Thursday, December 31, 2020
You Decide.... Updated
Did she get the vaccine or not? So it looks like the nurse is snapping a safety cover back over the needle.
Like this:
That's all fine and good but I'm still not convinced she got the real vaccine. Personally I would be waiting a long time for empirical evidence to prove it's efficacy.
So, the fake VP, fake black woman also gets a fake vaccine ๐ค๐
— ๐บ๐ธ๐๐ป✝ Linda Liberty ✝๐๐ป๐บ๐ธ ⭐⭐⭐ (@LindaLiberty9) December 30, 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Monday, December 28, 2020
Now That You Mention It...
A litmus test, ask a Biden supporter to confirm their support without mentioning Trump.
Biden Supporters Never say anything Pro Biden...
— Anne E. Patriot⭐️๐บ๐ธ⭐️๐ฎ๐ฑ⭐️ (@MissILmom) December 28, 2020
Only things that are Anti Trump...
That Says a Lot!
An Essential Man
Once upon a time, there was a president called Ronald Reagan—a model of decency and probity, at once great and self-effacing, who, above all, was truly in love with America and saw it as his sacred mission to preserve and strengthen American freedom. During his eight-year tenure, he revitalized the U.S. economy, snapped us out of what his disastrous predecessor had referred to as “our malaise,” and helped bring down the Soviet Union.
Then he walked off into the sunset. And for the next seven presidential terms, we had to make do with mediocrity and self-dealing. Both parties were dominated by crime families—sorry, I mean political dynasties. The Bushes were uninspiring. The Clintons were pure slime.
The 1960s had introduced a toxic counterculture rooted in reflexive oikophobia. It had grown apace ever since. The Bushes did nothing to resist it; Clinton himself was very much a part of it. In a famous speech at the 1992 Republican convention, Pat Buchanan warned that America was in a “culture war”—a “war for the soul of America.”
He was right. But he identified the primary enemy as gays. In fact, the culture war had nothing to do with gays. It was about, among other things, professors who praised Marx and kids who wore Che t-shirts. After 9/11, it was also about people who, not knowing a thing about Islam, whitewashed it and claimed that America had deserved the jihadist attacks.
Buchanan’s speech was a great gift to the counterculturists: it enabled them to paint the GOP as a party not of freedom but of bigotry. He wasn’t alone. There were plenty of Republican politicians who, instead of being clear about the nature of the culture war, lazily played the anti-gay card.
Meanwhile the real enemy within grew apace, all but unopposed.
Then along came Barack Obama. He was the enemy within. His memoir Dreams from My Father suggested that he had far more affection for Kenya and Indonesia than for America. His mentor, Jeremiah Wright, was a virulent America-hater.
During the 2008 campaign, Obama posed as a healer of America’s oldest wounds. He turned out to be a divider. Soon after taking office, he ran off to Cairo to tell pretty lies about Islam.
In the years that followed, the enemy within cemented its control over large swathes of academia, big business, and the news media. Poisonous academic notions about group identity, victimhood, oppression, and white supremacy went mainstream.
And instead of using his unique position as America’s first black president to resist all this, Obama encouraged it.
A Hero Rides In—On an Escalator
All seemed lost. Then Donald Trump came down that shiny escalator, introducing a campaign with a simple slogan: “America First.”
At first his candidacy looked like a stunt. But his performance in the primaries opened our eyes. For the first time since Reagan, we saw a worthwhile alternative to cowardly careerist politicians with no convictions and no cojones—pols who were, at worst, aggressively pushing a divisive, anti-American agenda and, at best, quietly overseeing America’s managed decline.
Media commentators, themselves products of the post-1960s counterculture, pronounced Trump a buffoon and a vulgarian; millions of Americans, however, looked at him and saw a potential savior—a real warrior who shared their love of America and who, it seemed, might just win the culture war.
Like Reagan, Trump actually seemed to care about ordinary Americans. The Bushes and Clintons had gotten rich as “public servants”; Trump, a billionaire, stood only to lose money by throwing his hat in the ring.
