Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Another Grid That Could Potentially Collapse In The Right Conditions...




Chris Keefer, the Toronto-based physician and founder of Canadians for Nuclear Energy, calls the electric grid a “civilizational life support system.”

Keefer, of course, is correct. The most critical systems in our society ­­— medical, water, wastewater, traffic lights, telecommunications, and lighting­­ — depend on reliable electricity. But earlier this month, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation issued their final report on a winter storm that hammered the northeastern U.S. last year. And that report proves that our natural gas grid is just as essential as our electric grid. FERC and NERC have repeatedly said that the two grids are intertwined, interdependent, and irreplaceable. Indeed, a reliable and resilient natural gas grid is critical to our energy security, and therefore, our national security.

Put short, policymakers ignore the importance of the gas pipeline system at our extreme peril.



  1. should be really interesting when oil is forbidden and the hospitals all run on solar and wind power. and all that plastic material in the hospital, woosh, all gone.

  2. Secure MOAR Firewood. My 2+ years looks like too little.

  3. Keyword (from the press-release):
    * "...numbed into complacency..."

  4. Wait... Is someone really thinking the Greenies that want to shut down all natural gas think about anything other than the "global warming" nonsense? Do they think the Greenies really care if millions get killed off?

    I mean, these are the people that openly say we need to kill off 95% of humanity (but not them and their families, of course).

  5. As a retired Electrical Engineer I see the US electrical grid with major problems. The push for green energy of Wind and solar is not helping as more politicians do not add what is needed: Nuclear, Natural Gas, Oil, and Coal. They also are not allowing for more pipelines. I have seen many Wind Generators not work over time and they are not good for the environment. The same is with solar as the solar farms will die and then the panels are bad for the environment. Most of all the build and maintenance of the grid is not keeping up to the growth of the country.

  6. Our society is totally reliant on a multifaceted system of intertwined, interdependent complex systems all of which must function correctly. Any significant failure of any system for any extended time frame results in the whole thing crashing and burning. Make any failure last mye than a few weeks...at most and the collapse will be unavoidable.. This event is not an if. It's a when. And the result will be the death of 90% of the population in first world countries and half of those in undeveloped regions, who ironically are better equipped to deal with the collapse of technology.

    1. Third world countries would weather the collapse initially but the loss of all international aid, support and protection would doom them as well in equally short order.

  7. "In all, Bloomberg has committed more than $1 billion to a group of radical NGOs­­ —"
    How is Michael Bloomberg (et al.) making money from this action?

  8. These guys really didn't think this through. When the grid fails , which I believe is their plan, all the screens go dark. There goes all their means of control and surveillance. When the people get together and actually talk to each other , divide and conquer won't be an option anymore.

  9. When I started in the Nat Gas industry 23 years ago, nat gas was touted as a much cleaner option than coal for power generation and now it's "evil" in the greenies minds. It didn't even take a full generation to make the turn.

  10. Try living with no electricity and no oil products for a month or six.
    You'll eventually be banging the rocks together.
    And then you'll die of malnutrition or disease.

    1. That's exactly what they want you to think.

    2. The most critical systems in our society ­­— traffic lights??? Someones thinking is dependent on watching TV. Havent you seen Asian cities with bustling traffic and no traffic lights? Everyone is careful not to collide. That seems better than "I had the right of way!"


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