Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mutual Of Irish's Wild Kingdom.... The FAFO Chronicles.....













  1. Interesting....wasn't the usual pack of ground apes running rampant. And the style was much different than with ground apes. Instead of a pack of them running rampant creating mass confusion this was more like a true stand up fight.... with the dude in the sweatshirt giving it much more than he was getting it.

    1. boy has heart. but he does need some training on it. good natural skills, but if can and should be done better and faster. ask any marine. or any guy who has done some hand to hand training. he fights like there are rules on the street. there are none. learned my skills back in philly the hard way and uncle jack (a marine) gave me some pointers on how to do it faster and easier. dave in pa.

  2. Mr. Clean got his clock cleaned.

  3. Guy looks like a mountain, and takes on up to five of them, and dukes one of them into the ground. Props.

  4. Classic sidewalk brawl; some mystery about the details though.
    When the pack leaves a broken one behind, was it really a pack at all?

  5. The Watchman protecting the girls knew how to throw a punch! Wow. Those guys were idiots and should have walked away. Stupid is as stupid does.

    1. He does know how to throw a punch but he had better learn how to throw five or six follow-up punches.

  6. I want the one guy on my side.

  7. He chronicled their ass as well. Guy has a pretty good left job and left good.

  8. That blood on your face when someone leads you into a dark alley and you think your numbers will prevail...


  9. Mr Clean should have learned his lesson after his first bout!

  10. Mr Clean is a slow learner, he understands it now.

  11. Feel good video of the day!

  12. Ladies and gentlemen,
    A push or a punch can result in the victim's head hitting the planet.
    That can be fatal.
    As you sit in jail a few weeks from then, might you wish you simply walked away.

  13. Anybody taking on five or so dudes to 'protect the girls' is a simp cuck. Poor bastard, just wait until one of those girls rapes his ass in family court.


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