Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Irish Gets Taken By The MSP Gestapo....


 Left work

Cruising home in heavy traffic, listening to the radio and making some afternoon hands free calls.

Seat-belt on.

Minding my own business watching for all the other crazies that drive North on 93 then

North on 495.

I'm in the middle lane 65-67 mph, faster traffic passing on the right. Me, no rush, just headed home.

In the review mirror I see the revenue collector.

No worries, haven't done a thing wrong. Disregarded him.

Check the rear view again, hmmm still there. Is my tailgate down?

No bumper stickers or other eye catchers, just NH plates on my 2022 Ram 1500.

Mention off handed to my friend on the phone that a statie is behind me and I have a feeling he's

 gonna pull...

Yup, blue lights come on.


Pull over into the breakdown lane in Haverhill MA just before the 125 connector at Ward Hill.

Cop  gets out, all 5'-4" or so and walks around the back of the truck and up the passenger side.

The truck is off, and my hands are on the steering wheel. I power down the passenger side window.

Officer "dickhead" ( the nickname I gave him later) gives me his last name and says

"Your being audio and video recorded"


"Do you know you have a tail light out?"

"No, I just left work and have been on my way home" which translated in my mind to:

Ya, you know, it's a funny thing , I noticed it was out when I put the truck in cruise control and climbed my fat Irish ass out the sliding back window to check all my lights at 4pm in the FUCKING daylight as I was driving home following all the fucking laws.

Meanwhile there are hundreds of cars, 3 lanes wide , zipping by at 65+ MPH with who knows how 

serious criminals or shitbags or drugs or you name it....

Anyway, back to our conversation over tea and extortion.

"What's your badge number?"

Dick obliged.

"So, you pulled me over to tell me my daytime running light was out on the passenger side?"


Irish goes to get out to check.

"Stay in truck it's too dangerous"

(No fucking shit sherlock, you pulled me over in the breakdown lane during heavy rush hour to tell me I have a bulb out? Why don't you take the whole fucking truck to the North Pole to repair it for me. We are both in harms way here and your worried about my bulb, dick.)

"License and registration"

"For a bulb out?"

"It's a traffic stop"

( I bet it's been 15-20 since I got a warning and who knows how long before that. I try and minimize my interactions with leo)

Irish rummages around, "Here, and I'm not answering any questions"

Thoughts of getting tazed at that point went through my head. Then  I was getting more pissed.

He goose steps off to tally the winnings.

10-12 minutes go by.

There is nothing illegal in the car. No weapons , no booze, Nuttin' Honey.

 I know my record came back as clean as a whistle.

 So I figure I 'll see how realistic this stop is.

 I turn around into the back seat and start rummaging around in an exaggerated 

manner. Lift up my cooler bag then stuff it down between the seats after grabbing a water.

Finally the member of the lollipop guild comes back to the window. I power it down and he 

gives his little spiel. 

"Here's your license and registration back, the information you need is on the citation, you can..."

"You gave me a ticket for a bulb?"

"All the information is there. you have 20 days to appeal it or pay it"

" So you put us both in harms way for a bulb"

"Please enter the highway carefully," as he walked off.

I sat and slowly put my shit away to make him sit there.

 Then I drove up about 50 yards and pulled way off on the grass and got out to look at my tail lights.

As I was walking to the rear of the truck, he drove by. 

 I almost gave him the finger but I didn't want to get shot.

He seemed to get butt hurt easy.

$40.00 to the people's republic of ASSachusetts.

I stopped and bought a bulb on the way home. It's all fixed. The daytime running light filament was out.


My Grandfather was a cop for many decades. My Dad was an MP in the Army. I have friends that are 


This dude didn't do the profession any favors with this stop. I'm still pissed. 

Was is really worth getting killed for a bulb. Either him or both of us? 

Does the state really need that 40 fucking dollars that bad? 

Fuck Massachusetts and fuck this asshole in particular. I see so many violations going back and forth 

each day it would make your head spin. Not a stormtrooper to be seen.

 For whatever reason I was an easy hit. 

No different than a robber preying on an unsuspecting victim.

 Fuck 'em.


