Friday, November 19, 2021

NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 CitizenWonk #DCStatehood 💉 on Twitter: "Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse  arrested for murder after cops let him flee out of state  https://t.co/4xGXyDQbHY https://t.co/Wi8EGz20IL" / Twitter



  2. Now can you report on something else? That shit is getting annoying.

    1. Care to offer suggestions? Don’t forget this is a personal blog that is for sharing/ posting things that WE like. All are welcome, mostly. If you have a topic please speak up.

    2. Yeah report on the riots that will occur for entertainment purposes only.

    3. I, for one, am glad of all the reporting on Kyle. Seriously, if so many people weren't talking about him, he'd have disappeared and been totally screwed. Only so many people poking and prodding into what was going on kept Kyle out of state prison.

      Now expect federal charges in 3... 2... 1....

    4. This was probably the most important inflection point for personal freedom vs mob rule and some turtle remarks that the 'shit is getting annoying'. Damn, he must have one of those computers that only allow him to view Irish's pages. Mine lets me wander around and I can even shut it off if I like. Keep up the great posting and congrats on your work search.

    5. Keep doing your thing Irish.
      We got your back.

    6. @Birdchaser, I believe this was a bellwether trial on our "legal" right to defend ourselves when confronted with force or attacked. More savvy folk pay attention to these events in their entirety. Ohio Guy

  3. Let the riots begin......

    1. Folk in Kenosha prepped a warm welcome for a fresh batch of bullet-magnets.

  4. In the immortal words of El Kabong, "HO-Laaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!".

  5. You have the best blog on the internet. Thank you for providing it!

  6. I have a window sticker with that sillohuet pretty funny.

  7. Replies
    1. Sorry to offer a correction my friend, but I think the term is "mostly" peaceful protests. With that siad, I hope they break out the live ammo.

  8. Whatever happens in Kenosha this afternoon or night, they brought it on themselves. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  9. My advice to Kyle, keep your mouth shut, zero interviews, grow a beard , change your hair, change your name, move away, then you might have a life.

    1. After suing the hell out of MSDNC, CNN, all of their anchors and commentators, Biden (for his comments while a candidate) and even the DCCC for their comments today post-verdict. Take'em all to the cleaners, THEN he should go off and enjoy his life.

  10. I hope those prosecutors get tossed out of their positions and on their asses so hard they bounce.
    C'mon, Voters of Kenosha!

  11. Sadly, its probably not over firm him at all. First, the gommmint, may file an appeal. Second, the survivors of those who died could fike a civil suit against him. Last, excluding the previous, he's mody likely going to need to disappear for quite a while and even then he may have to keep looking over his shoulder for many years to come. 🙁

    1. The government cannot file an appeal. Kyle was cleared on all charges and can never be retried on this matter in a criminal court. A civil suit might happen down the road. But he can never be charged or tried criminally on this, ever.

    2. Only the feds can file additional charges. In the State court system, he has been exonerated.

    3. The Feds have no purview, this was a "local" matter and no Federal laws were broken.
      Oh, I'm sure Mr. Slimebucket Garland will try...

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  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The jury was brave to hand out the correct verdicts. NBC was trying to Dox them for crying out loud. There might be hope for the Republic after all.

  15. Well let's not forget the DOJ can still cook up something against Kyle. Although I don't think they will in this case because it pretty much stunk to start with. But I'll bet there will be some saber rattling coming out of the DOJ just for the sake of drama

  16. I also shed a few tears of joy. The best news I've heard in a very long time. Hunting season of scumbags opens today!
    I sent money to his defense fund...best $ I've spent!

  17. I shed a few tears of joy. The best news I've heard in a very long time. Hunting season of scumbags opens today!
    I sent money to his defense fund...best $ I've spent!

  18. Excellent verdicts, wonderful defense team, super righteous judge and an absolutely excellent prosecutor - the best for whom Kyle could have wished. Either the prosecutor secretly was in Kyle's corner the whole time or was merely an inept, corrupt, political lying sack of shit - but either way - he was largely responsible for Kyle's acquittal.

    1. I think you probably know this, but I'm going to say it anyway. Prosecutors are never in the defendant's corner. That's not their job. This prosecutor has a very high convict record, but it's probably arrived at through plea deals, something that is never noted when prosecutors records are talked about.

      Anyone that comes afoul of the law in that jurisdiction should note what an absolutely incompetent fuckup this guy is and plea accordingly.

      Not that the case should have been brought in the first place.

      If I were the judge, I'd be charging the entire prosecution team with prosecutorial misconduct and bingwhatshisname with assault with a deadly weapon for pointing that AR in every direction but a safe one with his finger ON THE TRIGGER, IN THE COURT ROOM.


    2. I get the impression the prosecution took the soros money with every intention of dropping the ball.

  19. I already see the "No justice, no peace" shit starting. As a reminder to the shitstain snowflakes...No peace, no life.

  20. The DoJ will go after him just as they did the police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson.

  21. If Rittenhouse had been found guilty it would have meant that victims had a legal obligation to accept being beaten or killed when attacked. The ability to defend oneself was revalidated today.

  22. Our Republic may yet have a chance to survive. I hope Kyle gets Lynn Wood as for an attorney and sues as many politicians and news media outlets for defamation as he can. FJB!

  23. I'm Shokkt! Not because it wasn't obvious it was self defense. I'm Shokkt the jury didn't bend to the threats. God,watch over and protect those people and their families.

  24. Local tv stations in Madison, WI trying real hard to make a story "I'm downtown in the capitol and nothing is happening. We'll be keeping you up to date with the latest updates on nothing." Dude, it's friday night and it's cold and dark. Everybody's inside watching tv and drinking.

  25. It would not surprise me at all, that in a week or so, Feds bust down the doors of his Mom's house, seize every electronic device, trash the rest of the place, haul away Kyle. This LEFT that is in there today just Does Not Care, they want to send a message, a public one.

  26. No-one mentioned Andrew Coffee...

  27. If you cannot defend yourself, the Second Amendment has been effectively repealed.
    God bless the jury for being honest and acquitting.
    God bless Kyle for being a real American.


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