A longtime New York fixture, he was famous for hiring smart people regardless of their sex, race, or sexual orientation. He supported same-sex marriage long before Obama or Hillary Clinton did. During the campaign, unlike GOP candidates before him, he never came close to gay-bashing. Yet the Left portrayed him as a bigot, and veteran GOP bigshots accused him, hilariously, of having sullied a party that had once oozed dignity and class.
Meanwhile, Obama, Clinton, and Biden conspired to destroy the Trump campaign and then the Trump presidency with lies about nefarious foreign ties. In fact, it was Hillary and Biden, all along, who had the nefarious foreign ties.
The four years that followed Trump’s inauguration were crowded with triumphs, domestic and foreign, of the sort that no president in our lifetimes—not even Reagan—had dreamed of achieving. And every day, the media, in lockstep, deep-sixed those triumphs while bashing Trump.
Quite simply, over the course of the Trump years, what had once been the counterculture, became the dominant culture, and went mad. Word went out that everything was racist; that there are dozens of genders and that you are whatever sex you say you are; and that police departments should be defunded. The death of a previously obscure Minneapolis thug led to months of destructive riots all over the country, and even abroad.
The culture war had finally come to a head. In George Floyd, the former counterculture had found its unworthy martyr. In Trump, law-abiding Americans had found their hero. And the enemies within had shed their mainstream masks and were doing everything they could to bring the president down.
A Lone Hero
During his presidency, Trump has seemed almost to be acting alone, with members of his own administration and party lined up against him. Except in the final days of Richard Nixon’s presidency, when have we ever seen a president so alone? When in recent American history, except during the New York mayoralty of Rudy Giuliani, had so positive a turnaround been so obviously attributable to a single individual?
Yes, the idea of a country being saved by a single “great man” can be dangerous. In the last century, it led to the dictatorships of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and several others. But facts are facts: Trump, today, is America’s essential man. Though surrounded by enemies in the White House, on Capitol Hill, and all over Washington, he’s enjoyed an unprecedented level of public support.
Never—and this assertion seems unarguable—have so many Americans loved their president so much, or trusted him so implicitly, or been so certain of his genuine concern for their welfare. Watching Trump rallies on TV, I’ve often found myself thinking: if only Adams or Jefferson or Franklin could see this!
Because this wasn’t by any means a Communist-style cult of personality, with people feeling scared not to cheer. This was the real thing—a good thing—a democratically elected leader being applauded by ordinary citizens from every imaginable kind of background for keeping his promises and for serving his people.
Uniformly, the counterculture-bred “journalists” who “reported” on these peaceful patriotic events depicted the participants as scum. Then, toward the end of Trump’s term, cities around America erupted in violent riots by members of what once would have been called the counterculture, and the same “journalists” depicted those participants as heroes.
Finally, the ultimate culture war atrocity: a manifestly stolen election.
The theft was breathtaking in the insane lust for power, and the contempt for opponents, that made it possible. It was stunning in its brazenness. Which made sense: for decades, as it had advanced apace—in what has been called “the long march through the institutions”—the counterculture had grown used to easy conquests. It apparently hadn’t expected much in the way of resistance this time, either.
The whole scenario is quite clear. They’re just like schoolyard bullies. Because Trump supporters are honest, good-mannered, and peaceable, they take us for wimps.
And alas, some old-line Republican members of Congress, who at this point are perhaps all that’s standing between us and a Biden presidency, are wimps—prepared to roll over to maintain a factitious peace.
The majority of our Supreme Court justices—who, against all logic, denied that Texas has standing to challenge the presidential vote in another state—are wimps, too.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
The Internet Has Ruined Me... Rule 35
Rule 35:
"An addendum of the internet rules stating that if there is no porn of it, it will be made."
Just add a logo and perspective changes.... hint:
This post has absolutely nothing to do with the “visual” portion of the video. Just listen from the perspective of the logo I added.
