Monday, November 15, 2021

Dear Oregon... WTAF?








  1. Nasty old cunt licker. I wouldn't piss on that bitch if she was on fire

    1. The ONLY way I would piss on her is if she was not on fire.

  2. Kate Brown-Chortz is Oregon's version of Kamala Harris.

  3. too bad none of the progs are offended by that mask , the Christmas theme and all that WHITE snow and all of that white power stuff ?

  4. As an Oregon resident, I can tell you that a lot of places don't enforce this B.S. mandate.

    Like Sambo, I wouldn't do ANYTHING to assist this nasty evil cow.

    Sadly, this state has been using mail in ballots only for over 20 years. No way a conservative can win. I want to see an electoral college at the state level...

    1. How about somebody just adding up the number of registered voters compared to the number of ballots cast by precinct, then comparing those results to traditional voter turn out numbers?

      I know such analysis would never be allowed, but that's about the only way, short of having every mail in ballot verified by an independent agency, to catch the fraud.



  5. When I look at somebody that looks like that I do not say to myself "Now here is somebody that I would be able to count on during a crisis ." Nope I look at her and think "She is suffering from some form of mental illness and ought to be in a hospital not on the streets ".

    1. Correcting you comment. NOT ALLOWED IN THE GOVERNORS OFFICE!

    2. Correcting YOUR comment, Sarthurk - NOT ALLOWED IN *ANY* OFFICE!

  6. W.......T.......F......

    Looking around the world today. Seeing unvaccinated locked down by force in Austria. Australia already ran off the rails. New Zealand right with them. The lefty world is SCRAMBLING for The Great Reset while they still have a chance with Biden. Thank God for the Fifth Circuit Ruling.

  7. And I grew up in that state... Do I really want to go back?

  8. How about we get some truth in advertising when it comes to the political class for once. It’s be much more accurate if that mask had a set of old, tired, worn out beef curtains hanging off the front instead of a snow globe. Maybe replace the flowers with a cloud of flies...
    Then make a matching one for ol’ Kamel Toe the commie hoe.

  9. I'm so glad I escaped that loony bin.
    Unclezip is now in Arizona

  10. You gotta wonder how pieces of cold wet rotting pieces of shit like this get into such positions. Gotta be fraud. I'll never believe these things are elected to office.

    1. Remember the phrase "first we need to kill all of the lawyers"? Lawyers who can't make it at a law firm or who have never actually practiced law, become politicians. Joe Buydem is just the most recent example, preceded by Barry Obozo, the Constitutional Law professor who didn't know the Constitution from "Dick and Jane".


  11. That governor certainly needs to be shaken up!

  12. Nobody listens to her. Was there in October and nobody was wearing a mask.

    Fuck the Scunt.

  13. We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon.
    In town, a few customers do the dictates of the dictator, unelected governess kate 'moonbeam' brown (apparently, no relation to perpetual California bureaucrat edmund g. 'moonbeam' brown... although nobody saw the two in a room together).
    Outside Eugene, nobody pays any mind to dictates.
    Let this sink in.
    A few hundred loudmouths in town, compared to a couple-three million country folk.
    BOLCHEVICS are delusional.


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