  1. Cops like that always go for low hanging fruit. I love & respect LEO as a whole and we need them or we'd have anarchy. My SIL is a county deputy and an all around good guy (a bit stoic - but that's a perfect trait for a cop bc it takes a lot to get him riled). Again, guys like that generally have a Napoleon deal goin' on but give em a low rider with suspects throwin gang signs and loud music and they'll pass

  2. I would be very interested to do some research that says you have to have functioning DRLs. The federal guidelines (DOT) only specify that one tail light has to function. They expect 2, but unless it's codified by a state statute they can't ticket you for it (Here in Nebraska, there is no state law so only one brake light and one tail light are looked for, and they don't have to be in the same fixture)

    1. I looked into that a while back when I got stopped for the same thing. The jist of it is that it's "Safety Equipment", all of which HAS TO BE functioning, per most state laws.

      When the auto manufacturers added all of these "safety" lights and other "safety" features per federal law governing auto manufacture, most state .gov's rewrote their auto laws so that they could continue to pad state coffers for things like a burned out bulb.

      But, the Fuckers in the legislatures work for us, right. RIGHT?


  3. It must be something with MA law. In NY if they ticket you for a light and you repair it, then go to the local PD with the ticket and show them the repaired light, they dismiss the ticket. I understand your anger though, a question I would have asked was, "What is it, your first week on the job?"
    One of my oldest friends was a cop. He explained to me that V & T laws like that were written during the 80's during the crack epidemic in an effort to give cops more leeway in stopping motorists so they could nail suspected users/dealers.

  4. I left Taxachusettes when I joined the Air Force back in '74, and never looked back except for the occasional visit to my folks. I stayed registered to vote just so I could vote for whoever was running against Kennedy.

  5. After getting pulled over for a license plate light out, and issued a citation, I am not stopping to assist any police officer in any circumstance whatsoever. Bleeding out? Sorry, not my problem. Getting your ass kicked? Not my problem.
    Look, officers, we're not the enemy. But we can damn sure stay neutral long enough for bad things to happen to you. Want friends? Be friendly. You get what you give.

    1. I got pulled over for a license plate light every sunday in chester,NH for about 2 months. same cop each time. each time I would tell him the damned light was working, why do you keep doing this? then he would ask me about the plot for the Walking Dead TV show that was on that night.

      "holy crap dude if you want someone to gab with, I'm cool with that but stop pulling me over or I'm gonna have words with your boss! I'll happily sit in the parking lot and fill you in on the show you missed because you're working, but this is getting real old!"

      he stopped pulling me over after that. seemed like a nice guy but he couldn't have a civil conversation with someone without being "in charge". in my head I chalk it up to a stunted childhood or something.

    2. It's not "stunted child hood". They're taught at every police academy, they have to control EVERY situation they're in, whether they're dealing with a real law breaker or a citizen making something as seemingly innocuous as a noise complaint at a business. The result is that they treat every interaction like they're dealing with a for real criminal.

      Gone are the days of officer friendly. Long gone, never to return.


    3. Guess he was a little short on his ticket quota, eh?


    4. I will point out that a reputation is built one interaction at a time, with negative and positive interactions having a cumulative, and multiplying relationship over time. Thus, somebody with a negative reputation doesn't get the benefit of the doubt, someone with a positive reputation does, even if the action is exactly the same. One would be well-advised that one never knows when or where you need a friend. That homeless guy interaction can be handled in a friendly manner, where he moves on, and maybe pulls somebody off you if he sees you in trouble, or if he keeps walking, and tells everyone you started it. Being nice is a bit of a time-consuming effort, but it pays dividends, in reputation and in unexpected help. Many police officers see relationships with the public as necessarily adversarial, and it's a dangerous fallacy. Socializing only with other police warps ones view as to how normal people interact and think. They would do well to step outside the bubble.