Saturday, December 26, 2020
There are lots of rumors and lots of theories of what may or may not have occurred in Nashville Christmas morning in regards to the explosion in the vicinity of 2nd Avenue and Broadway. I have several ideas, but at this point they are all conjecture. I know parts of my county (app. 160 miles due south of Nashville) are still without AT&T cellular service. I saw this piece over at The Intrepid Reporter . There were also some pretty good comments. One, contained this link to an Amazon news site that seems to show some sort of projectile shooting upward from the ground near the AT&T Tower and a second later is the the "big explosion". I would be interested in reading any thoughts or ideas from our readers here at TFI.

Check out this link too. I found it over at WRSA in a comment. I have no way of knowing if this is authentic, but at this point, anything is possible.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas To One And All...
On this day, December 25th in 2020, I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas!!
and a heartfelt thank you! Whether you lurk, and or comment, email or forward submissions,
We appreciate you stopping by this corner of the web and enjoying the daily offerings.
It's nice to know that there so many like minded people spread across this great country and also
across the globe.
Let's Hope we will see the dark clouds of this past year be pushed aside as we move onward to 2021.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
'Twas the night before Christmas.... a retelling...
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land
not much was happening, what was next planned?
The stockings were placed haphazardly, despair
Hoping St Nicholas would PLEASE bring us cheer
The children still masked, lay in their bed
while visions of freedom danced in their head
Mama had her vodka and I a night cap
Couldn't settle our brains we had already napped
Suddenly outside there arose such a clatter
I racked a shell and went to check on the matter
As I crept to the window, no, not in a flash
I moved the curtains and peeked past the sash
The moon on the piles of dirty plowed snow
enhanced the dystopian look we all know
My eyes fixed and widened with joy not fear
There was Santa, his sleigh and of course eight reindeer
The decked out driver was lively and quick
With his guns and his ammo holy shit St Nick?!?
He whistled and shouted and called out some names
F**k Clinton, F**k Cuomo, F**k Pelosi, F**k Schiff
F**k Harris and Biden and all the lefty shits!
“Now lock away, lock away, lock away all!”
I rubbed my eyes and refocused my stare
The perps, In a cell, they were all right there
Santa's eyes twinkled the reindeer stood tight
Oh my God I thought, what an amazing sight
He continued out loud, listing tricks used to suppress,
“No more masks, No more lockdowns, you will have redress!”
“Quarantine ends,all the shops will now open!”
“No more stolen elections, Santa has spoken!”
Shocked at the vision, I had to kneel on the floor
When suddenly there was a loud knock at the door
There he stood in his tac from his hat to his boots
exclaimed kiddingly “Santa!, please don't shoot!”
His eyes they twinkled and his smile was merry
He said “Please fill my flask?”, “The missus only had sherry”
Of course he came in and I was shaking his hand
Then I grabbed the whiskey and heard the plan
He was gathering the criminals this Holy Eve
they were going to Gitmo,never to leave.
As fast as it started it ended right there
He was gone in an instant I know not where.
The Sun, in the morning , broke over cloud banks
and streamed through my window, I muttered “thanks”.
I cracked my eyes and thought "was it all in my head?"
"That's it no more fruitcake and whiskey then bed."
I slogged to the bath, fed and petted the cat
for an instant it seemed like he smiled at that
Making some coffee, I turned to the tree
There was a large box of ammo sitting right there for me
The note said “Thanks for the whiskey, hang tight”
“Good things are happening just out of sight”
I again rubbed my eyes, "there's no way this can be real"
Grabbing my coffee I let out an elated schoolgirl squeal
At the computer I wondered "What would the news reveal?"
Sure as shit, everything, all of it, was real
The world was abuzz with breaking headlines
Arrests were ongoing in these “Hopeful of Times”.
The future's uncertain, for eons It's been
We can only have hope that the right side will win
Regardless the outcome, as time marches us there
For now I can wish you:
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!"
RIP Leslie West...
I remember hearing Nantucket Sleighride way back in the day and it has always been one of my favorite
"Mountain" songs to have on a greatest hits list.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Nothing Is What It Seems. Smoke And Mirrors To Fuck Over The Consumer. Irish is Pissed. Here's My Rant.....
Stay with it if you like.
You really can't trust any motherfuckers out there any more. This just adds to the list from politicians all the way down to the bastards that screw you everyday.
