Sunday, July 28, 2024

and Now You Know..










  1. I believe everything will come down to We the People.

  2. I got nothin to add

  3. "Unburdened by what was [waves left hand behind head]."
    "The significance of the passage of time [sadly, no waving hands]."
    ...both quotations attributed to kamala "stop calling me 'Chin-Balls'!" h.

  4. As Trump would say, "now there is a real beauty".

  5. Who ran against Herbert Hoover? You know the guy BLAMED for the Great Depression?

    Some Democrat named Smith. A nobody before and a nobody later.

    What avowed Democratic Socialist became President Roosevelt. You know the fellow that stole American family's gold assets (as no FDIC insurance banks back then failed you LOST your money) to FUND the "New Deal" and was SO POPULAR they amended the Constitution to allow a 3rd Term as we were IN WW2.

    Who ran against Trump? You know the guy BLAMED for the Chaos of America's Bankruptcy and Greater Depression?

    Some Democrat named Kamila. A Nobody who used sex to get her political employments.

    What Avowed Democratic Communist will rise to power To Be Announced.

    Democrats know their History and can do the LONG GAME to win big later.

    I pray I am wrong, but it seems very likely given our massive debts and loss of American dollar value overseas.

  6. FDR was so popular that they amended the Constitution to prevent a president from seeking a 3rd term.

  7. Don't misunderestimate the ability of the Borg to install another puppet like the Sucalotofcoxx so they can complete the "fundamental transformation" of the United States into the United Socialist States of Amerika.

  8. Do my eyes deceive me? Is that American flag on her lapel pin flying upside down?
    I thought America was doing so well after being under her party's leadership these last 3 plus years.


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