Thursday, September 22, 2022

I Got A Feeling TINVOWOOT..


There will have to be a huge corrective action taken to turn the ship around. 

I don't think we can.

Last evening we spent some time with friends.

Their daughter is a Freshman in high school.

During the conversation she was teasingly asked if there are any cute boys in school.

She's mature for her age and this was the response.

"Tsss, No, they are all either EMO or Gay.  I have never seen so many different hair colors."

We are done.

 If that is indicative of the rising "youth" sitting in mom's basement, gaming and being depressed

or effeminate then you might as well summon the meteor.

Which leads me to this:


  1. I have a boy the same age and he complains that in our rural area most of his female class mates are lesbians, man hating feminists or transitioning.


  2. While certainly not suicidal, I regularly hope and pray for The Sweet Meteor of Death. It would solve so many problems instantly.

  3. Hard times make good men. Nature is about to take care of this shit.

  4. I must confess I had no idea what "muffing" is. Now that I know, I should have remained ignorant.


  5. check your state laws. here in virginia SHOWING children pictures of adult sexuality and adult sex acts is considered child sexual abuse., if adults are showing your kids porn, in the classroom or out, check with a lawyer about filing criminal charges. maybe if a few teachers/principals are cuffed and perp walked this will stop.

    1. not hardly. the judicial, legal systems are inverted.

    2. Takes a Stronger Response.

  6. Every time I read something about the utter non-education, political and ideological indoctrination BS being forced upon the youth of this country, I am so thankful that my kids got through their primary and secondary schools before the current crop of leftist participation trophy nitwits got ahold those schools. If you have kids in public schools now, either get involved, run for the school board, speak out at meetings, etc. or get your kids out of there. Home school, charter school, private school whatever you need to do. Save your kids or we're all screwed.

    1. The private schools in my area are maxed out for registrations every year here. They are primarily Catholic schools. There are two elementary Christian(non-Catholic) schools, but they are very small with about 200 students total. Home schooling would be the route where I'm located, if the parents are so inclined and can afford to live on one salary.

      My sons escaped all that woke stuff before it became de rigor in elementary and secondary school. However, when they went to college, they got full doses every year. Luckily, they were smart enough to recognize the BS and played through to get their degrees.


  7. Kids are just trying to be in. It won't take for almost all of them and, 20 years from now, they'll ask the ever-popular question, "What was I thinking?".

  8. The only people who had tattoos, when I was a kid, were old guys, Veterans usually. The only people who had piercings were on Tarzan and then in National Geographic. Just in the time it took for me to go from a kid of ten to a 67 year old man America has been gutted. Morally,economically, spiritually. It's Not just America,either. The other side of this train wreck otta see some very serious men and women.

  9. Maybe the national straight caucus should publish a how to guide on giving a swirly by sticking a gay guys head in the toilet.

    1. Nah, this is one thing I find agreement with the Muslims on.
      Steve S6

    2. Winning comment! Me too.


  10. My oldest son, 35, told me recently, "I hate my generation..." 'Nuff said...

  11. Both my sons are in their mid 30s. Both went to trade schools and make excellent salary, have houses, cars, and good bank accounts. My oldest has a family. My youngest who is in a different profession said he doubts he will marry as the women he dates are too dumb with kids, or he find that they are college educated and look down on him yet he earns much more than they do. My youngest said he does not want to raise someone's kids.

  12. Under these conditions, by the hair colors, pins, patches, flags and actions, it should be easy to ID and keep track of the perv propagandists and indoctrinators (refuse to call them teachers) and their enablers, for the future "cleansing".

    President Elect B Woodman

    1. They might as well all be painted bright red. There are some sleepers though so beware, one of my friends sons the other week turned into a raging lunatic while talking about current events and we found out he's a dumb libtard. This is a guy who shoots, looks the part, but he's mentally unstable.

    2. i dont shoot with people like that

  13. You tell white boys in kindergarten that unless they are gay or trans girls they will grow up to be loathsome, oppressive, racist, misogynists that have no future in society and are universally despised and you will get the epidemic of boys wearing dresses by middle school, that we now have.

    Small children are like water, they follow the path of least resistance, which is why they are forcing this on them before they are old enough to be rebellious.

