Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Oh For Fucks Sake.. Can't We Just Have Some Fun...


 Heading off to the salt mine this morning and I was going to comment about our spate of 

weather here in New England.  Rain, Hot, Humid, Clouds, nothing dries out.

My comment or title was going to be "Everything smells like a wet horse".

So I went looking for a picture of a "wet horse"



 The image was attached to this article..... 






 here's the title:



5 Climate Change Issues for your Horse



This is getting tiring.


More later. 

Remember kids, you can't run your AC but we all have to buy electric cars and plug them into the 

same fucking grid that the fucking AC is fucking CONNECTED TO!!


  1. Anyone dumb enough to believe anything in the horse article should be barred from having a horse or any other animal as they are obviously too ignorant to safely have one.

    1. The article was written by a retarded gash.
      "Consult with your trimmer and make HER aware of the conditions, so SHE can monitor hoof changes and make any adjustments."

  2. If you want, you can send some of that rain down our way in Texas.
    I've actually heard people in Texas talking about "It's Hot we gotta do sumptin about Global Warming/Climate Change? Climate EMERGENCY!"
    Usually on the Idiot TV Propaganda machine said by TV Talking Head models who pretend to be Weather Guessers.
    It is TEXAS, It is Summer Time. When it is cold in Texas in the summer time. Then THAT would be NEWS.
    If you want cool summers start driving North, you won't find any of those until you are well OUT of Texas.
    But the local News keeps hammering away about "It's HOT and therefore send the Government MORE money and control".
    Just ask anyone who says that...
    "Name ONE problem that Big Gov has not made Worse by sending them More money or giving them More control?"
    I'll wait while you come up with your first example.
    Prayers for y'all and the never ending rain,
    Remember Climate is what we expect, Weather is what we get

    Former Professional Wx Guesser
    MSG Grumpy

  3. a wet horse? smells like a wet horse? walk behind me for a second, willya!

  4. Exactly what I was thinking regarding the weather in the Midwest. Rinse (meaning rain), heat, repeat. Just a bad wet/humid summer. The climate has always and will always change. There will be bouts of elongated cold and hot as well as dry and wet. We are just in one of those now. I don't have to like it, but I am also not fool enough to pray at the altar of "climate change".

  5. Because horses have never lived in the wild and taken care of themselves. I promise they’re smarter than this twit.

  6. What a load of horseshit!

  7. If you watch enough of the poisonous propaganda from the alphabet media and then end up believing it, EVERYTHING BAD THAT HAPPENS IS MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE!

    Oh they could not be more wrong. Only two things affect the climate on Earth. Ready?
    1). The giant ball of fire in the sky
    2). The planet itself

    Any attempts to "normalize" the climate and undo the so called human climate change, is nothing more than a scheme to separate us from our income, wealth, property, and freedom. These people all need to meet their end in the most painful and horrific way imaginable.

    1. And taxes that destroy us and global communism are the only answer.

  8. ps it’s an El Niño year, in other word, weather

  9. As anonymous @7:43AM said "Because horses have never lived in the wild and taken care of themselves."

    Also note the source basis of the article The Vancouver Sun, written by this author. Just another far left loon journal following and amplifying .gov speak and in Canada of all places, the home of Justine Turdeau, who thinks nothing of siccing the government on citizens who are protesting his edicts.

    Below is a link to a graphic of the temp record for the past 10K years taken from Greenland ice cores.

    That's really all one needs to know about the Glowbull Warming scam.


  10. Gonna be 118 here in the SW come Friday. No biggie. Just keep a hose and a bucket of ice handy. Got a swamp cooler on the porch, which is nice. I went into the garage yesterday and the gauge on the Harley oil tank read 125, which kinda ruined my plan to ride off into the sunset. Pointed an infrared thermometer at the hood of my truck and got 175 in the sun. The "media" is making all kinds of terrifying noises about "breaking records", which is utter bullshit. Same ol', same ol'.

  11. They have to keep believing the horseshit, for to do otherwise would be to admit they have been wrong for decades.

  12. Try That in a Small Town. Give it a listen, powerful lyrics. Sheryl Crowe says bad, so you know it is good. (Yes, off topic)

  13. 'Ever notice how people will say "It's never been this hot here!," only to say "WHAAA???" when you tell them it was hotter FIVE YEARS AGO? This is how "climate change" fanaticism works. It's also how the "gun violence" mechanism works. Keep peoples' eyes GLUED to the SLIGHTEST aberration in the statistics, no matter WHERE they occur, and they can't help but notice every little change, where otherwise they wouldn't have even noticed. That's how "gun" control laws get passed in California due to nig-on-nig shootings in Chicago, and how laws get passed FORCING people to drive EV's even though the grid can't support the state on a hot summer day... You can't FIX stupid...

  14. Gentle Readers, you must realize by now that the Average Joe Blow is a drooling Idiot.

    They're not Science Deniers, they are Science Ignoramuses. Thanks to our fantastic Pubic Skool System, we have The Great Unwashed Masses.

    God Help Us, please!

  15. Trigger, Silver, Champion and Buttercup approve this message.


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