Wednesday, August 17, 2022

I probably would not have noticed as I am not "woke" or fixated enough to look for things like this.


The Lawrence County Republican Party apologizes for GOP logo with Ku Klux Klan imagery that appeared shortly on the organizations Facebook page and then was removed................Click here to continue reading.


  1. Betcha someone altered the logo after it was posted. Probably Zuckerberg’s minions.

  2. Those are the ghosts of elections past, present, and future, looking for Biden...

  3. Oh for fuck's sake.
    The perpetually butthurt are going to lose their shit completely when we finally decide we have had enough of their ridiculous stupidity.

    1. I agree Phil. One would have to look long and hard to find the "Klansmen" in that image. When you stop and think about it, there is hardly anyone alive who can say they have actually seen in person someone wearing a hood like that except in Hollyweird propaganda films or old documentaries. Alabama has had a law in place that prohibited the wearing of masks in public since 1949. The state AG had to make a clarification during COVID so people could wear the scary democrat mask.

    2. In the late ‘70’s, the wife and I saw a Klan gathering in NW Arkansas. They were dressed in the white garb & pointy hats, but without hoods. We had to stop and take pictures so we could prove it to our friends and family.

      TN Patriot

    3. I see little difference between Klan hoods and COVID masks as they're BOTH "scary democrat masks".

  4. I understand why he removed the image quickly. Democrats have burned down Lawrence and murdered Republican voters at least once before.

  5. Huh, it's almost like the Democrats are doing every dirty trick they can think of to get people to forget that they were the party of the Klan, and that the Republicans were the ones fighting (and in some cases, dying) for equal rights. Strange, that....

  6. Now if it were a donkey there would be images of several crack pipes initialed with HB.

  7. I have to agree with Crotalus. Clearly an intentional act of sabotage and/or deception by the Bolsheviks to even put that image out there.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. ... and it was 'manufactured' (to order) by and for the Democrats - after all we can't have anyone remembering just whose party the Klan was working for now could we?

  10. I wonder how much more extremely troubling imagery I walk right by every day, oblivious to sources of so much great Butthurtedness. I saw the black spots,but until I clicked on the link and it came up with the top of the picture cropped, it came up with just the red part, and the white hoods stood out. They can lie all they want, but the democrats stood against civil rights, and Hillary extolled the virtues of some high muckety much in the Klan and she was crushed by his passing, he was her mentor.
    I'm so tired of being called names for wanting America to actually Be what I was told it was in school.

  11. Some people have nothing to do with their time.

  12. Those are democrats about to get stomped by the elephant.

    1. You mean like in 2020? I fear they have more than perfected the cheat because they know, even when America and the world knows they cheated, they will still get away with it.

  13. There is nothing wrong with a picture showing Republicans stomping on democrats/KKK.

    1. Many upvotes. That was my take too.

  14. The Klan has more of a Democratic connection than the GOP ever had.

  15. for the left, that's actually a good one. of course if someone finds a donkey with a similar leg spacing pattern...

  16. The image was originally created by SLATE to show how evil Republicans are. When Republicans objected, their objection was used to show how evil Republicans are.

  17. Is there anyone left in the Klan who doesn't draw a paycheck from the FBI.

    1. I once asked an elderly man from a nearby county who I had heard was "big" in the klan if he indeed was a member. He said he was but got out when he realized there were more federal men in it than there was real klansmen.

  18. Never notice it. Wouldn't have found it if you didn't point it out.

  19. NEVER, EVER apologize to Democrats. They don't care what you've done, they just want you to crawl and look stupid.


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