Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Boy Scouts U.S.A. pre-communist takeover



  1. BSA started going downhill around 1973. Before that it was pretty good, although seemingly religiously segregated; each local church had its own troop.

  2. That's the BSA I remember.

    I remember when Tillerson became President of the National Council. I knew BSA was in trouble then. When Gates became president, I knew BSA was doomed.

  3. I remember those days, going to Jamborees, swapping/trading/collecting shoulder patches.
    Fun times.

    President Elect B Woodman

  4. What an excellent collection! Thanks for publishing

  5. When the Scouts let Females and Homo’s in…
    That was The End of them. The name should have been changed.
    They keep the Name to remind you of the Pissing in your Face they did and are doing.

    1. They’re rubbing it in our face. Agreed.

  6. Now it's all rump rangers and penis puffers like the catholics.
    Maybe one day we'll break free of the curse of the Yankee Puritans.

  7. I'm an Eagel Scout Class of 1980 - It was evident even then that the BSA was finished. Lord Baden Powell RIP.

    1. I too made Eagle in 1980. Donated to Scouting for decades, volunteered at a local group until they went so Communist I simply walked away. Sad, I planned to leave them a six figure donation in my estate. Now, I wouldn’t give them 5 cents. A great American institution, destroyed. Hope they implode completely.

  8. I actually hold the Vicksburg National Military Park Trek award. You also get a silver arrowhead medal for your uniform. It requires a documented 21 mile hike, filling out information about all the monuments, and performing a land service project. I guess the Confederate flag on it drives Libtards batsh*t crazy.

    1. Good for you, on all points (including driving the DildoCrats crazy)
      President Elect B Woodman

    2. The park tourist road follows most of the trench lines of the siege. I salute you from my air conditioned car for walking the whole thing

    3. The fun part was that a lot of local people from Vicksburg bicycle around it all the time and they all stopped to say hello and talk to us. If you've never spent any time in Mississippi it's amazing how friendly everyone is.

  9. Yep, I used to believe them to be the best youth organization in the world now they are last. FFA and 4H are all that’s left

  10. The Scout Motto of the Scout movement is, in English, "Be Prepared"

    1. It's actually, "Bend over and SMILE!"

      I guess you didn't get the memo.

  11. “Everyone should do all in his power to collect and disseminate the truth, in the hope that it may find a place in history and descend to posterity. History is not the relation of campaigns and battles and generals or other individuals, but that which shows the principles for which the South contended and which justified her struggle for those principles. ”
    Robert E. Lee

  12. Somewhere in some drawer is the Andrew Jackson council's Apollo Eight bandana that was presented for Scout Expo 69. No stars and bars but a cool picture of the ship going to the moon and circling back to Earth.

  13. Woke Corporate Takeover, actually.

  14. Things are very localized....
    My Son was in scouts when we lived in WNY and when we moved to ETN.
    Your troop leadership determines what kind of troop you have. Our leaders regularly looked the other way when national council dictated stupid shit.
    We met all through The KungFlu, despite national saying no-meetings. Just so happened to be we all went for an evening walk in the park on Mondays. Coincidence, really.

  15. "Patches, we don't need no stinking patches." I have my BSA patches, collected from '70 to '73, Troop 50, Coyote Patrol, First Class Scout, Assistant Patrol Leader. Learned many things, taught by a generation of men that grew up in adversity and tempered by war to know and cherish the things, the hard things of what being a man among men, meant. A debt I can never repay.

    Spin Drift

  16. I was a Life Scout, 22 Merit Badges, and just starting my Eagle Project, when the first changes came down. The emphasis towards "City Scouting" vs being outdoors, and that femmy beret. Just bagged it all. Did get back in as a leader to see my oldest boy get his Eagle, but the damage just kept piling up.

  17. The true end was the elimination of Safety Merit Badge as an Eagle required badge, to be replaced with this bullshit:

    Citizenship in Society, an homage to diversity, equity and inclusion.


  18. Troop 49, East Carolina Council in the house! Eagle Scout, Order of the Arrow. Back when we could still learn useful skills (late 70s, early 80s).

  19. So sad.to see a splendid organization destroyed. My grandson’s trioop let in girls. Of course some of the mothers wanted their daughters in. As a woman I want boys as well as men have groups they can join without women in them.


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