Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago....... It's been One Of Those Weeks....







 Moving on... wysiwyg...






  Stay safe and enjoy the weekend!!



  1. Thank you very much.

    Stockings - classy English girls still wear them. Sadly neglected in the US.

    1. Sure, it keeps the hair down since they don't shave.

  2. #61 = Truth Thanks, Irish!

  3. I love all of these...especially the redheads. But that last one is the BEST!!! Dog is GOD spelled backwards!!!

  4. 11. Clear blue eyes and freckles,
    Absolutely beautiful.

  5. That is the best picture of Marilyn I have ever seen. The rest validate the maxim "quality over quantity".

  6. 2 - I love to watch her , "Breathe".
    3 - They look so cute and harmless at this age.
    15 - Rub-a-dub-dub!
    17 - Here we see the elusive Split Tail, in the wild.
    18 - MILF of the Night
    19 - Shoebox and a bullet.
    20 - Speaking of Bullitt. That is Frank's girlfriend Cathy. Jacquline Bisset.
    24 - AMC's entry into the Muscle Car Wars was too little, too late.
    25 - I never seem to have that effect on enough women.
    30 - The grass stains are going to be epic!
    31 - MOTN 1st Alternate
    34 - Emma Leigh - porn model. No relation.
    35 - I thought it was a buffed out Samurai, at first.
    37 - Then she bitches about the mayo I got in her hair. Heh - mayo.......
    44 - Yeah, unlike Barbara Billingsley ; I don't speak jive.
    45 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    46 - WTF!? Where are her nipples?
    48 - POTN 1st Alternate
    49 - Blake Lively
    50 - Naw, that can't be. You mean she married an evil whytepeeople? Say it isn't so!
    54 - No, darlin'. I said my beer is on the bottom shelf. All the way in the back.
    56 - Holy cow. My possibly not real, unreal POTN. Just incredible.
    60 - I'd take the trick, unless the treat involves a friend of hers too.

    I'll assume you've been hammered this week.
    Thanks for taking the time to end our week on a high note.
    Have a good weekend, Boss.
    Stay cool!

    Whitehall, NY

  7. Dogs are the gift indeed. Sweater puppies are too.

  8. I’ll always take what I can get when it comes to FFFF, another good set

  9. Hi, Marilyn, nice hackamore on 11, nice suds on 15, nice looking older lady on 18, 32, 60, nice flotation devices on 23, 51, nice clasical on 29, nice sprawl on 30, nice tush on 39, everything a man needs on 54.

  10. #2 I love Pink Floyds. Both of them. Just didn't know they were called Pink Floyds.
    #47 Nice set of Pink Floyds.
    #50 No way AOC is doing that. She is dumb, but come on. There is a limit to stupidity. Right? Even if she only had one ounce of brain tissue for each pound of Pink Floyds...
    Thanks Irish

  11. Take me home, country roads.... If I wasn't ridin' a dusty trail out on the plains I'd fit right in down in the hollar.
    Good stuff Father's Day edition 2024 Arsh ! Appreciate ya brother.
    Thank GOD I'm a country boy! WOO !

  12. Nice collection. Thanks Irish. Though I gotta say a couple of those women looked bat shit crazy.

  13. I love that June is Pink Floyd month appreciation month.

  14. A long time fan. None anything but great. This one a Masterpiece!

  15. Excellent collection!!
    Thanks for the cars, especially the AMC and Buick ads! Back when Buick knew how to build cars!
    I learned to drive on a '73 Electra with a Buick 455, but it was a lot tamer than a Stage 1. Still could get the big boat up to 60 in about 7 seconds, though!
    I don't recognize any of the lovely ladies, but I wish I did!
    Thanks for all you do!

  16. #12 FTW


  17. that white minivan at the end is from Gatlinburg - seen it
    or " seentit"

  18. #19 There seem to be some parts missing from N&W 611's Baker valve gear.

  19. #25, wife used to have that problem when we were younger, they would fall down with no warning. Somehow the issue corrected itself , dammit.
    To be young again......


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