Saturday, August 20, 2022

UPDATE: "Nothing else will satisfy us"

 Earlier this week I posted the story about the "woke" left getting all tore up about a logo posted on FB by the Lawrence County GOP. There were some folks who complained of "hidden klansmen" images. Now, the "triggered left" says they will not be satisfied until the GOP Chairman of Lawrence County resigns. My question is; will these people ever be satisfied?        Read the story HERE.

I once worked with a wise man who told me, "you could lay the world at some peoples feet and they would still be angry because they were not given the world soon enough".


  1. No. They will never be satisfied. That's not how they work.

  2. Pretty sure if I was that guy I would very publicly tell those butthurt head hunters to fuck straight off.
    Not only am I not resigning, I will be looking for more ways to trigger your pansy asses.

  3. No, they will not be satisfied until you are robbed of your wealth and vocation, children enslaved, and ultimately you are killed. Got it yet?

  4. I saw a similar design of the Lib Jackass, I mean donkey, and between the legs the image appears to be someone giving the finger. Isn't that appropriate for their policies.
    Check it out. Hope I did it right.

  5. surely there is a dnc donkey pic out there with similar (KKK?) leg spacing... / otoh we should all learn the magical power we have against these DS/cabal operatives. use the magical power of the word NO.

  6. I gotta at least save that image though

  7. it's hilariously ironic, since the Klan was founded and staffed by hardcore Democrats from its very inception, with Robert Byrd being merely a very recent example.

    Projection is always a go-to tactic for the delusional insane.

  8. Never. Hope he stands strong and doesn't give in.

  9. Note that none of them are referencing back to the fact that the image came from a Mother Jones hit-piece.

  10. Does anybody know what the little black dots between the elephant's feet were supposed to be? Why they were put in the graphic in the first place? Who composed the graphic?

  11. The Progs are spoiled little brat bullies. They know if they push and keep pushing till the opponents give in. Hell, it worked with their parents so why not the rest of society? The one and only way to stop this activity is to beat 'em with a baseball bat till they're brain dead.

    1. They are already brain dead.
      TN Patriot

  12. They need to be reminded always and often that it is they who believe minorities can't accomplish anything without the libs help. Point out the racism that floats like a bundle of brightly colored balloons in front of their faces.

  13. "Does anybody know what the little black dots between the elephant's feet were supposed to be? Why they were put in the graphic in the first place? Who composed the graphic?"

    Yeah, doing an image search it looks like the original version of this image was from a story posted by Mother Jones in 2020 in which they are claiming the GOP is racist. The pic is supposed to have the KKK imagery.

    The Alabama county GOP people probably just web-searched for a GOP-looking piece of clip-art and didn't inspect it well enough to tell it was made by liberals.


    1. Thanks, GD. Good to know the county GOP isn't racist...just unobservant.

    2. "The Alabama county GOP people probably just web-searched for a GOP-looking piece of clip-art and didn't inspect it well enough to tell it was made by liberals."
      That is exactly what happened. Then, when they realized they had put up the elephant from the Mother Jones story, they immediately removed it from FB and replaced it with a sanitized version.

  14. never apologize. never give them one inch. attack attack always attack. get them back on their heels and attack some more. meme them until they cry, then make memes about them crying.

  15. Does anyone know of a nice graphic showing a donkey and an elephant double-penetrating a taxpayer? Now THAT is a symbol that every politician from the two worthless parties should be forced to display on their stationary, as a lapel pin, etc.

  16. Some folks would get mad of ya hung em with a new rope.

    1. Darn straight, 'cause there's more chance of an old one breaking!

  17. Still we are trying to appease the unappeasable when it is blatantly clear nothing will appease them so my attitude is F'em.

  18. Is that for real? What idiot designed it? And what mega idiot approved it?


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