Thursday, August 1, 2024

People Are Combing Through The Web In Search Of Footage From The Assassination Attempt..


  I haven't posted much on the incident. It's all over the social media if you care.

That being said, I think this is worth sharing as well as scrolling the comments if you want.









  1. Certainly explains a lot. Trump post the old Watergate question to the head of the FIB, "What did you know and when did you know it?".

    PS I think the hoohah over Chlamydia is a bit overwrought. See where much of the black people at one of her rallies walked out after the entertainment (Megan Thee Stallion) was over?

    1. There is always a push for a new Dem candidate. Her poll numbers are already dropping despite oversampling of Dems.

  2. Wouldn't that indicate that our professional paid snipers can't shoot for shit?

    1. Lots of cops can't shoot. I heard the trainer say of one local woman "she's such a bad shot the only reason she even hits the ground is gravity".
      And this is a department that focuses on shooting, doing monthly range days versus many who only do annual qualifying.

  3. I said from the beginning that Crooks was the Patsy.

    1. Dead men tell no tales. - Nemo

  4. Why didn't they play the audio that goes with the video that would have been proof of a kill shot. Instead they played music. Plus the video is cut short so you don't see the reaction to the so called sniper fire.

    1. Exactly. The video fits a narrative, especially since the editor decided to add music in place of real audio. If the original vid didn't have audio, what's the point of adding music and if it did have audio, again, what the point of the music covering up the real audio?

      People that ad music to their vids are idiots, IMHO. They think that EVERYONE should be subjected to their shitty taste in music. Yah, pet peeve of mine.

      The part showing the assassin crawling on the roof is valuable in that it shows that the Secret Service or probably multiple .gov agencies were in on the assassination because as soon as the counter sniper team saw the assassin on the roof, he should have been DRT. Then there's the finger pointing that's been going on since and still raging about the communication systems, AND the biggest one, the Secret Service saying that the local counter sniper team is responsible because they didn't act when they saw a guy with a rifle crawling on the roof, which is PURE BULLSHIT. He never should have gotten up on the roof to begin with, if Secret Service had designed the security perimeter properly. There should been at least two Secret Service or local officers ON THAT ROOF. As soon as he poked his head on top, he should have been DRT.

      I was watching it live. There was the first shot that hit Trump's ear as he turned, then a half dozen or so when the shooter realized he'd missed. Then one really loud shot that was from a heavy high powered rifle, probably a .338 WIN MAG or .338 Lapua, which killed the assassin just as he pulled the trigger on his last shot.

      This whole thing was maybe a cascade of failures to protect Trump and maybe a plot by the deep state to take Trump out before the GOP Convention. With the Eff Bee Eye on the case with Christopher Wray in charge, we can be assured that Eff Bee Eye's job here is to destroy any evidence they come across and to baffle the citizens with bullshit. Wray already tried to baffle us with bullshit with his assertion, UNDER OATH, while giving CONgressional testimony, that Trump was hit by shrapnel, not a bullet, even in light of PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE showing the bullet in flight just after it hit Trump's ear, with Trump's head still in frame.

      We'll never know the real truth here, just like with Russia, Russia, Russia and so many other Eff Bee Eye investigations. You can rest assured that whatever they tell us is pure bullshit.


  5. Video has been altered. Copied a block of pixels from the background over the dude’s head

    1. Yep. And if it was blood/brain splatter it was in the wrong direction. Didn't drop fast enough for that kind of head shot either.
      Steve S6

  6. back in 1978 is when I first saw the film clip of JFK getting shot. it was in the day room with a bunch of other guys
    even back then, we KNEW there was more than one shooter. and the last shot came from a storm drain.
    funny as we trained in the storm drains of west Berlin back then. like the Germans fought the Russians in the battle of Berlin. so, yeah. I willing to bet there where more than "one shooter"
    and any "report" made on this will be just as much bullshit as the Warren report was.

  7. Total bullshit.
    He was prone behind a rifle when the shots broke out, and doesn't show him being shot at all.

    This is some internet idiot putting the "anal" in "analysis", i.e. pulling shit from his own arse.

    It's definitely video of him moving around in plain sight, and probably dropping prone in the position that screened him from the near countersniper team by using the intervening tree.

    But it's fuck-all video of him being shot.

    Internet dipshits fogging things up FTW.

