Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Internet Has Ruined Me... Rule 35


Rule 35:

 "An addendum of the internet rules stating that if there is no porn of it, it will be made."


Just add a logo and perspective changes.... hint:

This post has absolutely nothing to do with the “visual” portion of the video.  Just listen from the perspective of the logo I added.   







  1. Sounds crazy but sites like pornhub are some of the last places to get unfiltered news footage and commentary, hell unfiltered anything. When Disney started scrubbing and editing their older cartoons for political correctness the originals started appearing on open sites.

  2. The label is the reality? Sounds exactly like what the Lamestream Enemedia is always pulling on The Great Unwashed Masses.

  3. Sounds like someone experienced The Shocker right before the end. I was ruined long before the 'Net was invented. ;-)

  4. Yer a twisted Motherfucker, I'll give you that.

    That's why I come here, after all.

  5. My first thought was if the AT&T/NSA facility was the target why did he park across the street? Seems it would have been more effective to drive through the garage doors and detonate under the center of the building. Beyond that there appears to be very little real physical damage. This has the stink of the CIA all over it. If this had been a real "mad bomber" the aftermath would look more like the Oklahoma City bombing. All that would be left would be a pile of rubble.


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