Thursday, February 9, 2023

Engineers Have The "Knack"...










  1. Do knacks have names like Sig, or Igor, Dr. Jim among many others here.

    1. My apologies, I left off the name Irish. Now get to work Irish https://youtube.com/watch?v=Z0YIJQ1jgEI&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE

  2. Anyone who works with engineers knows that some do have the knack, but many do not. And some who are not engineers have the Knack (I guess they followed a different career path), including many in the trades...

  3. I had the audio track of this for many years on my MP3 player, I never thought to check YouBoob for the video!


    1. It describes you to a 'T' Igor...I was thinking of stealing from here and posting on Bustednuckles...

  4. One of my all time favorite Dilbert clips.

    I'll leave it to anyone who knows me to say if I have the knack, but I had a good 40 years as an electronics engineer and technician. I've never been as good as I had wanted to be, but it's kind of cool to know that things I designed are making life better for lots of people every day.

  5. This clip almost perfectly describes my youngest son. He started taking things apart and putting them back together before he was ten. He studied elecrto mechanical engineering in college. He now works for a world renowned company that makes giant pumps used in the oil, nat. gas and nuclear power industries.

    As a hobby, he makes all kinds of things with wood. His grandmother gave him a scroll saw when he was 12. He does some of the finest joinery I've ever seen. He made a wooden box for his grandmother's ashes last year that was a work of art.

    I don't know where he gets it from. I have three thumbs, two of which are hammer smashed.


  6. I'm proud to say I have The Knack ...and I'm happy to say that I haven't lost it (yet)!

  7. I guess I have "The Knack". Or part of it. Even with only a two year AAS (Associate of Applied Science) degree.
    As a technician, I work in a shop where I'm allowed (encouraged) to make improvements on what we build, sell and repair.
    So far, there have been several hardware improvements (initially called "experimental") that have worked out well, and saved us all a lot of time, grief, and money.
    There are a couple more improvements I'd like to work on, but I'd need an engineer (specifically the engineer - retired- that designed and built some of the original parts that we use, sell, and repair/replace daily).

    President Elect B Woodman

  8. The computer entry to Engineering derailed many, while adding others. Just a new wave of Nerds.

  9. Isn't there a home...?

  10. That's hilarious. I've worked with some really good engineers. And then I've run into my fair share that thought they had the Knack. But didn't.

  11. One of my best bosses was a non-engineer who had a keen understanding of personalities. His favorite phrase: "All you dumb engineers!".

  12. 42 years working as an engineer. I have a good portion of the Knack. I work with a 46 year experienced engineer with a severe case of the Knack. Best engineer i ever worked with, he can do it all.


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