Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Get Ready For The Moochknuckle.....










  1. No. NO.

  2. Our first POC trans pResident! What more reason do you need?

  3. Don't call it "Michelle". Call it "Michael". Every time. Out loud. Publicly.

    President Elect B Woodman

    1. Concur! I won’t hesitate

    2. “Big Mike” is more appropriate. Looks like he could have been a linebacker in college football.

    3. Her true name is Moochelle, with all it implies.

      This thing was like the crack addict who won the lottery when she was first lady, flitting off twice a year on "vacations" hither and yon, with a large Large LARGE entourage, all over the world. her only rival in the vacation dept. is the current occupant of record in Penn. Ave. who has been on vacation more days than he's been working, supposedly for us, more likely for the Bribem crime family.


  4. I am of the mind that this whole ‘trans’ push by schools and the media is to set the stage for Michelle/Michael to be the first trans president.

  5. I don't think so. big Mike is way too lazy to do it. likes the perks of power without all of the work that goes with it.
    no, I think they going to try and put Newsom in instead of old joe. they already seen how stupid the Ho is and she is
    not going to get the nod to run. no one likes her. color or not. Mike might be the VP to "get the vote" but running the country, never going to happen. doesn't really matter as none of them really do anything but stand in front of whatever. they not "running" anything. it is the clowns/assholes behind them that are calling the shots, writing the new E.O.s for Joe to sign. what worries me is what they willing to do to keep power now that they have it.
    blowing up a pipeline is very bad and they "got away with it". so, what is next ? that is what I worry about.
    these assholes will burn the country to the ground to rule over the ashes is right.
    remember that part. they want to RULE over us. not govern like the law says we should.
    besides, what make you think we going last long enough to hold a "election" next year ? the wheels are already coming off. dave in pa.

    1. It's lazy, but what's slo jo accomplished? If he can be an empty meatpacking, so can that.

  6. Would the US electorate really be that stupid to vote her in? ABSOLUTELY YES! In the 1800s, was the North and the South really as divided ideologically as we are today from Right to Left? At least then, succession made sense since the lines could be geographically defined. There could have been distinct lines over separated territory. How do we separate today? I am beginning to believe more and more that we have no chance to recover from this. The pendulum is broken and might never return to the right. Most Republicans are spineless and will not do anything to fix the "voting" issues.

    1. Also from Kentucky, was just telling my wife, we can not fix this. The left and right are too far apart.

      We started this country, we are the majority. We cede several coastal towns and make them independent nations. We keep access to our coasts but we give up the shit hole cities they are ruing. We build walls around them and let them drown in illegal aliens, criminal activity and their own poor economic policies

  7. why the hell you think them assholes been pushing that it's o.k. to be queer,tran, or all them other alphabet mental illness issues. they be trying to get people used to the "normalcy" of that shit.

  8. Always this head fake, Cruz is a snake so nothing out of his mouth is to be trusted. Gavin has already filed paperwork and got a committee setup. Big Mike is lazy as fuck and hates the pubic.

    1. A reference please for the Cruz dig. No proof? then what you say is just opinion.
      Not saying you're wrong but I don't believe ANYONE anymore without definitive proof. He ain't perfect but he's an F of a lot better than ANYTHING THE left has got.

    2. Clearly you have not been paying attention, Cruz is not even eligible to run for POTUS by his own admission. He was born in Canada with a Cuban father. He "gave up" his Canadian citizenship to run for POTUS. His "wife" works for Goldman Sachs and their marriage is political theater. Lying Ted indeed.

  9. I have been predicting Big Mike as the dem candidate for more than a year. They do not have anybody else with positive numbers, even to their own party.

    1. Another Tennessean!
      This is really telling!
      Think about who usually runs for Pres. A former governor, senator/house rep - an established politician.
      They're running Barry's boyfriend.
      ZERO political chops. Best choice they have.
      How bad is it, that the best they have, has nothing? And THATs what makes them the best? The rest of the lot are so covered in filth and bad press from all their grifting, they need a clean slate.

  10. I dunno. Big Mike has said a number of times he doesn't want it. I think he likes the life of the rich hoi polloi. Remember, those two are inherently lazy.

    On another note, fer cryin' out loud Ted, if you have a voice like Mr. Haney on Green Acres, FFS don't wear a Herb Tarlek, car salesman suit.

    1. 10 points for the WKRP reference!

    2. fer cryin' out loud Ted, if you have a voice like Mr. Haney on Green Acres, FFS don't wear a Herb Tarlek, car salesman suit.
      EauxMuGaawd!! I Needed a Real Laugh..

  11. If the Democrats think they are going to foist "Michelle" on us, they better be ready to prove "she" isn't a tranny. And prove it in no uncertain terms. No taking someone else's word for it. No AI faked photos of her being pregnant. But like DNA test results, including for those of the two kids and the gay hubby.

    1. Pay attention! Obama never proved he is a citizen.

    2. And the birth certificate that was posted on the White House website was a forgery. If you opened it in Adobe Illustrator or Acrobat Professional, you could see the layers where they took out the info on a legit birth certificate and filled in Obama’s. Also, it lists the birthplace of his supposed father as Kenya. Problem is that Kenya was not an independent country on the date of his birth listed on the forged certificate.

