Sunday, August 6, 2023

Well, I Guess I've Been Out Of The Loop..


  I just read the Writer's Guild of America has been on strike for something like 4 months?

Damn, I must have missed that. Not that they have produced anything good in a long time.

Oh, well, yaaaawn.








  1. Hollywood makes BILLIONS making something no one actually needs. It went on strike because it thought BILLIONS weren't enough. America thought otherwise. No one cared. This falls flatly into the FAFO category!!!

  2. As my father would say to us when we were kids "turn that Hollywood melodramatic bullshit off"

  3. They most assuredly haven't been missed.

  4. Four months? Name a movie, that isn't a biography, that isn't a remake of a remake of a remake. They haven't had any new ideas in seventy years.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

  5. Come on guys , let's all show our support for Hollyweird and the thespians, lesbians , pedos and otherwise oppressed. I vote we give them the Bud Light Real Men of Genius award , wink wink. Never has the movie industry been so out of touch wit both Americans and reality. They deserve a good rest, so let's give them a couple of years or more to get back in line.
    If they don't and fade into oblivion , I fail to see the downside of that.

  6. It’s funny, I ran into a guy who is a writer in Hollywood in Custer state park South Dakota. He was traveling across country on personal business after telling me that after he walked off, I just snickered.

  7. I really could care less about Hollywood as 99.9% of everything is redon woke with characters that do not match the story, the location, the previous story, or what we really want to see. When there is a actual new well written story that is unique it is killed by the studios so it can not be shown like "Sound of Freedom."

  8. So we're supposed to be sympathetic to a union that has spewn nothing but woke, DEI, race baiting, gay, pedophile, glowbull warming trash for the last 30 years while defending the likes Barry Soetoro, Joe Bribem, Bill & Hitlery Clitton, Nasty Piglosi, Mad Maxine Watters and all the rest of the thieving scum in the District of Criminals?

    Yah BFYTY, stronger message to follow.


  9. Ok, I give. What the heck is a Writers Guild of America?

    1. If you need to remake a movie, you hire a Writer's Guild of America member to copy the lines from the original movie to the new script.

      They, apparently have a monopoly on this process.

  10. Well, as those writers wrote, they should "Learn to Co..."

    Ooo, a plot paradox. Not original. But pay me, anyway.

  11. The last thing I care about is the movie industry.

  12. Could have been years and I wouldn't have noticed.

  13. Labor strike against a system that has found a way to replace you for almost free may not be the winning idea they think it is. Maybe it is time for all those nice people to learn to code...

  14. Wife's been gone fir a month. TV hasn't been on once during that time.

    Ask me if I care.


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