Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Wokeness is a very dangerous thing.

                "Everything that is woke turns to $hit!" 

                                                                                              Donald J. Trump



  1. Yep, they tell us to our faces as if there are no consequences. First thing Hitler did was kick the rothchild bankers out of germany

  2. Gotta think Vodka Man Bad looks forward to dealing with that.

  3. Hitler did kick the Jew bankers out of the banks. Then the Global Jew organizations effected a shipping boycott against Germany, imperiling 30% of the German food needs. Guess what happened next.


  4. Millions of Democrat voters think she's OK, but the real kicker is millions of other people will vote for her for just one reason and that’s because the MSM has convinced them Trump is a Fascist. I’m rapidly losing faith in the general public.

    1. You had faith in the general public?

  5. I'm starting to think my history was an incomplete lesson

  6. "Comments are moderated."
    Good to know

  7. A pathetic giggling idiot. and millions will vote for her just because they don't like Trump. America is circling the drain.

    1. the Marxists, Progressives, and the Anarchists own the MSM which has convinced the GP that The Donald is a despicable human being, a reincarnation of Adolf who should be destroyed by any means possible.
      this overwhelming flood of daily propaganda is a very good distraction from idiocies coming from the DNC and their only viable candidate: The Cackler.

  8. Trumps crimes are hating pedophiles, terrorists, invaders, big government and foreigners ripping us off. Oh the horror.

  9. The economy is trashed, we have millions crossing the border, crime up, and the govt in the toilet. If Harris or the Dems win it will be by cheating. Some of the Dems have said they will not let Trump take office. I believe this will all lead to CW2 if Trump is not elected and in office and can clear out the mess that the Federal govt is.

  10. I think the Progs/Anarchists really don't care who gets in; they've already shown that Kamala is just wolf-bait (just toss her out of the troika) and there's no question they'll do anything to castrate The Donald and any other Deep State destroyer, so they intend to put the country into an tight economic tailspin before the end of the decrepit's term and at fifty feet AGL (in January) say, "Go ahead! you've got the stick."
    Their whole point is to destroy the United States of America - they don't care who's washed away in the flood

    1. Anarchy doesn't mean what you seem to think it does.

    2. Anarchy: A chaotic and confusing absence of any form of political authority or government, but the word I used was Anarchist: One who promotes chaos and lawlessness.
      I believe I employed the term I wanted to use correctly; these people want to destroy our ethos in order to bring down our country; to replace it with their notion of Utopia where everybody is equal and nobody works and everything is free.
      Gott helfe uns.

  11. The Kamala in this video is the same "babbling-cackling-hide the ho' in the back room" person we visualize when we hear her name. It is going on three weeks now since the character kill shot was delivered to the Joebama Bribem presidential run by the overlords that run the Demonrat Nationale Commisariat. So far the DNC convention/electoral process has been railroaded onto the Kamala Express. The media is trying their darndest to fast track her as time is short. She has yet to hold a formal news conference announcing her presidency/addressing the DNC and has rarely been seen. Neither has she appeared before the press and taken the first hardball question, but according to the MSM she is smoking Trump in the polls, has raised 300 gazillion dollars (almost all Joe's) and has infused the left with such freshness, boldness, ferocity, and other general BS that I am expecting the entire election to be called off any day now. It reminds me of a meme I saw the other day that stated something like, "the same people that are telling you to support Kamala Harris is the same bunch that was telling you a few weeks ago that Joe Biden was fine".

  12. i think that the left wants to destroy the USA and that seems clear in their policies

  13. Why would anyone vote for a giggling school girl who has to laugh every time she makes a statement to cover up her unconscious discomfort with what she just said.


  14. That idiot cackles every time she says something.. I can't imagine how much she cackles when she farts.


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