Tuesday, September 26, 2023

More Clearing Of The Inbox... Memes and Sundries.... Like the band on the Titantic, we keep playing...


First off, thanks to Bob, Mark, Jay, Ron and all the others for the fodder.


This right here is a succinct summation of where we are headed.....


Make sure to read all the way to the end for a special prayer to help you through these times.








  1. While I appreciate the sentiment, and am a practitioner as well, there is a place where prayer cannot assist in the tactical. We are at that place. Pray for guidance, wisdom, and fairness but do not depend on a heavenly force to protect you against a bullet.

    1. Depends on what kind of relationship you have with Jesus. But for you? Yeah, you're probably right.

    2. David was one of the most Godly men who ever lived...but he eventually had to load his ranged weapon and take action against Goliath.

  2. Needed the laughs. Thanks Irish.

  3. Term limits would be a good idea. We need financial limits for elected representatives that expel representatives before their net worth has doubled the average net worth of the people they were supposed to represent.

  4. To add to the "ain't afraid of no Coof"......
    Wiping your hands and face on the continuous roller cloth towel in the public bathrooms.

    President Elect B Woodman

  5. Had a hat on with my unit in Saigon. Genius asked me where Saigon was.

  6. Not just the sunscreen: Work boots and Father's Day cards are also left unlocked in stores.

  7. Not surprising that Fathers Day cards are unlocked - that's the most confusing day in Harlem!

  8. #1 I believe the holding federal office should be like the military. You can run for an office only if you have less than 20 years total service. This service also includes appointed positions. The only exception is running for President/vice-president. There would be no pension for less than 15 years service. The person holding office, their family, and siblings would have their investments frozen. ie. If they were contributing 10% to a 401k all they could do is decrease the percentage but they could not increase it or make changes to the portfolio makeup. The person holding office, their family, and siblings could not receive cumulative yearly compensation for speeches, book deals, or works of art for more than 2/3 of the salary of the official. This includes the profit on a sale of personal property. An IRS audit would happen yearly for their family and siblings while in office and two years following. A forensic audit would occur yearly and for two years after leaving office. Any improprieties would carry a 1000% fine and suspend their term in office. Also do away with their healthcare and put them on military Tri-Care with the same rights as military retirees. Their expenses would be paid by their state including the office staff salaries.

    1. Great comment, tsquared. Look at the financial status of Pelosi, Feinstein, even AOC (who started with approx $2000 and now worth over $13 million according to Forbes. In what - seven years, with a salary of $170,000 a year? They are all so good at making "investments" - via bribes (lobbying), insider information, gifts, leftovers from PACs, etc. As Harry Truman said, only crooks can get rich in government jobs. It isn't possible otherwise. Our government is designed to be used by politicians to get rich. You can thank Alexander Hamilton, the Federal Reserve and central bankers, FDR and many others for this fact.


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