  6. one has to be careful when dealing with cops. smaller ones even more so. it doesn't take much to set one of the little people "off". he might have just woken up and needed a ticket to prove he wasn't sleeping on the side of the road too.
    I have seen that more than a few times. besides, it is a lot safer for HIM to stop some old white guy than a car full of
    demorat voters now. one good thing about moving to the country is there are no cops to speak of around here.
    the state guys drive thru now and then. and the sheriff has better things to do than fuck with people driving home from work. the problem around here now is drugs and they trying to stop it any way they can. didn't have that problem when we moved up here 8 years ago. drug dealers from Pittsburg and philly are trying to branch out I guess and the sheriff is busting them as fast as he finds them fuckers. dave in pa.

  7. I would not be at all surprised if the LEO ran your plate, it came back as the registered owner was on some sort of conservative list and that is why you got pulled over. Paranoid, yeah maybe, but maybe not. EdC

    1. more than likely he had to "correct" his demographic history of tickets to conform to the new standards. They don't really have quotas do they? (snark)

  8. You live in Massachusetts. Lie down with dogs.......

    1. If you reread the post you will see I have NH plates. I don't reside in Assachusetts. I work there.

    2. You work in Massachusetts. Lie down with dogs.......

  9. Donut molesters have to round up money from hard working citizens.
    They aren't smart enough to know that they won't be invited to the doomsday bunkers.
    Just wait until the replacements form the USPF.
    Some pension monger maggots moved on the block and I love blasting N.W.A-Fvck the Police from the car while flipping the bird.

  10. I got pulled over in that exact same spot by a "Statie" about 1997 or 98. He came up on a pack of drivers doing about 70 and backed down to our general group speed. He then went along with this pack of drivers at that speed for about 2 miles. Next he slowed gradually and moved over 2 lanes and went to exactly 65mph. Everyone else seemed to sense that he was acting strangely and hung back. I sensed it too, but he had already seen me doing up to about 70 for the previous 2 miles, so what was the sense of pretending I was observing the 65 limit now? I was also next up to pass him in the middle lane. So I eased by his 65mph doing about 67mph and he pulled me over and flipped out like nothing I had ever seen before the Internet came around. He was absolutely beside himself that I had the nerve to pass a police car. He repeated that at least 4 times. That was about the point in time where I stopped looking at cops as good guys. I certainly rate them all as hostiles now.

  11. Here’s his boss.


    1. That's why they call them the "Blue SS"!

  12. Goose stepping to tally the winnings.
    That's a classic. My eyes teared up from laughing.

  13. Time to slap a "Free Karen Read" bumper sticker on there. The MSP is covering up a cop-on-cop murder anyhow because the trooper who is at the center of it all is the same guy who put the Marathon bomber away and they don't want that guy to walk when his corrupt ass gets hauled in court.
    The MSP is not worth trusting, and not worth pissing on.

  14. When you know that is your job, no argument can ever be made that there are good police.

    1. Not every law is moral and just. Law EnFORCEment Officers swear to enforce the laws. EnFORCEment of unjust, immoral laws makes one a hypocrite or a liar. Take your pick. If it's a good thing to be either one, the we have good cops. If not...

  15. My experience with LEO's has been limited, but what contact I've had with them makes me distrustful of them and frankly, I would look the other way if one needed help. Low double-digit IQ corps.
    Their most notable offensiveness is misuse of the authority granted them by the public.
    That's it.


    1. You can be too smart to be a cop. Jordan v. City of New London.

  16. You just saw an example of "short man syndrome" in real life. The sawed off prick became a badge monkey to have the opportunity to inflict his petty ego on the world. You weren't his first victim today, probably wasn't his last. The only cure for these wannabe tyrants is a rope and a tree.

    1. "little man syndrome" is a real thing. it can manifest in all walks of life.

    2. Follow the science!!


  17. In the last 12-15 years I've had 3 interactions with cops- in different parts of rural TX.
    One was for the used S-10 that had too dark of window tint- peel it off and your good.
    Two different speeding warnings - one in a rental because a branch fell on the roof of the Silverado (50 in a 40 access rd) and one that I've never seen a cop on in ten years doing 60 in a 40. Told him the truth that I was on the way to Home Depot (a good 20 miles away) and I was thinking about what I had to do and what I had to buy when I got there.

    Don't know if it was the veteran ID on the license or the fact that I had a clean record, but got a warning.

