Monday, August 5, 2024

Take A Few Minutes. Listen To This Story And Then Digest How Fucked Up The Media Is....Especially Communist News Network








  1. Let's hope he gets a summary judgement well before they go bankrupt from their own poor viewership, etc. Rounding up Jake Tapper and the rest of the co-conspirators and flying them BACK into Afghanistan seems like a great punishment too.

  2. CNN has been doing this shit for years, look at the amounts they have been sued the last 15 years. Didn't they run the fake bush dishonorable discharge story even though they knew it was fake?


  3. I'm trying to figure out how to hate cnn more than I have for years.

    1. "As much as you think you hate (CNN), you don't hate them enough".
      President Elect B Woodman

  4. I wish that episode was unusual and I wish I was surprised at CNN's blatant disregard for the truth, but neither is true.

  5. Really doing my best to feign surprise...

  6. He was probably funded by Catholic charities and the other soros funded NGO’s to bring immigrants here and this guy spins it another way. Time will tell so I will check back later.

  7. Be a shame if someone honeytrapped their editors in whatever filth they drool over and promote, and did a nasty disembowelment/castration/bastinado/flaying/hanging/immolation, in 4K IMAX with scratch'n'sniff card accompaniment. Might make the replacement think twice. Or not, maybe the sequel will be better.

  8. So what else is new?

  9. ...as part of the settlement he should also demand that everyone involved be fired and forfeit their pension. That's how you wake these mfers up and stop this boolshit reporting, especially the public facing people like Tapper and the rest of the asshole "anchors" who wouldn't know the truth if whacked them upside the head..


  10. It would be nice if this ends and turns out as well as the Gibson family suit against Oberlin College did.

  11. Dude's wrong about one thing: US citizens were left behind, and a year and half later, there were still 175: 175 Americans are still in Afghanistan, Some held by the Taliban (March 23, 2023)

  12. They'll easily afford it from all the money they made off CNN+, right?


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