Monday, January 18, 2021

Welcome to the grand illusion

 Notes from the road, you would think that someone that got 80 million votes in this country would have followers with signs out front and balloons and flags and all the stuff looking forward to the inauguration. I see no signs of anything. I even find that the total mood is somber. Everyone is just waiting for the next shoe to drop. I also believe that some Of the middle of road people that voted for you know-who n’ho  are probably second-guessing themselves as more and more information comes out and they are privy to it other than on the main stream media.


  1. Thanks for the ear worm. I’ll be singing that Styx song all day now.

  2. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.gXA0QbuSbD8kk6z4ywUxwwHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1

  3. I dare say no one voted FOR No-Doz Joe and his Mercurial Ho, rather they voted against Trump because Orange Man Bad.

  4. The guy who "lost" has more signs out.

    1. That's true. I still see more Trump signs now than I ever saw of Biden* signs throughout the campaign.

    2. I live in an ultraviolet area. Biden had more signs than Hillary, but all are down now. The only signs still up are anti-Trump ones, and not many of those either.

  5. "you know-who n’ho"

    I like it

  6. Well... they gotta be uneasy. You got half the country that is no longer entitled to free speech and must be censored at all costs. Now they can no longer be allowed to vote and must be disarmed. And finally, they must give up their jobs and livelihoods AND support the boatloads of human trash being imported from the third world to basically vote Democrat. Then there’s the scary COVID bogeyman. It’s going to be mutiny on the bounty...

    1. "It’s going to be mutiny on the bounty..."

      Hopefully not. The government of the Bounty, i.e., the officers and the crew who stayed loyal, mostly survived. The mutineers? Only one lasted more than a couple of years.

  7. See any similarities to the modern democratic party???


  8. Here in central Texas, the Trump flags are still flying. The American flag is still flying. Had a chance to speak to a 35'ish year old yesterday and he hesitantly asked me about the "situation". I told him that the older I get; the more conservative I get....he breathed a sigh of relief. He stated that he also was conservative and was very concerned about his children's future.
    My advice to him was; go local. Nothing we did changed the course of the tsunami of that national election. So we have to go local. We have to go to the school board meetings and question the curriculum. We have to go to the county meetings and question things like eminent domain.
    We have to SHOW UP!

    1. Hi John...!
      STEVE nailed it with his last words!!!.... "SHOW UP!!!!!"
      PS You may also want to be "carryin'!!" ... If you don't you may not get to see the next sunrise!!

  9. I've met, maybe, two people who said they voted for the Joe/Ho' ticket. On the other hand, I've talked to DOZENS of people who voted for Trump. ...And this is in CALIFORNIA! Only "dozens?" Well, "governor" Nanny Newsom has CA locked down, you know. Come to think of it, I can't say that I've talked to ANYONE who voted for THAT faggot!

  10. This comment is in response to a question I received regarding comments that are allowed and comment moderation.

    This blog is run by one person, me, with a lot of posting help from Jeffery. I would say that almost every comment is approved. Things that will not get approved are derogatory racial comments.Strong threats of violence ( I may have missed a few) and bickering back and forth. Oh , I also blog spam. I believe in the First Amendment.

    We, all that stop here, will never agree completely. You , my readers will have different reactions to the posts here.
    Friday Femme Fatale may be the exception.
    As things go forward I would prefer to maintain the blog and not piss off TPTB so it gets flushed. There is a lot of good information that can be shared.

    I will be moderating a little closer and I’m sure the posting will adjust to fly below the radar. If things don’t go as hoped.

    I hope this answers some questions.

    Thanks !
    You’re humble host. The Mick.


    1. Thank you, Sir, for all you do. Message received.

    2. I hope you have all your essentials backed up and have a plan to migrate when the hammer falls. I hope it doesn't, but I'm not optimistic. Look at what's happened to WC, CA and other sites like this one in the past year and national figures since the turn of the year. After the 20th...


    3. Rock on... I'm old, Irish, and when you get older you care less about personal backlash against the things that you do and say. I'll admit that there were a few times during the obama administration that I was concerned about "who's watching" what was being posted. This time is different, I think. I'm not a paranoid person. That isn't one of my diagnosed mental health issues... lol. (a little joke there. ;) ) I really think that there is the potential for bad things happening to folks who speak out right now. Not to be a downer, but if I write and they know it, they know who's reading it as well... ;) Anyway... There have been a lot of authors in the past who have written entertaining fiction that aligns quite well with today's political circumstances. You stay safe, Brother...

  11. People around where I live are about as excited for this as they are for a kick in the crotch by a steel toed boot.

  12. Irish. Here in Chicago, we just lost 19 Ward and Second City Cop web sites. It's getting scary out here.

    1. Irish thank you for all you do. Here we lost our patriots group on "nextdoor" a very local simple website because "false info about election fraud" was posted in a private group. Obviously we had trolls that reported this but they do nothing to liberal sights. I do not comment here often but I always stop by when I can. Thank you Sir for letting me rant a bit.
      Retired SCPO out!

    2. Yeah, I was wondering about 19th Ward. Any idea what the deal is?

  13. I am so happy to find others that think like I do or have noticed the same "symptoms" that I have. What we lack is any true leadership from the conservative side. We have been patient and tolerant too long. We may lose the Republic to continuing pressure that destroys the basis of our nation to the over reaction from both ends of the political spectrum.

    1. I've been hearing that last phrase forever, even used it myself more than a few times over the years, but at this point I only see overreaction coming from one end of the political spectrum.

  14. The left.....including their media whores ad Big Tech accomplices simply DO NOT CARE what we the people think, believe or want. They won....they STOLE the election "fair and square" and they intend to KEEP what they stole. If that requires exterminating milljons of us they have no qualms about doing so. Our portion is to SHUT THE FUCK UP and send them our money. That is the ONLY REASON we are allowed to exist. To keep the lights on, the systems running and the money/gravy train rolling.

  15. this is a great blog and I read it every day. thank you sir for all you share

  16. I was driving in town today and was behind an SUV with a Biden 2020 bumper sticker. I supressed my urge to rear end him accidentally. Trump won my county and the county north of us, and the one north of that, here in the rural backcountry of NJ.

  17. I was driving in town today and was behind an SUV with a Biden 2020 bumper sticker. I supressed my urge to rear end him accidentally. Trump won my county and the county north of us, and the one north of that, here in the rural backcountry of NJ.

    Thieves Of Freedom Should Their Lose Freedom.

  19. I am confused as to why they need more NG troops in DC than we have deployed in Afghanistan, and Iraq combined?.


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