  18. Happened to me getting on the pike at Sturbridge. In the passing lane after the truck stop I see him at the top of the hill. I pull in the middle lane behind a Semi doing 55. I was listening to Weei and he pulls next to me . I didn’t look at him at all. WEEI was really funny and I was laughing. I see him pull in front of the semi, then in the right lane then he pulls behind me and yup on comes the blues, ask for my license and registration I said what are you pulling me over for he tells me I was doing 70 I just shake my head and he starts yelling I saw what you did (laughing at him) and wait for it he was about 5’2” short man’s disease, cost me a bottle of wine and a fifth of Scotch and a 1/2 day of work, Fucken Staties are POS

  19. Fuck him. That's the same type of shit that just builds resentment. I'd bet money he pulled you over thinking there would be little chance of him getting shot. I can see if he ran you and you came clean and he said well here's a verbal or written warning. Okay fine thanks for letting me know. I got jacked by two seperate state troopers out in Wyoming for a headlight out. The fucking thing blew out when I pulled out of my driveway going to work. First cop pulls me over on a 5% incline climbing a mountain. I pulled you over due to a headlight being out. Yeah you guy are all over this. It blew this morning and it's 6 am and I'm going to work. Nothing is open currently. Get in to Cheyenne and another of the pricks are sitting in the median. Lights off. He pulled out behind me with out even running lights on and followed before he blasted me. Yeah Trooper I got pulled over 30 minutes ago for the same thing and Its 645 am and now Im late to work for something I can't take care of, Ill do it right after work. Don't you guys talk? Oh you claim it's a different district? Funny I pull up their own website and sure as hell it's the same one. Pricks. Fuck them.

  20. In NY if you get pulled over for an equipment violation and are ticketed, you can fix the problem, drive to a police station to show them it is fixed and they will give you a form to send to the court and the ticket will be dismissed. Alternatively, if a licensed repair shop fixes the problem, their receipt is evidence that it was fixed.

  21. In a small town near where I live (not the US) the local cop was zealous in issuing tickets to locals. I recall he got into trouble with some ruffians and no one would help. I'm told that traffic is now done by cops from out of town to try and preserve a relationship locally but I suspect locals are not fooled. I'm polite but frosty and do not concede they are on my side.

  22. my grandfather was a peace officer in rowley,MA in the 1950's. yes, I said PEACE officer. he kept the peace. that was his job. he wasn't "law enforcement". he HATED "law enforcement" because they were always out to prove something. having an adversarial relationship with the people in town meant you wouldn't be welcome anywhere...where as a peace officer, he was welcome and even invited. he wasn't out to "get" anyone, just keep the peace.

    this guy pulled you over because it's the middle of the month, and he hasn't got half of his month's quota of "contacts" yet. he knows he needs to step it up or he won't make quota.

    1. From the LEO people I know, it's "activity level"

    2. yeah every department calls it a different thing. the one word they won't use is "quota".

  23. Was driving during the day today in my state and troopers were everywhere, I cannot remember seeing so many.

  24. Every day in every way, they're moving heaven and earth to take "ACAB" from hyperbolic rhetoric to scientifically accurate descriptor, at warp speed.
    Almost like it's a plan, and they can't wait to start putting little silver death's head badges on their caps and complete the transformation.

    And then they have the balls on them to look shocked when everyone notices.

  25. You were profiled as someone who would pay the fine. Niggers and spics won't pay.

  26. Where I live, most times it's, "I pulled you over because you have a (fill in the blank) light out. This is just a warning. Please get it fixed/replaced/repaired. If I see you again with he light out, I'll issue you a ticket. Have a nice day."

    President Elect B Woodman

  27. (Cartman voice) Respeckt myyy autho-uh-tee!".

  28. where you live has consequents

    1. "Consequences"?.... Literacy, anon, get some.

  29. Think of all the times you got away with shit and accept that sometimes the bear eats you.
    I'd appeal it as It may cause an increase on your insurance. As soon as you tell the judge you fixed it right away he'll most likely dismiss it.

    1. Oh, right. Because it's only once in a while makes it okie dokie. Because the universe was out of balance and half a man was chosen as The One to restore equalibrium.

