Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day


  Although it is only celebrated one day a year. Every day should be Mother's Day, even

if it's only for a moment that you reflect on your Mom, the women, who gave you life and 

birthed you into this world. 

She may not have been perfect or done all the right things but she carried almost all the 

responsibility to allow you to be here. 

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and the other Mom's who always tried to do their best.


  1. yup. second that. I miss my mom. her dry wit and biting retorts to stupid questions from stupid people.
    high school was a bitch with mom. any language you happen to take, she spoke it, could read it.
    dinner time was the worse. as she would only speak to you in the language you where trying to learn.
    mom worked a translator during WW2. and she could handle any math problems you had too.
    anyway. she ended up working for the director of the Wistar at the u of Penn. she made big bucks there.
    as she could speak Polish with the director and take calls in French from the Curie place over there in France.
    they used to send her a case of wine every year too. she gave me a couple to give to some doctor friends I know
    they where shocked to see them. ( that place does not sell their wine, only give it away to friends or whatever)
    the French place did send some big ass display of flowers and stuff when she passed. that was nice of them.
    a very good friend of mine misses her as well, he stills says to this day, when that woman spoke you better listen.
    as she only spoke when she had something worthwhile to say. my dad did very well with mom.
    as she used to say, if my dad knew how money they had in the bank, he would fall off the couch !
    anyway, if your mom is still around, you best do something for her. you only get one mom is life. dave in pa

    1. yup. wives and girlfriends may come and go. but you only get one mom in life. I was lucky as hell with my mom. dave in pa.

  2. yeah, well. my dad is from the hills of eastern KY. and the story was that Otis (my dad) married one of those New York show girls down there. it must have shocked the shit out of them when she out shot them. ( mom was on her high school shooting team ) she could drive 'stick" as well any anyone. (her dad was a mechanic, and fixed cars part time for extra cash back then. he liked Packards the best ).
    one time when I was about 10 I think it was, dad came home pissed and wet from work ( he did concrete and mason work) and he was a snapping at her. mom was cooking and cutting up something for dinner. she got pissed and tossed the knife away . it landed between dad's legs and stuck in the floor. he started screaming at her "did you throw that at me" . and mom turn around and said in a cold voice, "if I had it wouldn't be in the floor now would it "
    dad left the room and waited until mom called him to dinner. he didn't do that again that I know of.
    you didn't fuck with my mom. not more than once anyway. dave in pa.

  3. Spending the day with Mom in hospice. 4 cancers, 2 heart attacks, and a stroke were overcome by her. Time the Avenger will not be—but I am so happy for each and every remaining day. My Mom is great!

    Bob in Northern Michigan

  4. Mothers. My mother was one of the hardest working people I've ever known. She ran the house, cooking cleaning laundry, raised seven children and worked a part time and one full time job at one point, doing the household chores mostly by herself until we kids were old enough to help out. She made most all of my sisters dresses when we were young, cutting cloth from patterns and sewing them on a foot treadle sewing machine. She learned how to reupholster furniture and cane chairs in her middle years "just to keep busy". She was a breast cancer survivor in her late 80's and a heart attack survivor at 92. Tough as nails.

    I was having a conversation with her once when she was in her mid 80's. She was lamenting about not having any friends. I reminded her that she had out lived them all. She was in the early stages of dementia at that point.

    It was sad to see the once vibrant woman descend into that blackness. She finally passed at 98 five years ago not knowing where she was most of the time. She did however recognize all of her children right up until the end.

    I miss her every day.

    Happy Mothers Day Mom.


    1. Amen Nemo, mines been gone near 40 years, cancer, every day I wish I could tell her just one more time, "I love you" and give her a hug.

  5. From the other side of the aisle...
    My birth mother carried me to term, and gave me up for adoption at birth.
    I was adopted by a struggling couple- I was supposed to be the cure for their troubles, I guess. They divorced soon after.
    My adopted mother struggled with, and eventually won, a lifelong battle with alcoholism. My childhood was the battleground, unfortunately, where that struggle occurred.
    In both cases, though, it wasn't until I was an adult, that I realized what I couldn't see in my youth-
    they both loved me, and gave me all they had to give.
    Thank you Moms- for the gift of life, and the gift of resilience. I love you both.


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