Reader, commenter and submitter Nemo sent an email checking on us and wishing yours truly, and the boss, a Merry Christmas. I responded in kind and said I was going to make a Prime Rib for the Christmas meal. I purchased a good name beef that I trusted as far as the information I have gotten in the past.
Many times I have had the Delmonico steaks from a "farm" called Cedar River. I love to cook them on the grill, just under medium rare, with only a little salt and pepper. They are delicious. Friends have always raved about how good they are.They are advertised thus:
One of the local restaurants has the sirloin and lists it as "Cedar" for a wee more than a small pot of gold.
Writing a farm blog can be difficult. Livestock is theoretically an
endless source of topics, but cows and pigs rarely behave in the tidy,
didactic, narrative-friendly manner of the animals in a James Herriot
story. (Not that he was making them up, but he had a lifetime of
experience as a vet, and I suspect he took a good bit of literary
license at times.) Then there are the more abstract matters of food and
agricultural policy, which I am informed enough to have opinions about
but also informed enough to that many of them could well be wrong. Much
easier would be to go after other farms that aren’t doing things right
in my view. I don’t do this because farming is hard, situations are
specific, and I have a great deal of empathy for anyone who’s sticking
it out. I don’t often succeed, but I try to view other people with the
same generosity I hope they will extend to me. Given all that, you’d be
right to wonder why I’m about to take a hatchet to Cedar River Farms.
JBS USA announces the launch of, an interactive website that highlights our premium Cedar River Farms® Natural Beef program. The website serves as an easy-to-use sales resource and informational tool for retail and foodservice operators, as well as a useful source of information for consumers.
"With the launch of, we dispel the mystery of Natural beef," said John Punis, director of Natural beef brands at JBS USA Beef. "This new site explains our Natural approach to producing consistently superior beef, shares delicious consumer recipes and provides our customers with a valuable resource to make their business stronger."
A google search of the address yields grassy pastures and acres and acres of beef cattle....not.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Helpful Winter Tips For Your Liberal Friends.... Please Pass Them On...
I know most of them wouldn't understand how to perform most of these types of duties, so as caring Conservatives, you can offer a helping hand and do them for them. They can sip their soy mochaccino lattes and watch.
Stardate.. 12/22/2020wtf... Irish's log..
*Wets finger*, scrolls down to last Covid post to check date.
Last post regarding the kung flu was on Saturday 12/19/2020wtf.
We left off with a positive diagnosis in the household with minimal symptoms.
Sunday was spent doing chores around the house. The boss feels fine, I still had a cough but nothing
earth shattering. Non productive, dry.
Slightly noticeable chest irritation. Nothing more that what would
be considered a couple day cold. Sunday afternoon I get an email from another employee who tested
positive over the weekend. fuuuuuck.
I called them and they sounded like crap, felt like crap, and had labored breathing but not concerned
enough for a hospital visit. According to our protocols we have to do contact tracing and advise other
employees if we determine they are in the Close Contact (1) category.
During last week we had 13 people working from home. Monday we were closed and Thursday was
the blizzard so limited staffing.
The positive case was only there on Friday and started feeling "crappy" after lunch.
Due to the previous cases everyone returning on Tuesday (12/15) were again reminded, firmly, to
maintain 6 feet and mask at all times.
This would keep us outside close contact criteria of "15 minutes cumulative in 24 hours under six feet".
Think about trying to maintain that in a manufacturing environment. We have done the best we can
but regardless of policy that ain't happening, I don't care who you are. We are told to write disciplinary
actions to those that don't follow along. That would be everyone at one time or another each day.
Okay, back to Sunday and case number 4. Myself and EHS manager have a conference call with
employee and there are two possible close contacts (1) that "could" fit into the criteria.
"Possible". To err on the side of caution we advise them to stay home and monitor.
EHS and myself discuss the fact that Monday morning, yesterday, will be a shit show at the start.
It ended up being a bit rocky but not too bad once the rumors were kyboshed.
Everyone thinks they are a close contact when it comes to this.