    3. Barack’s back fitted selective service card that all citizens had to fill out at age 18 (at least male did) was the wrong version of the form. The one produced for him was a newer revision than what was in use when he turned 18. That never got much air time because the birth certificate was such a shit show at the time. The BC was so obviously manipulated, it had to be intentional. The woman involved in producing it being the only fatality in a small plane accident was just the Ron Brown on the cake.

  12. The pathetic sad news is: Mooche runs, Mooche wins. There's many million more dumb, emotional reacting Americans than meets the eye.

    1. There is no running.
      There is no election.
      There is a show they put on, then they install their choice and stifle all opposition.

  13. I remember what she did for the school lunch program, at the request of absolutely no one.

  14. Michael would be Pretty Pretty Gavin's Assassination Insurance

  15. Kudos to the pundit who though of this: "He had a homosexual affair with Obama." Sidekick; "Which one?"

  16. We don't Have to elect him. They can just tell us we did.

    1. Right there! And there is nothing anyone could do about it. Out of control dumpster fire train wreck.

  17. Sorry to disagree but claiming Michelle is a man is as useless as still complaining that Barry wasn't born in the USA.
    Once Obie was allowed to serve as POTUS it became a moot point.
    Video of her trousers is meaningless until you explain her two children first. The important point is that she has no skills or achievements and is an America hating bitch.

    1. "Video of her trousers is meaningless until you explain her two children first."
      Stop being stupid.
      Bootygiggy BOUGHT 2 kids.
      You seen the trannys dik wagging around.

  18. And Americas black bigots will rush to ote for her/him, based exclusively on skin color because they're idiots AND racists and weren't ignored, marginalized and used enough by her/his racepimp husband/wife the 1st time around. 80 IQ average ain't a myth.

  19. I'm seeing a Biden/Newsom attempt. Of course, Donk voters will KNOW they're voting for Newsom and not Biden. Biden will The current oaf of office will take the "oath of office," and will soon be swept away to a "memory care center." Newsom will be installed as "president. Biden will escape any prosecution for his treasonous, corrupt behavior due to being "mentally unfit to stand trial."

    Keeping Newsom out of that seat is WORTH GOING TO WAR FOR!!!!

  20. I agree with Cruz. I think at the DNC Convention they will insert Mike into Biden's slot so that they can get as much of the Black vote as possible. Barack stays behind controlling things as he has with Biden. I am not sure it will work as I do not see Black males and Hispanics supporting this. There is too much inflation and open border mess that is killing our country.

  21. I don't know if Big Mike will be the nominee, but whoever it is, it will likely be someone who swoops in at the relative "last minute" so as to avoid actual scrutiny. That's how these asshats work.

  22. Let's see if Big Mike has the balls to let Crocodile Dundee do a bar-scene gender check.

  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmrU9lMxzRM

  24. The DNC would *never* risk putting Big Mike on the ticket. Americans (the most heavily armed army on this melting planet) would rebel. "Ruling over ashes" is one thing, being Nuremberg toture games humiliated before being murdered, is just stupid. They've done it before, they'll (surely) just do it, again.

    ("Previous performance, is no guarantee of future results" -- only dummies do the math)

  25. I can't help but thinking that blood will flow. May God protect the Republic, but it's gotten that bad...

  26. Sorry to all who think this gets the black vote back for the Demos, but the O factor died when blacks started calling Zippy halfa cracka. Add to that no experience and no qualification (at least Zippy played at being a Senator) and you have a non-starter.

    Then there's the idea of running Idiot at all. People, including most Democrats, have always hated him and that's only intensified. They hate Chlamydia even more, but the real problem is any Demo governor who might be considered spent the lockdown years getting in touch with their inner Adolf, Mao, Josef, Hideki, and Benito. If not for Trump, the Rs all spent the last 2 years getting in touch with their inner Benedict Arnold.

    Logistically, the Demos could reprise '20, but the bread and butter issues really are; too many people living paycheck to paycheck or, worse, hand to mouth. This one is going to be payback.

    And we all know what She is.

  27. I have to laugh at the people talking about the election as if the outcome hasn't already been determined by the same people who decided the last one.

    Voat harder!!!!

  28. The few black people I know (hey, 13% and not evenly distributed, I live in a largely white and brown area, very few blacks) ... anyway, the few blacks I know all voted for Obama the first time, for some it was the first time they voted in their lives (and I'm talking people in their 50's and 60's). None of them, not one, voted the second time around. That ship has sailed. After that one election they went back to not caring enough to show up. And I agree, Mooch is too lazy, s/he likes the perks without the work. Newsome's the one to watch, just recently he went against Cali Dems on some tranny legislation - why? Cause he's looking at national and realizing he can't go all in on tranny BS and win the nation. So now he's got one key thing to say "Hey, I'm a moderate, look how I took a stand". BS, but still.

  29. Is this the same Ted Cruz that was busy tweeting his opposition about the new Ugandan ban on homosexuality while his state is being over run with military aged males from everywhere in the world? All he needs is a whiteboard and he can play Karl Rove. Friggin' politicians.... smh.
    - WDS

  30. The simplest answer to the questions regarding Michelle/ Michael, the kids, and that video, is that Mike is a hermaphrodite. Rare condition. AFAIK, there is only one of the sexes that is fully functional (child producing) for a person with this condition. So, quite possible the kids are actually their real kids. I suspect that at some point Mike had some physician prescribed drugs to accentuate the female side for appearance, at least.
    I don't know how the voters would react to this becoming public knowledge, if true. Careful control of the factors involved along with the history of the condition might bring quite a bit of sympathy to the public's view of it.


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