Saturday, August 12, 2023

Dude, Seriously??









  1. Really? I'd be giving that cat a damned hard punt.. Not screaming like a little bitch.

    1. But, as you just seen, a big fat pussy can't do that.

    2. We aren't going to make it, are we?

    3. We aren't going to make it, are we?
      Well, SOME of them aren't...

  2. That motherfucker just won some free flying lessons.

  3. Talk about being pussy whipped.

  4. Really! That frickin cat would have gone supersonic off the toe of my boot. I would have kicked that little fucker hard enough to go through two layers of drywall.

  5. An angry cat intent on causing you physical harm is nothing to laugh off. They are small but they are a top tier predator. Yes..a human can fight one off...if they are willing to cause it grave harm. But most people really don't want to harm their pets. That puts us at a big disadvantage if they get pissy.

  6. my next trip in the cat room would be with a .22. But I expect he is tending to someone elses cats -- some one that he is more intimidated by than he is of the cats.

  7. A friend of mine paid big bucks for a special breed of cat. Turns out it is absolutely wild, now they want to get rid of it. I'd just shoot and bury it.

  8. Just be glad it wasn't a Maine Coon. That would have pulled the wimp to the floor and tea-bagged him.

    1. Some years back my wife took in a stray male Maine Coon. That lasted about a week. I was sitting on the back steps one evening when the damn thing turned on me (I didn't get hurt). Wifey said "shoot it". I did...22lr between the eyes....buried it out between the pines.

  9. Time for a big dish of Filet Meow!

  10. Beta male Liberal man (?)

  11. Trying to figure out which pussy to shoot first

  12. This is Timmy. Timmy is a pussy. Don’t be like Timmy.

  13. i liked it best the way my old dog handled shit like that. Meo...- crunch. game over.

  14. Pew Pew, problem solved.

  15. Your question was " Dude, seriously?"
    Well, obviously that is NOT a dude, seriously. That my friend is a twinkie.

  16. WTF did he do to the cat to piss him off like that?

  17. Definitely the big one

  18. Where the HELL has the testosterone gone????

    1. Thank the seeds oils in all your foods for driving the T levels down across the board.

  19. He got off easy. I've seen a little pussy do a whole lot more damage to a man ....

    1. I saw a tiny little pussy take a mans house, car, boat, and half his 401k.

  20. I would have taught that cat how to fly with the back of my hand. Animals that screw with me get hammered, damaged, or buried. I don't take crap from animals.

    1. Me too. My cat is extra courteous around me.

    2. My wife's cat and I hated each other. One day it was throwing shit outta the garbage can, so I put the lid on tight-- with the cat inside. Net day, the wife asked if I'd seen the cat "this morning". Told her 'Nope' and went about the day. That night, I came home to fire and brimstone-- she'd found the cat. That cat never bothered to do anything wrong after that day, wouldn't go near the wife if she was near me.

    3. If you did that to my cat I would have to call 811 to find out where to dig a hole

    4. Ah, tough guy, eh?

  21. The whole in the sheet rock where the cat made contact after I was done would stay for awhile

  22. Interesting that this was the second cat issue article I saw today.

    Seems somebody made a cat calming spray that Vets use as they too get into catfights at work.

  23. Those cats were protecting their house, ive seen this one before, he is someone the cats didnt know. I think it was pretty cool how they went after him but i laughed like a loon at his little girl screams. Think of a set of dogs protecting their house.

  24. What the fuck happened to men in this country? First of all, that cat would have been dead 30 seconds after the attack. then I would have had to shoot whoever took the video so no one in the world would have seen me acing like a pussy.