  14. Hi Irish....,
    Got a Question... The young lady says,"Tsss, No, they are all either EMO or Gay. I have never seen so many hair color's"..... Needless to say I've heard the term "GAY" but the "EMO" is a new one on me??? Maybe I'm just,"To Damn Old???" .... I guess it's probably fair to say that the lid is off Pandora's Box!!

    Think I'll fix a fresh Cold Beer in a frosted mug and go clean some gunz.


    PS I can Bet that "EMO" does not stand for "Echo,Mike,Oscar"... Anybody got a "clue???"

    1. An emo is an emotional person. They're delightful.sarc

  15. FUD merchants are certainly out.

    And, yes, this is an extra-Constitutional situation, but the people who wrote it never imagined so many would imagine graft as a life's work stretching to age 80 and beyond.

    Yes, people are going to have to rise up (winter is coming and heating the house costs money) and get nasty. Jan 6 was our Reichstag fire. If the Demos steal enough elections this Fall, the situation will impress itself on many of even the dullest because the Lefties will feel free to making us all serfs.

    Which, of course, may repopularize Serfs Up.

  16. I’ve lost a lot of hope for this country.

  17. Rufo left out pegging. The girl made what I was told not to make a sweeping generalization and I am a huge fan of young people and know many outstanding 20+-year-olds my children and friends of theirs.

    The problem is people like Randi “lesbo” wiengarden president of AFT A big teachers union have a lot of control over what’s in the curriculum and the environment.

  18. Excellent comments, every one of them. I'm with Phil on nature. Slowly and horribly IMHO.

  19. It was always TINVOWOOT, at least from time of them killing JFK onwards. Certainly debateble, it appears looking critically at our American history, Patrick Henry wrote extensively of an organization in the soveriegn state of Virginia that definately by his understanding, and he fought it for decades, something that operated along the fringes of the shadows at work to undermine and subvert in irder to destroy the birth and evolution if ordered Liberty. Remember Henry said if this federal "Constitution" which was an instrument of administrative centralism, the very thing everyone had fought to get away from, but in a highly subtle package that he knew exactly what it's proponants where trying to grift on a weary and unwary Confedration if NOT centralism, Patrick said of this constitution, it was a beautiful butterfly with poison under its wings. Time has proven Henry's insights correct, cause it is thru regulatory and administrative tyranny the deep state has functioned pretty much freely and thru a conspiracy of slmost incomprehensible scope and crimes has managed to impose its will and its agenda upon us all.
    Gary North write the phenominal outlier masterpiece Conspiracy In Philadelphia, made it free in pdf form, Gary also wrote another outlier called Political Polytheism, its a serious book on how scripture as the basis of fitness and trustworthyness for holding elected and appointed public office was systematicaly destroyed and with this underpinning of representative republican form of government, aka will of the people removed no bukwark against insidious creeping sinister and secret conspiracy to usurp America began in earnest. Reading all three works, and another just fantastic book The True History of The American Revolution, free on kindle by the way, an examinatiin if the "Phamohlet war" which simmered and smokdered for better than a decade, very much akin to the alt-agitprop and meme war hapoening now, just our town square is our internet, and how the Brits went about censorship and persecution of those brave souls who defied and resisted the authority of the British crown and its empire eventually popping the cork of resistance to tyranny and revolution.
    I found something else out that bears telling, there has only been one, 1, successful revolution in history. Take a guess when and where?