They are also pissed because #hipaa. Information cannot be divulged unless of course you go to
facebook where everyone already knows before management does.
Sunday night I crash and again sleep through the night. Since there is a household case I take my temp
a couple times and monitor my symptoms. Nothing other than he random cough and feeling like I'm in
my late 50's. Oh ya, I am.
Yesterday , Monday, I'm up drinking my coffee texting with some of the crew when I think , fuck it,
what if the boss had a false positive and all this is for naught?
Neither of us have anything other than a cough (that is dimishing) and if we are negative then
we can enjoy Christmas like we planned.
It's early I can run down street ( I took my truck since I ain't runnin' no where) and get in line at the
local testing hole.
They open at 8:00am, first come, first serve. At 7:25am the line is 16 deep. Everyone is planning
on hopefully having some semblance of a real Christmas like so many years ago in 2019.
I finally get in to register, and am told it will be about an hour and a half.
Wait in your car.
BTDT no problem.
Driving around the block, I grab a Dunkin's coffee and finish filing out info on the phone app.
Forty five mins later and way earlier than expected I get a text to go in. Shit, they are pumping them
I sit in the waiting room for about five to ten minutes and get called.
"How do you feel?, what symptoms?" etc.
Me: " Household contact, cough, non productive, kinda lethargic. Tested negative last week just wanted
to make sure all is good and it's only a cold"
PA opens buffet menu, you can have the rapid and the PCR test.
Me, at buffet, "I'll have both".
PA leaves, comes back with two kits.
"We do the rapid and while you wait I'll do the PCR."
*swabs nostrils*
"I'll be right back to do the other test"
tick tock
Less than five minutes goes buy. I'm still rubbing my watering eyes.
Door opens, "Uh we aren't gonna worry about the PCR test, the rapid is positive" steps back two feet.
Me " Are you positive?" kinda surprised because I have nothing more than a cough and I was hoping it
would be negative so the boss could go get tested again just to see if there was a false positive.
In any other time of my career a hot shower and off to work would be the daily routine with
current symptoms. I wouldn't think twice about it.
The PA kinda laughs at my "are you positive?" question and replies "Yes"
I thank her for what she does on a daily basis and said "I'm sure it's not easy sometimes"
She says " You have no idea how rude people can be"
I said " I can only imagine"
"The nurse will be in to brand your forehead with a large letter "C" then you can go." (I made that up)
That was yesterday.
In the afternoon I reported the info to HR and, luckily, I was working from home last week during my
negative test so now it's another 10-14 days depending on a new test.
Currently, the coffee is hot and tastes good. I feel fine, after what we would consider 6-7 days of
We spent some time going down the daily list of who when why where what for last week and we have
no idea of contact.
There were two Dr's visits earlier in the week unrelated to the kung-flu and obvious shopping trips for
food and Christmas. Who knows?
I'm working from home the best I can and have five days off starting tomorrow.
Maybe I'll pull out the old Monopoly game so I can practice for a Harris administration.
Close Contact
Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period* starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
* Individual exposures added together over a 24-hour period (e.g., three 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes). Data are limited, making it difficult to precisely define “close contact;” however, 15 cumulative minutes of exposure at a distance of 6 feet or less can be used as an operational definition for contact investigation. Factors to consider when defining close contact include proximity (closer distance likely increases exposure risk), the duration of exposure (longer exposure time likely increases exposure risk), whether the infected individual has symptoms (the period around onset of symptoms is associated with the highest levels of viral shedding), if the infected person was likely to generate respiratory aerosols (e.g., was coughing, singing, shouting), and other environmental factors (crowding, adequacy of ventilation, whether exposure was indoors or outdoors). Because the general public has not received training on proper selection and use of respiratory PPE, such as an N95, the determination of close contact should generally be made irrespective of whether the contact was wearing respiratory PPE. At this time, differential determination of close contact for those using fabric face coverings is not recommended.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Holy Shith... This is a new record by far...
First off,
All is well so far with the "cov-19". Thank you to those that left comments on the earlier post.
Regarding the stats,
I don't know who linked it where but FFF has over 45,000 hits. Damn.