Wednesday, February 2, 2022












  1. Kate is smarter than she knows. Gen Z will be the saviors.

  2. One of the MP's called out Turdeau yesterday on the floor of Canada's Parliament. She stopped short of calling for his resignation and/or a vote of No Confidence, which is what she should have done, being in the opposition.

    A No Confidence vote, if passed, would, I believe, trigger new elections and get rid of the smoking pile of excrement that is the wanna be dicktator.


    1. Conservatives couldnt xall for non confidence with the weasel otoole still in play. They tossed him today so hopefully we get someone good this time


  3. I'm on the truckers' side in this mess, but calling them "Truckers for Freedom" is a tad disingenuous. They are protesting to defend and protect their own bottom line and nothing else. They grew up with strict gun control and socialized medicine, and if they ever think about those things, they're fine with them. If/when they force the government to back down and let them earn a living again (which I hope happens), their "fight for freedom" will be over and they'll be back to supporting socialized medicine and strict gun control. I want to see them prevail in this confrontation, but if you think they'll stand with you at Lexington and Concord, prepare for a big letdown.

    1. Maybe it's the nose?

      This Convoy isn't just for trucker mandates.

      It's for the 30 million people the Trudeau government approved to be allowed to spy on their cell phones.

      It is for family members who are prohibited from visiting family in nursing homes.

      It's because of the censorship on all social media platforms.

      It's for all the people who are afraid to speak out for fear of being called a conspiracy theorist.

      It's for people who didn't want to give up their freedom of choice!

      It's for people who don't want to go into debt for the next 100 years.

      It's for people who just want answers to the many unanswered questions.

      It is for people who are afraid to hug their family and visit friends.

      It's for people who want their lives back.

      For hairdressers to cut hair.

      For restaurants to serve food.

      For the bars to play music.

      For the students to learn.

      For children to be free.

      For people who want to work but are forced not to.

      This is for the people.

      This is for trying to silence honest and hardworking citizens.

      Never in my life have I seen the healthy punished and the sick not treated.

      This is for the 300,000 canceled surgeries.

      This is for the people who died waiting for their surgery.

      This is for the people who died alone in the hospital without being able to hold the hands of their loved ones.

      This is for the exhausted nurses.

      This is for the doctors who are not listened to.

      This is for all the frontline workers...delivery trucks, grocery store employees, PSWS constantly working overtime, etc.

      This is for all of us.

    2. Here here 3Score!
      1811 needs his cranium removed from his large intestine.

    3. Do you think all of them would have driven across the country, for free, if they'd been able to drive loads across the border? If you do, then your experience with your fellow hominids is much different than mine.
      They're doing this so they can make a living again by driving loads across the border and provide for their families. It's an admirable reason and I support them. But don't get all teary-eyed and make them into altruistic martyrs, unless you have evidence.

  4. This is a good thing. God bless that little Kate and all children like her. Ohio Guy

  5. ...in the meantime Facefook canceled the USA Freedom Truckers page yesterday. That page was being used to organize the drive to DC next month, so of course the Zuckerbitch canceled it.

    That just further confirms all you need to know about where Facefook and Zuckerbitch stand.

    All of you that STILL facefook out there need to go else where for your life sharing. It's still beyond me why people feel the need to engage on "social" platforms anyway. The need for that engagement should have dropped to near zero with the advent of the modern cell phone, especially with the plans they have these days, most of which feature unlimited talk and text as part of the service for way less than $50.00/mth.

    I have never had and never will have a Facefook or other social media account anywhere.

    I much prefer to haunt sites like this one where I can spout my bullshit with near impunity as long as I adhere to minimum, long standing social norms. ;-))

    I say near impunity because I have been banned from commenting at a couple of venue's because I've disagreed with some opinion or other item expressed by the blog owner. Not banned exactly. I still write comments on those venues occasionally, they just get deleted when the blog owner moderates.

    Some people have thin skin apparently. Who knew.

    Apparently, Zuckerbitch isn't the only censor out there. It's CONTAGIOUS I tell you. ;-))



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