Thursday, February 9, 2023

A Much More In-Depth Analysis Of The Near Miss In Austin..


 H/T to RHT447..



 Those planes almost touched , damn.









  1. Wouldn't have been as bad as Tenerife, but it would have been nasty!
    This hiring practice of Diversity over skill has GOT to stop. Somebody will eventually screw up by the numbers and people are gonna get smeared all over the place.

    I'm not gonna fly if I can possibly help it - it will take a decade or so for this to sort out, and I ain't got that many years left to go. I'd rather not cut it short if I can.

    1. You got something against pilots from Somolia?

  2. This is an example where all the rules in the world will not save you if you are not alert to what is going on. The landing pilot knew something wasn't right because he was paying attention to the conversations. That he would have been "in the right" had a collision occurred is little comfort when you are hurt or dead.

  3. Blancolirio (Juan Browne) grew up and still lives near my home in Nevada County, California. His mom was a local historian. He's a pilot for American Airlines (777s) and at one time was training to fly Forest Service Lead Planes, guiding large air tankers in making their retardant drops. He does some fine reporting on California wildfires and covered the Oroville Dam Spillway fisaco with some of the best reporting that could be done, even though he's a pilot, not a reporter.

    His videos are always interesting and enlightening. If you have time to explore his YouTube channel you'll be glad you did. There's tons of content there.

    Regarding the 'loss of separation' video, there seems to be a real problem with the ATC system these days. "Sorry about that" doesn't cut it in the aviation business.
    Here's Juan's latest, showing a real lack of maturity and professionalism in the current ATC trade.

    1. +1 for Juan Browne. Off topic--Are you familiar with the Nevada County Sportsmen club? I shot CMP matches there for years.

    2. Yes, a friend of mine just joined. Whenever his membership is finalized he's going to take me along on a visit.

      I've known about it ever since I was a kid but have never been there. I'm looking forward to it. It's in a beautiful place and serves the dual purpose of irritating all the local progressive residents within earshot.

    3. "...the dual purpose of irritating all the local progressive residents within earshot."

      Heh, yeah baby. Especially the CMP matches (DCM when I started back in the 80's). You can read the course of fire on their website. Full relay is 12 shooters, rapid fire, all firing 10 rounds in 60 or 70 seconds.

      We lived in Chico for 30 years, bailed for Texas in 2015.

    4. The Waldo Canyon wildfire about 12 years ago was a couple miles beyond the steep north flank of Pikes Peak. About 5 miles to the east a bunch of us were up on a mesa watching the belated first drop of the day and hoping the fire did not change direction and come into the city-it didn't but it did wipe out over 200 homes farther north. The spotter was getting bounced around like a ping pong ball and the retardant plane was maybe 500 feet above and a little behind the spotter; both were slowly spiraling down in a huge counterclockwise corkscrew pattern. Hurry up, damn it! Shoot your wad, will you? It seemed like it was 30 minutes before the red stuff finally came out at a pretty low altitude a mile off the narrow Hiway 24/Ute Pass roadway. Erratic gusts like nobody's business. Seemed like the drop took all of maybe 10 seconds. Those pilots won the Brass Balls award that day.

      The side story:several retired Air Force Generals have very nice homes a little to the south; the scuttlebutt is that one well placed phone call brought the planes out that day after having been grounded all the previous day. As the saying goes: Rank has its privledges.

  4. With jabbed pilots as well still not gonna fly.

  5. Damn is right...150' separation...they really dodged a bullet on that one!
    I totally agree with Elmo...JB's coverage of the Oroville Dam Spillway failure and repair was first-class (and also a first-class demonstration of how the LSM are more interesting in sensationalizing than getting it right!...tell me something I didn't know!)
    Juan does get pretty worked up initially (understandably) but after he calms back down this presentation is nothing but excellent. I recommend his YT channel to anyone seeking a lot more than what the LSM puts out.

  6. With pilots jabbed it is a matter of time before we have crashes. I also worry about the roads.

  7. I just about needed clean pants after watching that, so I can imagine the FedEx pilots must have been tightly clenched.


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