Thursday, June 13, 2024

This is a good sign that people are tired of the $PLC's bull$hit

The $PLC is cutting their staff by a fourth. Even though the commie leaning organization has a sizeable "war chest", the group that puts the make-believe rights of illegal aliens before the rights of American citizens, is having to downsize. I have a gut feeling that this decrease in popularity is due to more people being better informed and alternate news sources exposing the organization's radical views. 

"SPLC's decision has a catastrophic impact on the organization's work in support of immigrants seeking justice and its mission to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance human rights through support of educators," the SPLC union spokesperson said. "CEO and President Margaret Huang announced that the cuts would allow greater 'focus' on racial justice, but failed to explain how eliminating immigrant justice work and anti-racist education work served that goal. Click HERE


  1. Should have been dissolved decades ago, along with the NAACP, BLM and LA RAZA.

  2. In recent years I was in Montgomery on business many times. I never heard any local, of any racial hue, have anything positive to say about the Southern Preposterous Lie Center.

  3. They have to close down the tent before the board can skitter off into the night with the millions of dollars they've hidden in offshore banks.

    Time to wrap up the con.

  4. The only real jewel in my crown is being mentioned, by name, by the SPLC.

  5. Dirty Dingus McGeeJune 13, 2024 at 6:40 PM

    HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa Deep breath HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

    Fun to watch a pissin contest between left wing loons. Maybe they can/will destroy each other.

  6. The irony, it burns.......

  7. "The bottom line is, after all, the bottom line"
    When they try to baffle you with bull$hit, it's all about the bull$hit.

  8. Yet another element of what may be called the Great Awakening of the American people to the pernicious effects of the Left's onward march of the past 58 years ago.

  9. While always fun to see commies lose their jobs, I'm tempted to disagree. With the funds they have, it'd be no effort to keep the full staff or even expand.

    With the recent covid and vaccine scams as my guide, my guess is 25% of the staff wouldn't go along with the next phase at SPLC (and w/ all commie libs): putting conservatives into camps.

    1. I wouldn't be so sure of that.

    2. They no longer have any funds - all been locked down, confiscated.

  10. Union activists, rabble, pot bangers, and general pain in the rear, non productive, dead weight, and a bane to any business, citizen, loyal American. You were not so important after all. Fun while it lasted. Buh bye.

  11. Reminds me of a column by the late great Colin Flaherty about SPLC writer/apologist David Ruenzel's murder by two black men in Oakland, CA in 2014:
    I still chuckle when I think about it. Oh, the irony!

  12. It will get worse for them as their army realizes the leaders are just wanting to keep theirs and more for themselves “Eating their own” as they say

  13. The good commies are firing as many as they can so that when they have close their doors for good the billion dollars in the bank will only be split among a few good commies.

  14. They have one real, valid use in the world. They're Opposite World. Anyone they condemn is OK and anyone they say is wonderful are the scumbags to avoid.

    The benefit of real freedom of speech is you find out who the assholes are. You don't have to challenge them or fight them, just file them away as Always Wrong.

  15. Why does an organization like this need union employees? Just another sign of its communism.

  16. The SPLC's union cherry was just popped. Now, for the chidren, they have to Right Size(TM). It's The Orange Messiah's fault.


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