  25. back in the early 1990's when I used to work at HUP. there was one guy who came into the ER after a "cat" attack.
    the story I was told was that this "guy" broke into this girl's apt. her "cat" was a ocelot. good sized bastard too.
    anyway, the cat attacked him when he broke in. lots of puncture wounds and claw marks/wounds
    really the guy looked hell, one ear half ripped off, lots of bite marks around the neck and shoulders.
    the cat and the owner where outside the ER in a cop car. she was cleaning up the blood off him.
    seem like a nice cat though. found out later her dad got her the cat. guess dad knew what he was doing.
    and I think the cat had all of his shots, so they let the girl and her cat go. the asshole went to jail after getting fixed up. I forget how many stiches it took to sew him back up, but it was a lot of them. dave in pa.

  26. Once a cat out side our window had our cat in attack mode. I foolishly got closer to the window to get a better look at the outside cat. Our cat, startled, spun around and attacked me. When he realized what he’d done, his eyes got wide and he assumed an “oh crap - I screwed up” demeanor. I laughed, pet him, and learned my lesson.

    He was a weird cat. One day when I came home from work, I parked several car lengths away on our street. He saw me and came bounding over to greet me. I miss that cat.

    1. We had an orange one that would do that bounding/greeting thing, but he died early from some kidney thing. I miss him too. I've heard orange cats aren't supposed to be very smart but that one was.

  27. he was obviously not the alpha cat or that pussy wouldn't have screwed with him.

  28. Had a cat many years ago, bitch used my record collection as a scratching post. Dropped it off on the railroad tracks the next day. Still get pissed every time I play one of those albums, 30yrs later.

  29. For everyone talking about how they'd punt or back hand the cat, my high school German teacher was attacked by his cat. He said he'd throw it across the room and it would hit the wall and just come after him again and again. It would latch onto his arm and bite the hell out of him. The emergency room doctor said he'd have been better off being attacked by German Shepard. That one looked like it was giving him a chance to get away.

    1. Perhaps he wasn't throwing it hard enough. A long time ago, my sister had a kitten that liked to stalk me and nip at my ankles. It wasn't biting hard enough to be a big deal, and usually I'd see it coming and move my feet to disrupt the stalk. But one time I was concentrating on something and didn't notice it climbing onto the toe of my shoe until it bit _hard_. I kicked reflexively and the kitten flew the length of the living room and was still rising when it hit the wall. The kitten shook that off, no sign of even a bruise, but it never bit me again.

    2. He was babysitting (kitten sitting?) a couple of kittens for a friend for a week and his cat adopted them. he knock one out of a potted plant it was digging into and his cat took offence. Apparently his cat was taking the job of watching the kittens very seriously. Plus I think he was just throwing it to get it off, not giving it the hard throw he could have done. So maybe you're right or the cat was too old to want to learn the lesson.

  30. Had to watch that too many times. And laughed each time. I hope the cat gelded him after the camera was smashed so he won't reproduce. Hell, he probably wouldn't anyway, so...its still damn funny

  31. I was at the ER in Tulsa with a family member, the police brought in an Asian fella that had cut a screen at a little ol ladies house to harvest her cat.
    The Cat won.
    The cop was laughing his ass off.
    I read in the paper that he ended up with over 200 stitches in his face and blinded in 1 eye.
    I bet he didn't scream like a little bitch.

  32. please leave your man card on the table and pick up a copy of The Dude Code on the way out....

  33. Back in the day, a friend's mother had a cat that liked to lay on top of the refrigerator. Every time someone walked by, whether the cat was asleep or awake or a member of the household or not, it would claw at your head.


  34. Secert Service looking into Cats dropped off at White House

  35. Egads, that's the worst case of Pussyitis I've ever seen!

  36. Fucking hate cats

  37. Sorry cat lovers- f@&$ cats. In the country or up in the mountains, ok, maybe. Otherwise give me a loyal, lives for your very breath dog.

  38. put that cat down, dangerous behavior.

  39. Marco say's Edward Scissor hand has nothing on a warlord carrying 18 needle sharp claws.

  40. I like cats, but I can't eat a whole one!

  41. If a cat ever did me that way all nine of its lives would be used up pronto.


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