Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Bunker........

Two men in Germany were out exploring the fields when they found two pipes sticking up from the ground in the middle of nowhere. What they discovered is nothing short of amazing. 

This is the description of the above photo:

 So when visiting an old friend in northern germany (formerly GDR) he told me about these weird periscope like pipes in the woods. they often played there as kids and knew about the bunkers below, but never were allowed to get near them. Last week we decided to check them out and this is our report. (sry for my bad english, im trying my best)

HERE IS THE LINK TO THE IMGUR PAGE.. Lots of photos.. You have to click on the link
at the bottom of the photo list to open them all up. Enjoy.


  1. I was thinking a 12 X 12 room------That's amazing. I would like to know how big that is.

  2. Well, I commented and once I chose my Google Profile, to enter the comment, the comment disappeared.


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