  20. The so calked Civil War was another attempt of people to secede from tyrannical power, which was the federal north power bloc, a direct babie of the cinstitution and its centralism and all the administrative/regulatory tyranny it enabled.
    The point here is the foot in the door of an organization steeped in conspiracy, a generational cabal if you will, which the deep state is only a portion of what operates along the fringes of tge shadows. Its all debatable, except one critical thing, and that is the surveillance apparatus which is almost inconcievable in its sphere of activity, its numbers, its technology, and just how deep into the sphere of our lives it penetrates. The critical thing is this surveillance entity has morphed into a beast, its grown into an irganization which is now well prepared to begin terror and reprisal operatikns, it has amassed these terror and reprisal teams across our homeland, with what some now call gangstalkers, who number in the millions and are the eyes and ears if the surveillance. This must be exposed, as its exposure is existential to IT. It is simple but as in war the simplest things are very hard, that if everyone starts to talk about the surveilkance and gangstalking IT's immense power goes poof into the wind and if it is to continue operating to suppress freedom and Luberty it must ooerate in the open cause everyine knows what it is. Its power is derived from its abikity for now, to ooerate aling the fringes if the shadows. Just so you know I'm not a shill or agent provocateur, i was the commentor on WRSA seems decades ago now, who first couned TINVOWOOT, i dud so cause of what i found out from due dikkegence and citizen investigative journalism, and at that time of couning that acrynom, a lot of people went bug-fuck over the idea there is no boting our way out if this, that i was a real shithead and fuctard for saying such a thing. My reasons where and still are very simple and based on actual history, and the real story of one man ine vite in America, which has its birth in the precinct system used extensively in the Compact of Confederation of the 13 unique totally sovereign nation states, small nation states, but a critical reason why they decided to have small sovereign nation states is to keep tyrants from being able to sneak in under a large nation states size and complexity but more so avoid withdrawal if consent if the people by being remote, untouchable actirs hiding behind vast administrative and regulatory powers created by their very selves in order to keep the will of the people from hanging them from lamp posts and such, that in a small state size nation everyone is much closer and that fucking tyrant bulkshit a lot harder to get away with.

  21. Starting to see the conspiracy?
    We aint voting our way out if this in the way a lot of goid folks think. It will be our votes which get us out of this, but its our votes that no linger count, that our votes are instrumental in fousting this incredible election fraud rigging system thats been selecting chosen actors to usurp all of our representative and appointed offices in our governments at all levels. Think how large a conspiracy and how ling it has had to be operating to incrementaly insinuate and usurp our Republic. Its so bast, so deeply embedded, its used a deluberately flawed constitutional document designed exactly to eventually thru time subvert undermine and destroy America.
    And you got to grok the reason why this has hapoened, its roots essentialy began because Brit loyalists and a group called the Fabians, aling with the proxy genocide instrument of the crown, the Great Northern Trading Company, aka Hudsin Bay Trading Company, these and some retreads from the Jacobins, and of course the banksters, the money changers, and tge Wigs in Parlanent and the power behind the crown, they where really pissed off a tiny okurality of upstarts and rebels, terrorists and violent extrememists, those are new phrases born recently used against Freemen in America mind you, they wanted back what was their by divine right. The North American Continent. Its natural riches were unfathomable almost, natural riches the okd world never dreamed existed. Got to remember tge old world was OLD, it had been picked clean of all the low hanging fruit, too many people divvying up dwindling easily attained resources. This new world was piwer itself, with it in their hands basicaly the Brutish Empire would rule the earth. Hold "Dominion" over all and sundry because of the wealth and riches there for the taking in America, and being the conniving cocksuckers they where and their prodigy are today, they understood the motive power and audacity very well of this new Compact of Confederation if soveriegn nation states, so the plan was decided upon the path to getting their new world back would require generations, ie, "the long march", and to implement this agenda they had to cin the colonies, ge 13 little nation states into ratifying and joining this Cinstitutional Republuc which was is a very soft subtle version of centralized administrative tyranny/corporatism. And it worked. Here we are today.

  22. There is a tiny hamlet up along the Ammonusic River named Fabien, its where Brettonwoods is located, across the river on Rt302 is a brook named Deception Brook, it comes down off Mt Deception and Little Mt Deception. I know this cause my two aunts had a pie shop and bakery on old 302 before it was made into that ugly hiway it is now. I stayed with them sumners as a kid. Up around those parts from North Sandwich over the notch up into the Bear Notch, there are all these very old famikies and tgeir colonial era, war of 1812 envlaves, many of tgese old brahman families are real inbreds, lot of depraved shit goes on that rarely gets out in public knowledge. Tgese are tge decendents if the original Fabian group. Partly, but they are part of the larger conspiracy thats run down thru 345 years to present.
    Take a guess why the Brettonwoods Conferences every 50 years where all the globalists meet to decide the course of our world happens in this tiny obscure location in all places, in Fabian NH? Starting to get why TINVOWOOT by ballot box.
    Oh, i ment to say earlier, voting in our Republic, if you understsnd the precinct concept and its natural checks and balances against tyranny, voting was never for getting our arses out of anything, voting was for keeping our arses from getting into the exact pickle we are in today.
    As Pete always says, Lets Win!


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