Friday, August 2, 2024












  1. Hi Irish!!!
    Back in the Day... USS PRINCETON LPH-5 "Vietnam '68" in my "Flight equipment Shop" the coffee was always there with extra cups for whoever wanted one... usually ... everyone that visited.....
    somewhere along the line someone asked me what did I do to promote the "War Effort???
    I said,"Oh that's Easy... we supported the "COLUMBIAN CONNECTION!!!!!!!!!!!"..............
    Of course I got some "strange looks?? After all, we were in "Vietnam" with some of the BEST "SMOKE" you could get !!! After the smirk and cough, everyone figgured out the Joke..... "WE DRANK A LOT OF COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Blue skyz Buddy!!!!!!!,
    PS Always tipped our coffee in a "MK-IV, MOD-O High Speed Coffee Mug!!!!!!!!!!.......

    1. In 1978 I walked on the hanger deck at CGAS San Francisco & besides the air planes (HU-16E & HH-52A) I noticed the coffee machine.. it was big and sitting there on a table by itself. It was the biggest coffee machine I can remember ever seeing.

    2. I was on the project to build a new control tower and administration building at a large airport. When Raytheon came on the job, the first thing they did was to take over a large room and set up tables. The tables were populated with large amounts of pastries, an enormous coffee machine, and an expresso maker.
      The pastries were replenished fresh every day.

  2. ...and only 11 or so hours before FFF. Yippee. - Nemo

  3. One of my Navy instructors used osmosis to explain why to make coffee strong.
    "When the coffee's strong, it's strength flows into you.
    "When the coffee's weak, it sucks the strength from you.


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