Thursday, November 30, 2023

Free Speech Is Dead In Ireland: Will the 1st Amendment survive in tact in America?

It sounds as if Ireland has the same "spindoctors" as The United States!

From Talmadge Butts:

Last Thursday, three children and one adult were stabbed in broad daylight outside of a school in Dublin, Ireland, by an Algerian immigrant. Hundreds took to the streets around the scene of the crime that night to protest the stabbing, with a number of individuals burning vehicles and engaging in violent confrontations with riot police. At least 34 people were arrested and charged with riotous behavior, assault, and theft.   

Without missing a beat, Irish officials and media labeled both the protest and riot “far-right,” driven by anti-immigrant hatred. The international martial artist superstar and known Irishman, Conor McGregor, balked at these characterizations and made a number of statements on X expressing his views: Read the whole story by clicking here.


  1. It's not hatred, it's cultural incompatibility.

  2. Free speech died when a meme posted about hilary clintons campaign in 2016 has resulted in a jail sentence for the meme'r.

    1. That's right. Free speech in America is already DEAD. Don't kid yourself. Even blogs squelch free speech. Had a blog last week that refused to post my comment because i used the word bullshit. NO free speech in the USA anymore - been gone for a long time. Long, long time. BobT

    2. The problem with blogs and free speech is that often the blogger is controlled opposition. The truth can't be revealed without the official twist of the puppet masters. Which is also why the censorship appears to cross international boundaries. The puppet masters and their minions haven't any national interests.

    3. You saved me from having to type that.

  3. It is even worse than that. Someone wrote "Irish lives matter" on a fence and the police are investigating that as a hate crime. Seriously! A hate crime?

  4. Dublin's Councilman Abul Kalam Azad Talukder who said he wanted those responsible killed. Do you see the problem??? This is officially a civil war. Foreigners have taken over Irelands government and now they want to implement their final solution and kill the native Irish people. The police are not your friends. The foreign politicians want you dead. There is only two ways this can end. Roll over and give up and hope they let you continue to exist or take your country back. Sorry folks but I have seen literally nothing that makes me think Europeans have the balls to take back their countries and hang the traitors. I think the game is over for Europe. Just to be clear the same is true for America, Canada and Australia too.

    1. > I have seen literally nothing that makes me think Europeans have the balls to take back their countries and hang the traitors

      Look in their daughter(of all genders)'s purses.

    2. All of the men with any balls and/or brains in Europe were killed off in the two world wars last century. What you see there now is the result of the breeding which has taken place since. The limp wristed poufters who cave to any idea that requires push back, who have no national pride or sense of their own history and, as the case with France, a highly inflated opinion of their worth on the world stage, especially when it comes to dealings with the USA.

      As to Ireland, where's the IRA when you need them? If they were still around, that mudslime on the council, referenced above, would have been found with his throat slit in the middle of a Dublin street by now. One thing can be said of the IRA, they were a ruthless bunch, even to their own members who "turned".

      I'm waiting for something like that to happen here. Could be the spark...naw never mind.


  5. I wonder what all is really happening over there the media is not only failing to report, but helping to bury, camouflage, and/or re-purpose for globalist ideas.

  6. > Irish officials and media labeled both the protest and riot "far-right," driven by anti-immigrant hatred. The international martial artist superstar and known Irishman, Conor McGregor, balked at these characterizations

    McGregor (and his ilk) need be kilt (sic; hey glowie! hows yous bin?). The only way to solve those that call you enemy, is to extirpate them (along with their households). Ask the Israelis. Ask the Palestinians. They claim to call you "enemy" because they claim you're an "anti-Semite"? They claim to call you "enemy" because they claim you're a "philo-Semite"? A racist? A fossil fuelist? A patriarch? Doesn't matter. Extirpate them, or kneel your household down before them, to be killed.

    And, understand, the underbrush that stands in your way to The Tree of Liberty (bleating "That's not who we are!", "Let's wait, and see who they allow us to voat for!", "Can't we all, just, get along?"), are no less calling you "enemy" than those they are body guarding (literally) for.

    1. WTF are you talking about? Hit the meds my son.

    2. If you don't understand what he said, that's on you

    3. "The only way to solve those that call you enemy, is to extirpate them (along with their households)"

      @Anon 8:26 PM, what did you not understand about that line? Anon@10:24 AM is absolutely correct.

      If Israel had been allowed to kill all of their enemies during the '67 and '73 wars launched at them by the local and regional Allah worshipers, instead of being held back by the US, they wouldn't be dealing with being attacked once again by Hamas and Hezbollah today.

      If we, the US, had retaliated in Lebanon after the Beirut barracks bombing in '83 the way we should have by leveling that whole worthless piece of hardscrable, the world wouldn't be dealing with Hezbollah today and perhaps the World trade center attack on Sep 11, 2001 wouldn't have happened.