  30. As a retired cop from IL now living in AL, that's one reason I now live in AL. Guys like that chickenshit POS are the new breed. First, only gangbangers and thugs get stopped for silly shit like that (hence, the reason some of the traffic laws are on the books, to stop said gangsters, thugs, and drug dealers). Second, if someone was obviously a tax paying working stiff, we let them go. Period. There are still good ones out there, but they're doing the serious work, not that stupid shit.

  31. I run in to people with this "I'M IN CHARGE AND YOU NEED TO SUBMIT!" mindset all too often. 2 examples. At the school, one traffic guy (they are mostly cops that get free private-school tuition by working for the school) makes this idiotic "L 7" gesture with his hands every day, to every car - his sign language for "show me the placard we give out so I know which of the 2 lines of traffic for pick up I need to direct you to". Every day. Every car. Every time. This is despite the same parents, driving the same cars, drive to the school for pickup every day, with few exceptions. This is so he can point to the left or right, to direct the same parents, driving the same cars, who drive to the school for pickup every day, with few exceptions, to let the driver know WHO IS IN CHARGE (and it is NOT the driver of the car).

    Then there is the after-school math class business owner. Who recently had to come out of her little shabby business office to tell me that they were expecting to see the kids the previous day at a different location, and by showing up at THIS location on that day, it was really causing problems with their internal logistics, planning, etc. & so forth. And I'm thinking "I'm pretty sure I said in the email I sent at the beginning of the week, that we wanted to change locations today". So she had her little tantrum, and gave a fake smile, and went back into her little table big enough for 5th graders. When I got home I found the email I had sent and proved to my self that she was wrong, I had correctly and politely requested the date/location change and she acknowledged that email, 4 days prior to her little tantrum int he parking lot. This began an 8 round back and forth email after I sent her the original email, pointing out that she had made a mistake. She could NOT let it go. I finally ended the email back and forth with "YOU'RE THE BOSS !" and she shut up after that.

  32. You were an easy hit for the knucklehead. I am an old white guy and get pulled over regularly. Not tickets. Just pulled over with NH plates in Massholechewshitts. Why? Because I am an old white guy. I balance out his racial quota and he knows that the probability of an old white guy shooting him is low (never zero but very, very low).
    I try to avoid the mASS state as much as possible.

    1. The game wardens are even worse. Everyone can see the Vietnam War imports and Hispanics fishing without a license, whole families camped illegally down on the river bank cooking half their catch over open fires. Leaving litter everywhere and no creel limits being observed. They go out of their way not to see those groups, too many machettes around, but the same fish cop will check your license and count your traps twice if you are a white ice fisherman.

  33. It's times like these (getting pulled over) that I like to remember just how scared all these petty dictators were when *one* man (Chris Dorner) decided he'd had enough of their shit and threatened them. They were driving around wetting themselves at every traffic stop and unloaded hundreds of rounds into a car that didn't even remotely match the description of Chris Dorner's vehicle. Due to their complete incompetence, the two women in the vehicle survived hundreds of rounds being lobbed at them. Then they surrounded the building where they believed Chris Dorner was hiding and burned it to the ground.

    They're all pussies.

    And I'll second what the other anon said above. I don't care if a cop is being strangled to death in front of me. I'm not lifting a finger to help the Stasi.

  34. Work truck in MA with out of state plates. Easy tax - you are working and the $40 isn't worth your time to show up, so you will probably just pay it. Recommend appeal so cop has to come to court. Then the day before call court and say you can't make it so you will pay fine. Often takes cop off street as he is scheduled for court that day.

  35. Out of state working guy in a nice truck has the money to pay the fine and lives too far away to appeal the ticket. It is an easy score for Richard Cranium.

  36. Locally I always go to court as the cop rarely shows and the Judge usually dismisses the ticket.

  37. Dad was a Texas Peace Occifer. He hated the term law enforcement. Told me all the important things. Police are human, you never know what kind of stuff happened to them on the way to work. Anyone can be a cop, but it takes a special breed to be a Peace Occifer. Expect a cop. Be polite and respectful. Watch out for wimmins and short men.

