Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday Femme Fatale Farago.....












 Stay safe and enjoy the weekend!!


  1. Is it too soon for giving thanks? Because I am thankful for another terrific FFFF. Thanks, Irish!

  2. I feel much better now.
    Thank you sir and have a fabulous weekend!

  3. #146. Don't know why, but rattles my cage....

  4. I think that first meme is misspelled. It should read lick'er in the front... What a lovely flock of red heads this week. Did you you stumble on a pinup site located in Ireland? In any event, I'm grateful as another week, topped off by yet another stupendous FFF, fades into the mist.

    As always, a fine selection of beautiful buxom babes, accompanied by fine and exotic examples of Detroit iron, a stunning collage of WWII era war birds and pics of food to make your mouth water.

    Thanks and have a great weekend,


    1. Y’know, a few years back, I spent three months in Ireland; mostly in the Irish part in the west, and I do not remember seeing a single natural red head the whole time I was there. Nobody said, “Top o’ the morning,” to me either, and when I asked an Irish lady about that, she said, “you Americans watch too many movies.”

    2. Liquor she said so lick her I did

  5. Bravo as always. I don't have enough time left at my age to count through to see which one it was but I am pretty sure that one of those girls if she put her nipple on a spinning 45 you could hear the album.

  6. Hi, Raquel, nice looking older lady on 12, 26, 37, 53, (is this Give Thanks For Granny Day?)nice lime on 39, nice rear view on 42, nice tipple on 66, nice good intentions on 75 - 6, 110, nice pause that refreshes on 81, nice invitation on 82, nice grapes no wrath on 98, nice uplift on 134, nice old fashioned seduce on 145.

  7. Now I have officially survived another week. Thank you.

  8. Wow you have been pushing it lately.

  9. Thanks for keeping us entertained, Irish. You're an international treasure.

  10. 7 - P61?
    11 - smooth
    16 - groan / chuckling
    47 - Phil would drive that

    All vehicles and planes get an Honorable Mention

  11. 5 - Could take a pounding, but rode like a stone boat.
    8 - Kilchurn Castle on Loch Awe in Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
    9 - Salad
    10 - Kelly's band of merry misfits.
    11 - Always liked Indians, never had any desire for a Harley.
    12 - Love a Hot Mom
    13 - Holding up well. Not a spring chick.
    14 - Hot Granny
    18 - More to that Square Body than meets the eye.
    21 - At least he has decent taste in cars.....
    22 - That looks absolutely delicious,
    23 - This even more so.
    24 - Steak should come before the desert. Desert should cum all she wants.
    25 - GILF
    26 - That is a tremendously detailed Curtiss restoration.
    28 - Aw, FUCK NO!
    31 - Lifted Aquarium.
    38 - Damn that's pretty.
    39 - The hot mom's just keep coming.
    41 - Enough to make me cry. 68 Fairlane 500 Fastback.
    48 - Cool use of blowed up parts.
    51 - Corsair
    52 - POTN 2nd Alternate.
    55 - 75 F100
    56 - Another of the more desirable split tails.
    57 - Elanore
    73 - My POTN
    74 - Some good clean, dirty fun.
    79 - Ah, the ON button has been engaged.
    80 - Good? I'd say that looks like a great morning.
    86 - MILF of the NIght
    96 - That looks like some scary fun.
    100 - POTN 3rd Alternate
    120 - " Go ahead. Do what you want"
    136 - Looks like she's loving more than the spotlight.
    156 - POTN 2nd Alternate.

    I started my vacation today.
    Looks like a solid week of car maintenance and winter prep, coming up.
    No rest and all that.
    Hope you get that dirty rat bastard, Boss.

    Whitehall, NY

  12. You Magnificent Bastard! Adore the Mature Babes!

  13. #16-Mount Rushmore, the upper left kind of looks like an elephant's head. Always fun to see characters in rock or cloud formations.

    #35-Five tube AM radio, millions were made at affordable prices. Filament voltages of 50V, 35V, and 3 each of 12V in series added up to "house current" of ~120VAC; one burns out and it is time to go to the drug store to buy a new tube. Not a bad idea to use their tube checker to see if any of the others are weak.

    Oh yeah, the ladies-as usual-are astounding; not just good work, but GREAT work! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. But THAT AM radio was featured on a TV show we all know and Love.
      It was a show about Maryann and six other people.

    2. Ever notice how the battery never ran out on that program?

  14. Simply amazing yet once again

  15. Thank you for the repost of 1 (3).gif, one of my favorites

  16. Is the old bridge in number 29 at Burgess Falls, near Cookeville, TN?

  17. My password quite often IS my childhood phone number.

  18. A soul nourishing tonic, as Boris-the-Animal said. Thank you for all you do, sir. #71 is a cheat for me. My folks got a home phone number in 1957 and we just hung onto it over all these years.

  19. Simply Splendid! I especially enjoyed 12, 13, 14,25 and 37, and 37 most of all. Nice to see a classy, attractive mature lady. Too damned old to have a snowballs chance with the younger ones, but 37, ah!

  20. The final frame is so on point. A perfect exclamation point to a beautifully composed dissertation.


  21. Thank you for the war Birds.

  22. Numbers 88 and 94, for their awesome legs. And the rest of the ladies as well. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the rest of the selection, thank you Irish.
    Bear in Indy

  23. It's a toss up between the Riviera and number 90.

  24. Another great collection!
    The warbirds are fantastic! The P-61 Black Widow is a nice shot. If the YF-23 had been chosen by the Air Force, the rumor was it would have been called the Black Widow II. But the A-12 fiasco frightened the DoD off the bleeding edge, so they went with the safer F-22 from Lockheed....
    Thanks for all you do!

  25. Irish, Thank you for all the MILF Madness this week. Makes this old guy's heart glow.

    Crap. Where's my arrhythmia pills?

  26. 23 - lovely trimmed snatch, 25 - awesome rack on mature beauty.


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