    1. My rules of thumb: (1) the first reports are always, always wrong (2) after that, the signal to noise ratio goes down - the reports get even more wrong and finally (3) if you're really lucky, eventually you find out what happened.

    2. This kind of "proof" will just be used to mock people who believe there was a security failure as well as the folks that fall for this. The straight story is bad enough. Having people fake this kind of stuff to "prove" a more elaborate conspiracy theory really just undermines everyone else. You got to police the wackos in your own ranks, or you'll all be treated like wackos.

      There are people who think NASA is a failure at space exploration because we never went back to the Moon. Fair enough. Then there are the people who claim we never went to the Moon and it was all faked on a sound stage somewhere. Wackos. The second type of folks will be pointed at to silence the first type, by the powers that want NASA to worry about diversity and not be criticized at all.

  8. I believe everything I read on the innerwebz.

    Didn’t watch the video and the evil will sit back and laugh at those believing this

  9. Try this one. Much more detail.


    1. I will tag along with your suggestion Anon and add the full set of links associated with the Clay Martin/John Cullen videos at the bottom. What the exhibit is apparently a silenced shot passing down the length of the far right hand canted bleachers and supposedly impacting the railing next to one of the individuals who was shot a few seconds later. There are six or seven individuals in the top back row of this bleacher who all react in sequence to something passing right by them and perhaps clipping their outer clothing. I'm not so clear that I see an impact on the rail, but these people are acting like a bullet just whizzed by all of them. The orientation (cant), of this bleacher puts the point of origin well away from where Crooks was and suggests that the shot came over the roof where the USSS snipers were and was probably directed at them. Trump is still speaking when all of this happens.
      The other video in this set shows more clearly the USSS sniper team reacting to this near miss on them and popping off their scopes and the prone guy ducked his head down. They then reorientate towards the trees where this shot is alleged to have come from. A news reporter speaking right after the shooting ended claimed that she picked up on all of this and claimed that her impression was that at least one shot came from there and the snipers adjusted to engage in that direction. This makes sense since they could not see Crooks through the other trees anyway. This raises the question about how this apparent 2nd shooter missed the 2 USSS snipers if there was a shot as described. Perhaps he only wanted to distract them off of Crooks,
      The video posted to start this thread may not show Crooks getting hit, but it does show him moving rapidly to a better shooting position on the roof. He is plainly visible from a low to the ground vantage point where the camera was even after he gets prone. This clearly indicates that he got on the roof by accessing the utilities shed directly in front of and below the open window in which the local county snipers were supposed to be instead of down at the other end of the building as is presumed. This means that the local snipers were either not in the window at all when this happened or they simply did nothing as he got into a crouch and dashed across the rooftop with a rifle right in front of them. He should have been clearly visible to both sniper teams as well as he changed positions, and the team that allegedly killed him should have had a much better view of him as he was in the prone then we are being told since we can see his head and shoulders in the video from the much lower camera angle.

      Fieldcraft guy:
      full vid:

  10. It's probably produced by a government stooge. It's there, it's getting attention and it will be easily refuted,casting doubt on the Obviously Reasonable observation that The Story we are getting is not the truth.

  11. Hillary just chimed in and asked: "What difference, at this point, does it make"?

  12. I think everyone who has still photos, or video, that was taken on the day of (or day before) the rally should make four copies of their pictures/video. Store the originals somewhere safe with someone trustworthy. Send the 2nd copy to the Secret Service. Send the 3rd copy to a newspaper like Der Spiegel (or another with an equally anti-coverup stance). And keep the 4th copy to watch if you want to play amateur sleuth.
    With todays proliferation of smarphones, surely there's complete coverage of the roads to that location as well as full coverage of the entire site.
    I imagine that Der Spiegel (or whoever) could get to the truth before our politically kneecapped institutiions.

  13. The true focus should be on the explosive devices in the shooters car and the remote detonator. Where did he learn how to make it? Shop class?
    And , conveniently, no internet traces to anyone or anything.
    Nothing adds up with respect to his abilities versus his age and background. Start there and work your way up.
    Old magicians tricks; look at that hand and not this one...

  14. Even if you discount the second shooter the whole Secret Service security for the rally was not normal for how they run it typically. They had short coverage and no overhead coverage plus they had limited people on the ground. To me this was a planned attack on Trump to kill him and only by the grace of God did he survive. If I was Trump I would hire my own security detail until I become President and can change the Secret Service.


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