing wrong with calls to abolish the government monopoly police forces. They serve only the government. Replacing them with a fully competitive free market in protection services that would benefit all of society and actually, finally, be responsive to their customers, is what is truly needed.

    1. Refreshing to read your comment. I had to look at the name to make sure I hadn't written it.
      I have no use for any gov't employee parasite.

    2. Lowliest janitor, right up to the highest office in the land, I'm with Ghost on this one.

  2. CPD used to be a good outfit. Glad we moved out of there (more reasons than that).
    Steve S6

  3. So it was a cop looking to bang an 11 year old.

  4. Police investigating themselves. As usual, expect anything to be done to these brothers in blue?

  5. I won't say what I'm thinking as a Dad because everyone here will know exactly what it is without me having to say it.

  6. How best to control a narrative?
    Open an investigation and then say you can't comment on an ongoing investigation. Ask Brian Kemp for tips. He used the Georgia bureau of investigation to stifle evidence of the election fraud.

  7. 6 hours, and uniforms instead of detectives. They were not even cognizant regarding the details, and assumed a lot of misinformation. Professional behavior is not that hard, unless you are a mental deficient. Short investigation, long training, strict and powerful resolution are the order of the day. That is a travesty if their whole department is of that capacity. Really doesn't help the good ones.

  8. So the question I have is are either of the responding officers still on duty? If so, WHY?
    I'd like to see the department explain that.

    Further, a 6 HOUR response time? And then this bitch and her response?

    If she's not fired or encouraged to retire than the police chief and his staff are approving of the conduct.....which means THEY need to go. Same same any union or other police advocate.

  9. The father showed an amazing amount of restraint. Not sure if I could have pulled that off. Kudos to him.

  10. Some people believe -- nay "know" -- that raping a virgin will flush the AIDS away. Some people have been told -- their entire lives -- that eating the flesh of an albino will cure cancer. Some people support the rule of law -- for great justice.

    When they do what they do, because of what they "know", who should be surprised at the results. They are what they are.

    1. The Columbus metro area now has over 50,000 Somalis and Ethiopians. Import Africa, become Africa. Thanks, US Department of State, for paying to import tens of thousands of people who hate us!

  11. Silly thinking the police are the answer for a feral pedophile.

  12. from videos that I have seen, I'm actually shocked they didn't arrest the dad on the spot for "obstructing a police investigation". that's usually the solution to walking away and shutting a door. perhaps the SWAT team wasn't available?

    always remember..we outnumber them. by a lot.


  13. The Columbus Police were Ok when I first moved to Ohio back in '92. About 95-97 they started going down hill as the city administration leaned more and more to the left. Now they're woke, with the all the problems that go along with that. The down town mall had to close because of the vibrants the Police refused to control, along with other troubles such dereliction of duty causes.

    Columbus is a place to avoid these days.

  14. I'd wonder if the 'police officer' isn't a connoisseuse of such images herself.

  15. Horrible human being. I would have called her a C U N T right to her face

  16. Remember folks the SCOTUS has ruled Time after Time the police have absolutely NO duty to protect anyone period . All they do is protect the guilty and each other and thats all folks

  17. Police motto:

    To SERVE the politicians
    and to
    To PROTECT the pension

  18. Accusing a sexual predator of being a sexual predator should be done very carefully: you may end up in a J6 prison: democrats don't accept ANY attacks on its voters.

  19. “ Handled in the highest degree of concern”. That muff divin bitch needs to be skull fucked.

  20. Still wanna see that Epstein Island client list?

    1. Only need to if the scalps have varying rewards.

  21. First, for those commenting that this is a Columbus OH problem, I highly doubt this is an isolated incident. it's just one that's recorded and found it's way into our

    next, we are living through some serious anarchy tyranny that gets worse as no wrongs gets righted

    this is how they create a police state and authoritarianism. you realize the state at every level is predatory and parasitic.

  22. I still think its on the parents for not more closely supervising their 11 year old child. The parents KNOW what kind of human garbage is out there on the internet. I doubt the incident occurred on a whim - the groomer probably had been working that target hard for a while. A simple daily inspection of the phone would have revealed plenty. If the parents don't know how, then the kid shouldn't have a phone.

    1. My kids have flip phones AND I check daily

    2. The victim is 11 years old, not even the age of accountability in any jurisdiction, and yet you literally just typed "She was asking for it", in so many words.

      Ballsy. Well played.

      Please, stay anonymous.

  23. The tin stars are NOT your friend. Haven't been for a long long time, it's just gotten egregious enough of late that people are beginning to take notice.

  24. 40 years ago in po-lice academy i was more scared of the people in my class than anyone i ever met on the street...
    hooooooeeeee shit what a clusterfuck that was...
    the word clueless idiots is an understatement...
    i could spend hours typing out the horror stories...

  25. And NOTHING happens in 3...2...1...

  26. The biggest mistake of modern society is taking retribution away from the people best suited to mete it out, and putting it in the 3rd-party hands of jaded, corrupt minions of government.


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