Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Another Notch In The.. "These People Are Fucking High".. Belt.




BOSTON (WHDH) - Mayor Michelle Wu is set to announce the members of the city’s

 reparations task force on Tuesday.

Wu says the task force will study the lasting impact of slavery in Boston.

The task force members will represent different backgrounds and expertise. 






  1. They are looking to give away your money for things neither you nor any of your family has anything to do with for generations. It's insanity. It has to stop. The grievance industry needs to be put down.

  2. England is asking for reparations for lost tea.

  3. I remember her and her live online social media thing several months ago where they were blasting her but she was to stupid to realize it.

    Bear Claw

  4. And it will not be enough

  5. I think they trying like hell to start a civil war. maybe to cover up all of the crimes they have done ?
    the country is 31 trillion in debit. we are well on our way to becoming a new version of the Weimar republic.
    a way to keep people fighting each other instead of fighting the assholes who have done this to us.
    and then there the vax. it is only a matter of time before the lies don't work anymore.
    now you know why every member of congress got 2.5 million for "home security "
    they also know they will never get all of the guns in this country, but if they can make a dent in the numbers.
    but a lot of these assholes crying about this shit are just trying to get whatever they can for nothing.
    just like our friend Al Sharpton. funny how things work, I owned the IRS 50 some odd bucks and they where going
    to take my damn house. he owns what 5 million ? and goes to the white house for dinner.

  6. This is a coordinated attack in the continual divide and conquer strategy the Deep State has been waging for years.
    They want us continually distracted.

  7. I think that the motive of the Democrats is very simple. They propose a million per descendent of a slave knowing it is not possible. Calmer minds (Republicans shot it down, because it isn't possible economically. Then with zero loss to them the Dems tell their sheep that it was the Republicans who voted it down so you need to vote Democrat.t

    1. I agree. I mean, it's hilarious, on the surface, because it's so obvious. But people will defend their biases, no matter how retarded they are. Both biases and people, that is. And it's Boston, the cradle and the grave of American liberty. How apt.

  8. I continue to shake my head in amazement that the supposedly intelligent people of Boston elected this mid-wit narcissistic psychopath into a position of power. Now they pay the price for such idiocy. But then again, perhaps she won like Biden won, and the good people of Boston - I assume there are still quite a few of them - wonder what the hell happened.

    1. Yep. Wifely Unit used to think that we here in The Peepul's Republik of Warshington deserved the Politicians we "voted in", until she saw the shenanigans that Dominion voting machines and ballot harvesting and tally machines were pulling.

      We really need to clean up Washington States' election "processes". Quickly. THEN move on to DC.

    2. "perhaps she won like Biden won". It's Commiechusetts, one of the testing grounds for Dominion's election stealing. Ask yourself how is it that during the 80's, 90's and early 00's all of the Speakers of the House in MA landed in jail for corruption, yet the voters in that state keep voting D or so it would seem from the Dominion results.

      I used to live there. Born and raised. Dad was a died in the wool D. "They're for the little guy" was his most famous saying as the reason for always voting D.

      I'm so glad I moved 47 years ago, although other former Massholes have not "taken the pledge" when they followed me. That and allowing college students to register to vote here; courtesy of our current governor who has been making noises like he's got a shot at the Oval when he's got less than a snowball's chance in hell, has ruined what was once a great place to live and work.


  9. 750,000 dead 1861-1865. debt paid in full. they need to stop grifting.

  10. Hire a cruise ship or ten, dress the captains up like colonel fucking sanders, offer a free watermelon with each boat ride back to africa and call it paid in full.

  11. "task force members will represent different backgrounds and expertise" equals: They'll all be black.

    1. Well they're all some minority designation anyway. During the initial Covid outbreak and the release of the jab, our governor established a ten member "Equity Council" whose purpose was to ensure that the jab was distributed evenly among non-white demographics.

      Guess how many of those ten people were white and how many were PHD's in science or any discipline related to health care. I believe six of them, if memory serves me correctly, were PHD's in "Public Policy".


  12. Having worked in a bad black slum while I was going to college in the mid to late 70s on a multiracial crew for the phone company I learned that Blacks were the racists of all and that Black crime against all races including their own was the worst. We all were attacked and my Black boss was shot. Nothing has changed and their leaders do nothing for them.

  13. LOL, If you think this is bad, come to California where the state is dead broke and planning of giving every black person 750K, and forgive all debt. California became a state in 1850 and never had any slaves or slave owners. Really dumb people.

  14. Reparations, eh? Great, I’m Irish, so I’m headed right to Norway as MY people were taken by Norse slavers- as long as we’re going back in history! How far back are we gonna go?
    Sarah Huck. said it best , it’s no longer left vs. right, it’s normal vs. crazy..

  15. right.... and maybe somebody needs to study the effects of lyndon johnson's great society.


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