Tuesday, January 26, 2021



 Enjoy the day, you will never get it back.







  1. Lurking. Keep up the good work. Up the road from you in Tennessee.

  2. I visit multiple times a day.
    Good morning buddy and Good night. I'm going to bed.

  3. I'm the shady drunk back in the corner talking to myself....

  4. I pop in and out multiple times a day.

  5. Perspective! Wow, I never stopped to really LOOK at the place. It's probably too high-brow for me....

    Thanks for a place to hang out!

  6. I would love to hang out in that pub

  7. The feeling is mutual

  8. The only thing missing is me at the bar. May have to replicate bar in my next abode.

  9. Thanks, Irish. Twins will have to suffice, for now.


  10. Too bad it isn't a literal pub...Can you imagine all the characters that inhibit your blog there? Lively discussions, bar brawls, locker stuffing, the Guinness, Murphy's, Beamish and O'haras will flow!

  11. Have to visit somewhere. I live in one of the few remaining dry counties. Yeah there is such a thing.


    Thankfully there is the nearby VFW. Conveniently located just up the road from the county jail.


    1. "Having to add" (if you catch my drift) my county sheriff whom I went through the whole of 'regular school 1st through 12th' with insists to put on here his "staff" goes outta their way to just escort - (calling our neighbors to come and drive *us home ... when obviously the need be) -

      At any rate he doesn't want any vet-card carrying driver to get the idea our county is against ... hmmm ... 'Wednesday's Bingo' night

      At which explanation I inquired of him "You visiting Irish's and Jeff's fairly regularly too *A - Don't you think your constituents will be (somewhat) dismayed if they find out?"

      To which he texted me back 'Well JK that' [somewhat maturish - think 40ish] 'LADY, with her butt sideways a'gleam didn't remind you why nobody except for the girls, ever missed her class? I'm telling you JK I for one am looking for her reappearing.'

      Sometimes I wonder about my local law enforcement guys.

      I mean it's not like she's 'gone missing' or anything it's just, I think, as we apprecianodos of FFF get the occasional remembrance, ....

      Well. It's pretty good.

      (I graduated HS - 'she' was not a HS teacher - in '71 and speaking, I'm pretty doggone certain of that 'teacher' I heard my Dad utter the [memorable] phrase "When she bends over to pick up her chalk you can see what she had for breakfast.")

      At any rate I'm cutting the sheriff some slack.


  12. I have a hilarious and very Irish story about how my Great Grandfather (from the old country) discovered late in life that he had not completed his US citizenship requirements and was actually an Illegal Alien. Tonight I'll raise a toast to him for doing what he needed to do to get us here and to you good sir for keeping a place where we can occasionally rant and vent.

  13. Would that this were a literal pub, then I'd buy the next round!

  14. Several times daily, beginning over coffee at zero dark thirty. always enjoyable/informative, especially FFF. The sidebar is handy as well. Scott, in So. Central Ohio.

  15. Lurking in the corner pretending to read a book, while people-watching. I like this place!

  16. And we would all yell "Irish!" or "Jeffery!" when they came through the door! Slainte'
    As Wilfred Brimley said to Roy Hobbs - "And your the best g..damn blog I ever saw".

  17. Been reading your screed for years, and none of it has been boring, thank you for everything, and good health to you and yours.

  18. Been swinging by here since shortly after I started blogging.

    And you'll always be on the sidebar!

  19. Is that a screen grab from "The Guild"? Love the blog, sir.

  20. American lurking from Ausralia. Let's have a drink some time.


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