Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Step by Step, Inch by Inch....*



 We leave 2020....




* unrelated other than the title. Enjoy a smile from days gone by...


  1. Heh, but even though crossing a crevasse is dangerous he's braving death to go from one probably safer spot to another.

    Leaving 2020 for 2021 would be more analogous to climbing out of a septic tank on fire and into......god only knows what.

    Could be sunny, fair skies and skittles, or a deeping stankier septic tank where they hand you a spoon upon entry.

  2. Gee, that looks awfully dangerous...

    Life's a beach, be on it!

  3. Just seeing the title brought me back to being 8-y.o. and sitting in front of the TV, watching The Stooges and saying the words right along with them. It would be worth every penny I've ever earned to see those guys unleashed in the Capitol building to wreak havoc on the corrupt, treasonous assweasels infesting the place.

  4. Not where I thought that skit was going, but I was influenced by a song I heard a long time ago:


    Whitehall, NY

  5. I can't believe you remembered that song and those lyrics. I never EVER heard of them :)

    1. Believe it or not, I have that album. OK, well - that cassette, around still, somewhere.
      As far as random, useless information, I have a shit ton rolling around in my head.

      Whitehall, NY

  6. Wow, I hadn't seen the Stooges do that for about 58 years, I loved that skit when I was a kid, two buddies and I would do the "slowly I turned" thing to my older sister who had no sense or tolerance of Stooges humor. Thanks for the post.

  7. Wow, I hadn't seen the Stooges do that for about 58 years, I loved that skit when I was a kid, two buddies and I would do the "slowly I turned" thing to my older sister who had no sense or tolerance of Stooges humor. Thanks for the post.


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