Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Keep An Eye On What Could Possibly Start Happening In Canada To The Freedom Truckers Protestors...








  1. That video could have been staged in any large U.S. city by the same miscreants paid by the same treasonous naturalized citizen. I'm already standing in line to piss on his grave. I'm pretty far back. It's going to be a while.


  2. There is almost no doubt that this will happen at the Canadian protest.

  3. The Mayor of Ottowa has been trying to hire wreckers to tow away the protest trucks. The Tow firms keep telling him "Sorry, were closed due to Covid!" ;-)

  4. When the State has the Media on-side, it can claim that the Sun rises in the West and get many people to believe it despite the evidence of their senses. It's why the Media of our time must be destroyed right along with the State.

  5. Seems the baddies are losing control of the narrative and lashing out like a caged and wounded animal. I hope this insanity can be dealt with in a civil manner, if not, well...(racks slide) Ohio Guy

  6. That is an excellent presentation. I'd only seen some of the "violence" and assumed that's what was going on "over there." Despite being a skeptic, I and others bought the bullshit...

  7. Okay, now I'm bothered.
    www.fallcabal.com is a QAnon promoter...

    1. Not a big deal Bunk. Lots of good people bought into that narrative.
      It's entirely possible to get the facts right, but the underlying reasons wrong.
      The facts are the important part, the reasons are often merely opinion.
      The sky is still blue, whether it's due to refraction of light, or due to space aliens with giant paintbrushes.
      So as you said, it's an excellent presentation, and being skeptical doesn't stop someone from buying into the bullshit.

  8. This is nothing new. They did the same thing in the South in the 50s and 60s. Any race riot on TV from that period or demonstration was likely staged. I was in Mississippi at the time and watched the media set up the stage.

  9. Our government has basically declared itself as illegitimate. None of this will end any time soon. In fact... it is just getting started...

    1. It has been illegitimate since 1871

    2. YES INDEED! It is so good to see that I am not the only one who knows this!

  10. Where's all the Hawks that should be chasing down the money and connecting all the dots to file legitimate charges against Soros for domestic terrorism?

  11. "Do you really think we're stupid" she asks?
    We KNOW you are stupid. (well, the half of you that are on the left hand side of the IQ curve anyway)
    That's why it works.

    1. Common misconception about how IQ works there, Stuart.
      If 100 isn't stupid and 110 is only slightly more intelligent than 100, then by definition 90 isn't stupid, it's only slightly less intelligent than 100.
      Until you get down below about 80 or up above about 120, the slope of the curve is simply too flat to make all that much of a difference.
      (And it's the slope of the curve, rather than the actual number, that affects most human interactions. Two guys at 80 and 120 have little trouble having a conversation, but two guys at 120 and 160 can scarcely understand each other.)
      Since most folks below about 60 are under some sort of custodial care, you're not likely to run into them on the street.
      Similarly, most of the workforce is between about 80 and 120, you're not too likely to run into anyone above about 140 on the street.
      Thus by definition the mass of the public are not particularly stupid, on either side of the curve.

  12. These government dogs, and their analtifa allies did the same thing on 1/6 in America, and it worked so well they will keep doing it.

  13. First thing I thought of was “Kristallnacht”.

  14. For those wishing to 'preserve' this video … here's the Embed link: https://rumble.com/embed/vr5i7l/?pub=4

  15. The ones I have talked are quite clear, this a last gasp. If the border doesn't open, they lose their truck, maybe their house, maybe their family. All because the government believes they still have justification to infringe on their right to the sanctity of their body, and their right to freedom of movement and to enter or leave Canada. Interestingly, you may not know this. The last surviving signatory to the Canadian constitution and charter of rights, is challenging the government in court on these exact matters (premier Brian Peckford -Newfoundland and Labrador). The government can infringe rights, but they have to prove it's necessary. With omicron and the fact that the fully vaxxed spread and catch just as readily as those who have not taken the shots, or just don't want to share their private information (one of those pesky rights), it is becoming obvious the the threshold required to infringe doesn't really exist anymore.
    There is movement. Interesting couple of days. Our PM is still kinda off the scene. But folks are determined. Stay strong, stay safe, and stay sane!

    1. Jesse, you are making a very common error, one which most people make, and one which I made myself for most of my life.

      "The government can infringe rights, but they have to prove it's necessary."

      No, the government cannot infringe rights. In most cases, not even if it's necessary. If they can, then by definition that makes it a privilege, not a right.

      The government has responsibilities, but it doesn't have rights. Only actual people have rights. Thus the government might have the obligation to offer assistance, but it generally has little or no right to compel acceptance, unless your actions pose a threat to other innocents. Otherwise, nearly every case where compliance is compelled is actually an illegal act under color of law.

      The fact that they violate this all the time, doesn't make it legal, and certainly doesn't make it right.

      Exceptions include war, criminal behavior in progress, acts that threaten others.
      They do not include health emergencies, evacuations, disasters, or much else.

  16. Antifa is a communist organization.
    National Non-Marxian Socialism is opposing Marxism, meaning Communists and Socialists.
    No similarities.

    1. There is no such thing as "Non-Marxian Socialism". That is a lie.
      The only ones who make such a claim are the National Socialists.
      ALL forms of communism, socialism, fascism are Marxist ideologies.


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