      Here's an example: When a Roman outpost was attacked or a Roman soldier was ambushed and killed when out and about alone, during their expansion into what later would be called Europe, they went into the nearest village and killed all of the grown and young men down to the boys who hadn't sprouted hair on their scrotum and sold all of the women; the ones who survived being used for the pleasure of the Roman army, and children into slavery. The village was sometimes left standing or more often burned to the ground, as a message to the rest of the local population that you don't eff with the Romans.

      If we had prosecuted the retaliatory war in Afghanistan in the same manner, it wouldn't have lasted 20 years and the world would be a much safer place today, IMHO. Likewise we shouldn't have been screwing around with Iran all of these years. We should have turned that whole country into a glass wasteland years ago. Screw their oil. We could be taking it for free now if we had killed them all when we should have 50 years ago. Instead, we pussy foot around because we don't want to be thought of as bad people. Eff that.

      Islam is the enemy.

      Their "bible" instructs them in multiple places within, IN PLAIN LANGUAGE, to kill all non-believers. Is there any other "religion" anywhere on the planet that makes those kinds of threats to the rest of the world?

      Oh, it's just a few zealots, you say? Look at the "refugees" that come to this country and the countries in Europe who declare their enclaves "No Go Zones", refuse to assimilate and chastise us and defend and celebrate the actions of TERRORISTS, after being elected to our local, state and national governments. They should be grateful that we took them in. Instead they vilify us at every turn.

      Islam is a pox on the planet deserving nothing less than the death they promise everyone else.


    4. Islam maybe one enemy. Zionist jews are your biggest enemy by far although you clearly don't know it.

  7. Having had boots on the ground for a number of years in Ireland this comes as no surprise to me. It's a feudal society that was once ruled by Rome, but has shifted masters to a small group of "Cute Hoor" political dictators. Since the plebs have been conditioned over centuries they are perfect socialist zombies.

    1. bogsidebunny, I didn't thing the Romans ever ruled Ireland ( unless you count the rule by the Vatican ). Mind you Charles Haughey typified the cute hoor politicians.

  8. I wonder ow many summary executions of politicians and their presstitutes it'll take to make 'em crawl back into their holes and shut the fuck up.

  9. The Irish allowed the West to survive the Dark Ages, seems history is revisiting the Emerald Isle.

  10. The Irish of Ireland need to take lessons from the Irish of Boston or those of New York on how to deal with these terrorists and Islamic invaders. Maybe look to the Irish Brigade of the US Civil War. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ryezmpaLCg

  11. Soon the reincarnation of Michael Collins

  12. Apparently Ireland was invaded and taken over by illegal immigrants, who installed their own government. The true Irish people are now captive in their own country. Damn shame. Where is the IRA when you really need them?

  13. I happened to be in Dublin that day for my son’s wedding. Was at the Guinness factory when the stabbing happened, unaware. Our hotel was one block from the protests/riots and once we made it back, went on lockdown. I do believe the protests were peaceful until Antifa types took advantage and started their violence. Every Irishman we spoke to are fed up with the immigrants getting everything for nothing, but none said they supported the violence. They’ve done it to themselves as we are here in the states with who is getting elected.

    1. You're exactly right. The Irish will do nothing. They're gelded and don't have the spirit anymore. We'll see feel good protests but nothing of any substance. We're the same here; no one is willing to step out of their safe space to deal with the problem. Instead we just keep running and avoiding.

  14. The lad’s are gonna punch in soon.
    And the politicians will surround themselves in Massive Security like the cowards they are.

  15. The $15/hr doomsters are out, I see. However, the Micks are not taking this lightly. When it's unsanctioned protestors burning things down, you know all the far right stuff is scared politicians.

    Give 'em Hell, darlin's.

    1. Like the yellow vests in France, the proles let off some steam and nothing changes. That's for free darlin.

  16. A couple of notes about the Provos, as I have read of them:
    Over the 30+ years of the Troubles, there were about 3000 or so active fighters, in an area with the population of the LA basin. Their Soviet sponsors kept them focused on disrupting British political will and influence worldwide, rather than on independence for N Ireland, as the Provos didn't attack the heavy industries that were the reason Britain kept N Ireland. The Provos did effectively attack the mechanisms of British rule, by attacking the upper bureaucrats implementing British policies, as well as those who set those policies.
    Now, the motivation of the native Irish is internal, and directed against their invaders and the .gov that supports them, the gloves may come off.
    John in Indy

    1. John, as someone who grew up in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, may I offer a couple of corrections? 1. The Provos didn't attack the upper layers of bureaucrats, they attacked the ones who actually enforced the laws, not the ones who promulgated them and 2. The reason they didn't attack heavy industries was two-fold. A, they garnered too much protection money from the industries established in nationalist areas such as DeLorean and B. Much of the heavy industries was in Loyalist areas. I'm happy to discuss in greater detail if you are interested.

  17. They spelled spindoctors wrong, sphincters, fify.

  18. Give Ireland back to the Irish



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