Sunday, June 5, 2022

A Sunday Morning Breakfast.. Pink Floyd Style....








  1. Been a while since I've listened to Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast. This side of Atom Heart Mother, Meddle & Obscured By Clouds have always been my Favorite Pink Floyd.

    1. You and me both. We sound like brothers from another mother. I had never heard of Pink Floyd until a buddy gave me an 8-track of "Atom Heart Mother" back in about 1970 or 1971. I was definitely hooked. I ended up buying all of their previous albums and either liked or loved each one. I lost interest in them after they released "Dark Side Of The Moon". I thought that it was just kind of okay, but not the Pink Floyd that I knew and loved......

      Great name you have there. Wonderful Frank Zappa reference. Another of my faves. Especially the years with the Mothers Of Invention........

    2. Pink Floyd won me over with UmmaGumma, lost me with Animals.

  2. Saw the vid pic, first thing I thought of was Cyriak. https://youtu.be/FavUpD_IjVY

  3. Marmalade, I like marmalade.

  4. Any Pink Floyd track (to me) is awesome. Thanks for this one. I spent my morning with my dogs, cats, coffee, a few good meds, some Crown and this fine offering. Peace and some quiet in my home (so far). All is well in my reality!
    Ohio Guy

  5. I seen pink floyd in Germany, 1977.


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