Saturday, November 20, 2021

and many of ya'll laughed when I requested teh SMOD.....












  1. We used to put these people in insane asylums (asyla?). Now we let them wander the streets, accost innocent strangers, and broadcast their lunacy while we're expected and required to pretend that they're normal and healthy.

    I wonder if this is what Weimar Germany felt like.

  2. Still waiting for the switch to flip...Ohio Guy

  3. Hell if I'm going to watch that, but if he still has his "man tackle" and he's bleeding so much he thinks he's having a period he won't be with us much longer. That's a warning sign to see the urologist RFN.

    1. SiG, I think that...individual...is actually female. XX with testosterone supplements. It describes itself as a "trans man", and "trans" means "fake", hence my supposition.

  4. Islam is right about women

  5. The 2 girls response was interesting because their instinct of getting up and creating distance from a extremely abnormal person was the correct thing to do. Women and kids, when something is wrong pay attention to your senses,you have them for a reason. This freak is wrong on many levels, the warpaint he is wearing, he is not trying to fit in, he deliberately overdid his appearance either to get attention by shocking people or he is just plain crazy. Either way, you should always slam the door on freaks, give no openings, shut them down hard otherwise they will try to detect weakness and exploit it.

  6. I'd give him/her/it a pack of "male tampons" and an applicator (baseball bat) and offer to render the service.

  7. She'll be one of the 51% of trans that do themselves in.

  8. Some warning next time please, this is slightly worse then when when someone posted something very bad on Phil's site...no warning just there it was.

    1. In my best "The Curse of Oak Island Narrator Voice"

      "Phil? Posted something bad? Does that mean it's the knight templars or William shakespears?"


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