    My first trip up Hwy 666 in Nuevo Mejico was memorable. No limit signs for miles. The limit on I40 was 75 at the time, and I figured way out in the boondocks north of Gallup, it would be close to that. I bumped up to 65 and just cruised. A Navajo Nation Excursion flipped on me, and when he piled out, he disappeared beneath the hood. Short cop on a rez.... I about had a heart attack. I'm a bit over 6 feet and 240 at the time. Lots of "yes sir, no sir, I had no idea sir, first time off I40, sir". Got a warning. Took about 15 minutes of tongue lashing to be satisfied. Whew.... Nuevo Mejico doesn't have much else in the way of revenue except tickets I reckon.

    I drive like farmer Bob now. Window down, arm on the sill, all smiles and sunshine. I don't know if it helps, but I want to look innocuous. ;)

  38. Darwin theory states the ultimate outcome of the officer. Stopping people on the interstate in busy traffic for anything other than a dangerous situation leads to more exposure, accidents due to rubber-necking, and ultimately: the officer involved in a serious accident due to their exuberance.

    We had a trooper notorious for stopping people in rush-hour traffic. After nearly killing himself, and a dump truck driver sitting in the patrol care while the officer wrote a ticket, the officer was transferred to a rural county, a few weeks in the hospital. What happened? The trooper was parked on the shoulder behind the dump truck in a location where two lane traffic merges into one lane. Somebody decided to turn into a driveway, a frustrated driver hit the shoulder to pass the stopped car, and slammed into the back of the patrol car at 50 mph.

  39. It's the NH plates that did you in. When the Mass State Gestapo sees a vehicle with out of state plates, especially from the enemy state of NH, $ signs start flashing in front of their eyes, even before they find the proverbial "burned out safety light". Don't EVER change lanes without turning on your blinkers either. They're death on that shit even though there may not be another car behind you for half a mile.


    1. NH plates in Essex Country are as common as Mass plates. The traffic on those 2 highways, 93 North and and 495 must be near 50% NH commuter traffic on the weekday rush hours. If a cop there had a case of the ass for NH plates he would be writing tickets non stop for his entire shift.

  40. I had a Arizona trooper pass me on the right not long ago. Me on the harley, doing 95 in a 55, no traffic, and he just waves as he goes by.

  41. You should have told him you were moisturized, in your lane flourishing and he would have let you off

  42. Well, at least the statie had a right to be there. Back in ye old days on 95 when NH was 65 and Massatwoshits was 55, I got nailed for 68 by an unmarked Amesbury douche following me just as a I crossed the border southbound. Probably riding a loop across the border all day long. POS.

  43. Pigs gotta pig. It's not what they do, it's literally who they are. Fuck 'em.

  44. About thirty years ago, Aniston, Alabama, light turned yellow, guy behind me was tailgating and would hit me if I stop. Looking up through the sunroof, light turned red well after I entered the intersection. Tailgater skids to a stop where I would have been if I had stopped. Accident avoided. Cop pulls me over after seeing all that, laughs at me, and writes me a ticket. So, yeah. Learned an early lesson that, at best, any interaction is a neutral outcome with them.

  45. Got stopped south of Boston by a local, I was driving a handicapped woman to her appointment at the time.
    The reason for the stop? I had a bike rack on the back without a bike mounted on it. So it was obscuring the MA plate on the back.
    No ticket this time, just a conversation. Cop told me that they are also pulling over cars with vanity plate holders that mask any part of the lettering on the plate. More and more revenue depends on the license plate readers being able to read the plates on the back, and we can't let anything interfere with the revenue.

  46. You're an easy target, he didn't think he'd get hassled by you. A car full of potential illegal immigrants would be an issue for him most likely. So you're the target to pay TAX the state collects. It's not bad enough we have skyrocketing inflation, gas $5 a gallon, food we can't afford, sales tax, real estate tax, inheritance tax isn't enough, we have to pay the "police" as well.

  47. Seems yours wasn't the only dim bulb...

  48. Make check payable to: Commonwhore of Massivetwoshitts

  49. Usually, if its an equipment issue, you can show up at court. Show that it is corrected and they'll drop the charge, but you may still pay court costs.

  50. Why do you still live in Massachusetts? one of the worst states for freedom and taxes?


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