Monday, December 11, 2023

Just Wow... What city is this??? *



 *Rhetorical questions as the clues give it away.


  After some google work using some clues from the video, I found the intersection at the 

start of the video.   SCROLL AROUND IF YOU LIKE. <<<<




  1. Sadly, with just watching the video, I'm going to say Paris. Simply horrible.

    1. Paree is no longer Gay (in the old definition, 'natch,,,)

      My first impression as well, especially since I recognized French signs and labels right off the bat.

    2. It is horrible. 83 years ago they thought the German occupation was bad. Notice how many 3rd world "refugees" are just wandering around in the street? None of these "loafers" are working. I doubt very few, if any, possess marketable skills for higher wages. I also would not be surprised to learn the United States is sending the French government money to give to the "refugees". Most certainly someone is giving these people money for they have to eat and they have to have clothing, a place to stay, etc. I suppose they could be like our non-contributing population and be walking around with $5,000.00 limit on prepaid VISA card per person, ebt card for food, free housing in an upscale hotel, cost free health care, etc. I know on this post and others, people write, "they voted for it", "they got their wishes", "they got what they deserved", etc. Did they? Would anyone actually vote or work towards slitting their own wrist just so one could pour poison into the veins? I know there are some whacked out libtards in the world, but it is hard for me to believe that people would vote for trash, human shit, etc. in their streets, have their cultural monuments destroyed, removed, desecrated, etc., by the "refugees", Surely, the liberals in France did not vote to import these hoards to gang rape their wives, daughters, and goats. Anybody who would support such madness is mad or a very bad person with a sinister goal. I'm going with the latter.

  2. where did the french people go to?

  3. Paris. Wow! I was there about 9 or 10 years ago. Totally different then. Glad I got to see it when it was still Paris. But, they voted for it, they have it. Now it is gone.

    1. Galway, Eire same same. Pretty dangerous actually.
      Used to be wonderful.

    2. They DIDN'T vote for it, anymore than we voted for it. Their WEF/NWO, Rulers voted for it. Same white people replacement program as ours and England's and every other white western country.

  4. Que c'est triste Paris quand les Muzzies sont partout.

    1. Yup. (Is there a French equivalent to "yup"??)

    2. Possibly 'Dac', an abbreviation of 'd'accord'.

  5. Que c'est triste Paris quand les Muzzies sont partout.

  6. This is just one neighborhood. The Senegalais and Camerounais live there, as they did when France colonized those countries in the past two centuries. Actually, I'll take that neighborhood over the best neighborhood in Philadelphia or Detroit.

  7. back in 78 it was a lot cleaner for one. only spent 3 days there, but it was rather nice back then. what has happen in the past 30 plus years is a damn sin. in a way, I am very glad I got so see a fair bit of Europe before it got dirty.
    I wouldn't go there now. dave in pa.

    1. Yeah, as a seven year old back in '59 it sure was a LOT different!

  8. Le nation ze frogs got exactly what they asked for. Trash in the streets.

  9. Well, the colonialism is alive and thriving: African and Arab nations colonize Europe...

  10. Looks like the resale sale mall from others inventory

  11. Most living the dream off the parisianne tit of their goobermint and fellow native citizens

    1. It’s paying off though. Here is just around the corner https://www.google.com/maps/@48.8877155,2.3512599,3a,75y,185.33h,80.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6VRjF-SFi3oVeATyj90zyQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

    2. Great point Bear Claw - Either we are there in places like NYC, Chi, Seattle now or shortly will be - devoid of commerce, and any palpable life. Calling Snake Pliskin.

  12. I had no idea that Paris was so...multicultural...

  13. 'Used to be' is now the name of many of the Western cities.

  14. Paris was one of the destinations every tourist wanted to see. I never would have believed so many beautiful places would be intentionally destroyed.

  15. London is less than 50% white.

  16. Hey Irish;

    " Yes Virginia, The French have imported their own destruction...."

  17. That google image you linked to is only 18 months old. Looked a lot cleaner even then.

  18. Scratch Paris off my bucket list.
    President Elect B Woodman


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