Saturday, May 20, 2023

What we need are lunatic asylums and this deranged-woke-triggered-maniac needs to be housed in one of them!- stat.

 I have to scratch my head and wonder who elects people like this? I would not have believed there were that many uninformed voters in Nebraska. Then, I think of Pennsylvania. It is the same uninformed voters that elect people like Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer, Warren, Uncle Fester, etc. I am not going to list "Bribe-em" because I do not believe he was duly elected. Show this short video to your young'uns and then explain to them that this is a what a typical liberal communist looks like. Inform them that these folks walk among us and should be avoided like a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party in Watts.


  1. Chuck E. Spears? Oh hell no.
    The local lunatic asylum is now particle board section 8 replacements!
    Bwahaha! Locals wouldn't live there if mommygov paid the rent.

  2. Umm...I don't think you mean "uniformed."

  3. The sound of evil that thinks it’s winning.

    1. Indeed, what a stupid bint. She should have been removed for being disorderly. If there is such a thing as a legislature in whatever we build to replace this tyranny, it should have strict rules of debate and behavior that prohibit such displays of emotionalism and pointlessly standing before the assembled body without a single valid argument to make to support her position. If you are thrown out or such conduct, like in Tennessee, you should be barred from the capital through at least the next general election.
      Of course, we have to rid ourselves of the oppressors first.

  4. Thanks to the oligarchy of the two worthless major parties, their conspiracy to prevent any real choice with restrictive ballot access laws in all 50 states, and the coordinated efforts to ensure that nobody but Deep State supporting candidates wins the primary, losers get elected and re-elected based on protected gerrymandered districts. I wouldn't blame voters as if they play any role anymore.

  5. As usual the tail is wagging the dog. Why do we have to accept that a bunch of deranged lunatics, who are <.2% of the population, get to dictate that they're "normal" because some guy with a PHD in psychology decided that their peccadillo's are normal. They aren't normal and never will be. They're certifiably insane and shouldn't be trying to dictate what real normal people should believe and have to accept because they said so..

    They crossed the line when they started going after children. Teachers and Doctors that support this trans bullshit among children need to lose their jobs and at minimum be banished from society, if not be tried convicted and spend the rest of their lives in prison. There they'll find out the real meaning of trans via Bubba. Convicts take a dim view of other inmates that commit sex crimes against children. They give them a home made shiv or flying lessons off of the top tier after Bubba has expanded their rectums.

    We just want to be left alone to live our lives in peace. But no. They continue, with .gov support, to try to shove that shit down our throats. One day soon they'll regret that.

    Then there's corporate America, who thinks they have to support every cockamamie idea that comes down the pike. InBev is finding out the hard way that it's not a good business strategy. I'm betting they think that this will all blow over and be back to normal in 6 months or so. They're in for a rude awakening. They can't even GIVE their beer away and it's not just Bud Light. They are having a hard time maintaining sales of the rest of their product lines and not just in the USA. People all over the world are waking up and are boycotting every one of these companies that don't know when to say FUCK OFF to these fringe groups.


    1. Came across this article by Don Surber this AM via CFP. It's kinda long, but speaks eloquently to Bud Lite and lgbtqwxyz(no, I'm NO Longer putting that in caps. They don't deserve it.) in general.


  6. The next person spends their time just laughing. Laughing, laughing, laughing. With a couple of chortles and guffaws thrown in.

    1. And some harrumphs for good measure. "You're not harrumphing!!" - Mel Brooks, Blazing Saddles

  7. B.C. (fka The Imperial Torturer)May 20, 2023 at 6:52 PM

    The Third Box draws nigh...

    1. Fourth box. I pray it never opens, though.
      Soap, ballot jury, cartridge.

  8. I wonder what she really thinks. I think a bucket of cold water in her face would have done wonders.

  9. Never been to a Chuck E Cheese party, much less one of 'em in Watts. Never ever plan on going to one. If this is what they are like, then the only safe option is to nuke it from space.

  10. One has to wonder where woketards like this go wrong and get sucked into this evil ideology.

    1. Public (.gov) school for starters, especially if Mommy & Daddy rear them within an NPR, CNN, MSNBC, etc. fueled echo chamber and then those that decide to "further their education" at one of our wonderfully overpriced post secondary institutions where they are further coddled and catered to by professional leftists, until they can burp out any of the dozens of nonsensical, contradictory, asinine yet firmly held communist manifesto talking points on command like the automatons that they are.

      The most ridiculous (or frightening) part of this particular walking eyeroll, other than having been elected in the first place, is that once the pitiful performance is mercifully over, she struts her fugly ass away apparently laboring under the misapprehension that she has just done something profoundly inspirational, instead of what actually occurred, that being the most embarrassing, cringe-worthy event in Nebraska legislative history.

      We're doomed

  11. Obama is a homo sexual and his “wife” is a tranny. We let them run the scam they did for 8 years so now it is open season.

  12. I think it's 'cute' that anyone anywhere still believes that 'any' elected official is ever honestly elected by ... us (or ever, or at least in living memory, was).

    Think about it for a minute. 'They' pre-select (which of their own) who we are allowed to vote for/choose between, own the media that tells us anything about them, count the votes and tell us who 'won', are the ones with oversight over election integrity, etc. ... at every level and step of the process.

    There hasn't been anyone, from POTUS down to your local dog-catcher "elected" by "we the people" for decades (and it's not just in America, people around the world woke up and realised their "elected officials" were 'installed' too after 2020. Even countries with voter ID and purple-dye realised that they were still only choosing between pre-selected options).

    Until 'that guy' (the normal working stiff) gets to run (and win), instead of a never-ending list of identikit Harvard lawyers (all, purely coincidentally I'm sure, going to the same schools and belonging to the same clubs) then ... elections are a farce, and everyone knows it (and the pushing of their shared perversions will continue ... everywhere).

    She wasn't elected, she was installed by your betters and her role isn't to represent you, but to humiliate you, undermine the system so that it collapses and they get to stop even pretending any more, and just rule as they see fit.

  13. Nebraska, like most rural states, has a couple of cities that overrule the rest of the state. Omaha and Lincoln contain something close to 40% of the state's population and they both put on "big city" airs. Their stupid one-hour legislature is another problem

    Iowa is just as bad, the western suburbs of Chicago like Iowa City will always have more people than the farming areas.

  14. Evil needs more evil to remain in control.

  15. I watched with the sound 'OFF'.
    What did I miss?


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