Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Genocide For Profit.. That Will Never Happen, Will It?


This is well worth watching and some research needs to be done into his claims that all

information is public.  I found this last night and sent it to Phil so he could share on the 

West Coast before it goes bye bye. I haven't been able to locate another video this yet.

Even this one is hard to find if you try searching.  Take the time to watch and listen.








  1. Keep in mind, the Davos crowd wants the human race reduced by 7,000,000,000 people by 2050.

    1. Forget 2050, 2040 or 2030.
      Check this:
      Then factor in ongoing Covid vaxxes/boosters, flu shots, MP shots,the looming anti-heart attacks shots, disease-x shots and boosters next year.
      Then read this:
      Then you see the big picture.
      Deagel is looking about right...

  2. I believe the "Covid" was a viral weapon created by the globalists, manufactured by the Chinese and spread with the cooperation of both parties to get rid of Trump. The virus wasn't the intended depopulation tool. It was just a catalyst. The mRNA manufactured poison was created, under the pretense of a “lifesaving safe vaccine” to slowly eliminate millions of people over a long time without its real purpose being disclosed and gave Big Pharma a huge revenue source.

  3. But over the last three years people claimed it was never isolated so what’s the truth, that’s all people want. I no longer care

  4. y' can always tell in advance it's gonna be 90% BravoSierra when the lecturer wears a bow tie.

  5. Wow I shared with a dozen others

  6. and some people wonder why I wish old Vlad would nuke both DC and the Davos assholes too.
    I have already sent it to everyone I know. who knows if enough people see this they just might get pissed off enough tp do something about them assholes. but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting. although it does make a person want to go hunting for some of these bastards now doesn't it ? dave in pa.

  7. Can you tell us who this man is? They never state his name.

  8. Can you tell us who this is? They never state his name.

  9. ...when big pahrma was given hold harmless protection for the jab, no matter who made them, by special act of CONgress, I could smell the BS from here over 1000 miles away.


  10. This presentation was by Dr. David Martin in June of this year. Here is another of his presentations in which he names those that are behind the Covid Scam https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2021/11/explosive-dr-david-martin-who-they-are-the-names-and-faces-of-the-people-who-are-killing-humanity-video-3761634.html.

  11. Bsb this is eeriely similar to the plot of Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6.

  12. Dr. David E. Martin is the man. This is a conference of European conservatives on May 3rd, 2023, not the European parliament. Do I believe the worldwide elites would do this? Absolutely!

    1. Thx. I was wondering how the euro parliament would invite him,….twice!

      Here’s another video of him on the 2 decades of patents and related info

  13. I'm suspicious of ANYTHING anymore. As Pontius Pilate once said "What IS truth?"

    I find it interesting that the video is very close in, with no wide-angle or distant shots, as is seen in most videos of this type. Also, the slides, being so important, were NOT SHOWN. Indeed, Dr. Martin was not showing anything but the slides, so why was it more important to show him than the slides? I'm not saying this ISN'T true, but I'm leery of ANYTHING I see on the' Net these days.

    That being said, there was NOTHING unplanned about the COVID "pandemic." The purpose was to unhorse Trump and usher in "globalist" polices to be foisted on the world in the name of "public safety." Shit; California is STILL under a "state of emergency" due to COVID. Newsom is LOATHE to give up that kind of power! And those "vaccines..." You have Bill Gates on video saying he wants to reduce the world population through the use of "vaccines." Say, Mr. Gates; don't true vaccines INCREASE the world population by REDUCING the number of deaths due to a pathogen? That's all we need to know, folks...

    Trust no one but Jesus Christ Himself...

    1. I was leery too at the refusal to include the slides. "Refusal" because it would not have been difficult for an editor to re-publish this with the slides.

  14. https://www.davidmartin.world/

  15. Why would it not be legitimate. The evil criminals in power have openly stated there are too many people and they have made no efforts to hide their agenda. They openly seek to "thin the herd". The on!y real difference between them is how many of us they want dead. Some want as many as 90% of us killed. Poisons being proffered as health care is an ideal means of committing mass murder...legally.

  16. Is this guy a medical Dr. ?

    1. Does it matter? None of his lecture deals with medicine.

    2. “None of his lecture deals with medicine.”

      Neither do shots against a lab enhanced common cold.

    3. Yes, he is an MD. He may be part of the medical group that vets medical patent applications.
      The first video I saw of him was a talk he gave to a German .gov group, where he detailed the record of Dr Fouci's patent trail on covid-19. Something like 160 patents, although he never got one for the vaxx. That was shot down as not having any of the attributes of a real vaccine. BTW, that was around '06. Fouci's covid19 trail starts in '98, IIRC. That video disappeared some time ago. So the patent trail goes back to at least '06 on a vaxx, so there was no panicked search for one after the Wuflu showed up outside of China in '19-'20, it was waiting for the so called public panic, sitting on the shelf, waiting for the go ahead to produce it.

  17. Science wasn't hijacked. It was drug into an alley and shivved. And then the changelings appeared.
    Steve S6


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